Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :)


Hey everybody :). I don't really ask for advice too much I just sort of search the posts and read what I can but I figured If I give a post of my actual character I might get some more direct feedback. plus I just got ring of precision (after 100 freaken runs) so now im more happy about my gear :).

Well basically My rogue toon is in this link "Domisunique @ Khaz'goroth - Game Guide - World of Warcraft"
Feedback on gear, talents, achievements, or specializations is appreciated :).

Well I tried to stack as much Crit/hit rating as possible, Stacking hit rating has always been my style Because Before I used to miss alot as a rogue but now with my 9 expertise and 42 hit rating im pretty accurate, and my 25.32% crit rating isn't so bad either. I use bronze throwing darts over using my BoA "charmed ancient bone bow" Because its a more useful/strategic thing to have darts in PvP, I Obviously use the darts to slow down a distant opponent (put crippling poison on the dart). I only have 1028 health, Im more of an offensive rogue then a balanced rogue with higher stam, My rogue used to have 1400ish hp unbuffed but i rly wasn't so accurate or offensive, after my burst damage i struggled to kill people in pvp, so I dropped the gear. I also have a haste set (2 haste trinkets, 2 boa hammers and haste belt) which gives me 21 haste its also decent but high haste doesn't do so much for me, its only an extra 1 energy per second and makes my weps 9.10% faster. (my haste set gives 21 haste, 40 hit rating, 23.56% crit)

I use alchemy and herbalism for my professions of course. "Herbalism" gives me lifeblood which boosts my haste by 15 and gives a mini sort of heal in mid combat, semi-useful, also lets me pick herbs that I use as ingredients for my next profession. And I use "Alchemy" for Buffs within PvP, like agility boost, giant growth elixir ect, the only recipe I don't have and intend to farm Shadowfang Keep for, is the "swiftness potion" recipe, I need this :(.

obviously im a subtlety rogue, shadowstep is just something you need in pvp, especially against hunters. And for my first 5 talents I obviously chose "nightstalker" to improve my stealth speed and cooldown, and "improved ambush" to boost my burst damage.
I choose my last talent point on "waylay" and I know alot of people will tell me to get "opportunity" as my 6th talent point because it increases my ambushes and backstabs by 10% further increasing my burst damage but I used to use it and as good as it is, waylay is a strategical ability to have, basically im a dagger rogue so I tend to use backstab alot (backstab beats sinister strike in damage per energy so I try use backstab as much as I can) and every time I use backstab theres a chance of my "waylay" effect to slow down the enemy on top of my poisons which is good. alot of people will try to increase their dps by using instant poison an "oppotunity" talent but if your opponent isn't slowed down, even for one sec you can get raped as a rogue, we deal no good damage from a distance.

At the moment I really cant be effed achieve hunting, I have 2555 achieve points and it took me ages, seeing as this is my only toon I cant multi box and assist with a higher lvl account and I don't have too much higher level freinds to help me out all the time, so for now Im just going for the 100k honorable kills achievement, ive got 47kish Honorable Kills at the moment but I really want that 100k honorable kills name title, would be cool :). Right now I got 3 name titles: "hallowed", "the noble", and "ambassador".

Transmorg set:
Ive always liked the bristle bark gear, for its fluffyness :) and its tribalness too, so I Transmorged my stuff into bristle bark gear, some of the bristle bark gear is above my level to use so I cant transmorg, So I used lower level substitute gear that was transmorgable and the exact same model. I tried to be color coordinated with the Gold,yellow,Brown,Red,White colors buy using stuff like white tuxedo shirt, stormpike battle tabard and feral harness (torso transmorg). My daggers are transmorged into "meteor shard" daggers which are thick daggers with a gold color on em, and they are enchanted so they have that red glow that look cool and match the theme too.

BiS gear:
I know I have gear like "feet of lynx" which isn't BiS compared to standard prisoner shoes but its only 4 armor diff which I don't care about and the prestige of a trial acc having those boots is superior to me, plus they're my favourite boots :), Also my gloves arnt commonly known as the BiS for F2p rogues but my gloves are 5 agility and 5 expertise, the 5 expertise boosts itself up to 9 expertise when i equip it, giving me more accuracy and making me overall more offensive/accurate which is my goal on this toon (foremans gloves <3). Also my twin "balanced heartseeker" daggers might not be considered BiS but hey they give me agility, hit rating, and crit, offensive qualities so I use em. Also I consider my "ring of precision" and "ellos band" both BiS for my set because they give 3 hit rating each, with some agility and stamina in there too.

Personally I Don't believe in BiS gear, I just believe in good gear........ Well I do believe in BiS gear when It comes to being lvl 85 or something but for f2p accounts I think you should just max out your gear according to your fighting style, I don't bother with a flag carrying set or a stamina set because im a rogue, and I used to have a balanced set but my dps/accuracy wasnt as good as it is now. Rogues in my opinion are just meant to do damage, if your playing some tanking, flag carrying role then its pointless (I did all the wsg PvP achievements so I don't care about flag carrying now). So yeh basically Im an offensive rogue that stacks agility (obviously), hit rating (42) and crit strike (25.32%) with low stamina (1028 health) because I dont see a need for a rogue to give up his Offensiveness just to live a little longer, if your unstealthed for too long to the point your being teamed on your going to get raped anyway.

Battle style:
I try utilize stuff like "shadowmeld" Because im a night elf I have this, gives me the opportunity to run away or to re-stealth to ambush again with good burst damage. "thistle tea" (recovers your energy back to 100), "thick bronze darts" good for slowing down dieing/distant enemies (especially when your shadowstep is on cooldown), "gouge" (if any rogues dont use it, use it!, so helpful + lets your energy recover whilst their dazed, gives you a chance to go behind em and backstab to apply waylay on em), "Backstab" (as I said before its better damage per energy then sinister strike, and weather you pick oppotunity or waylay as your talent it makes it even more better in comparison). Also I Recently do stuff like "trinket switches" basically when my Grand arena master or Insignia trinkets have been used they each have a 15 min and 5 min cooldown, so in the meantime whilst my trinkets are cooling down I switch em with a haste trinket. Ive made 3 sets, one substitutes my GMA for a haste trinket when its on cooldown, the second switches the Inisgnia of alliance for a haste trinket when its on cooldown, and the other switches both my trinkets for haste trinkets for if their both on cooldown, little stuff like this increases your dps and makes a difference. Also buffs like Elixir of giant growth, elixir of agility and swiftness potion I use, Although I get my swiftness potions from dailies I need to get the recipe. Only use "recuperate" if your low health and your STEALTHED, I see dumb rogues using it mid battle like its gonna make a difference, wasting their combo points, DPS over healing as a rogue isn't right, for us rogues the best defense is a good offence seeing as its all we got, so only use recuperate if youve killed someone and got points left on em or if you are safe and stealthed so you have time for recuperates full effect. Obvisouly use "kick" as much as you can on a caster, same as gouge seeing as it interrupts them, alot of rogues fail to interrupt. Unlike most rogues I see, I use "throwing darts" over bows of course, strategy trumps stats, poisoning darts with crippling poison is good for slowing down running away/distant attacking enemies, especially if your poison didn't apply through melee so they've got the distance on you, keep them close, as a rogue can only do good damage closely. Stacking your toon with instant poisons and stat bows might give you a small DPS bonus but if your opponent isn't near you, you cant do any damage at all. Also I know this is a specific thing but I use my "sea turtle mount" that I fished up for faster travel in the waters in Arathi basin, sure it uncloaks me for a couple seconds, but if your racing to save the blacksmith or something, its worth it!. Also last of all Get your cooking up to make food, like "thistle tea" or stamina buffs through food, at the moment I got 135 goblin devilled clams (from farming ring of precision in BFD), and they give me a 6 stamina buff, theres better food that gives you 8 stamina buff so keep that in mind.

So yeh umm... thats about it, I know its long but I figured not only can people critique me but alot of new rogues out their can learn some tips from me and how I do things, I know alot of people think rogues are all shadowstep, ambush, sinister strike and eviscerate but its the things you dont think you need that diverse your PvP style and make your toon stronger. Also using potions and diversifying your PvP experience makes it more fun, like now I do so much stuff with my rogue I enjoy other than before. Up in my battle style section I just put alot of pointers there for rogues who don't use the things I use to consider em. Doing all the little things makes it that much more fun, also makes you better. I know this is long as fuck So I dont expect too much people to read it but yea.... thanks for anyone who read it, even if they only read 1 paragraph or just looked at my characters armoury to give me advice :), thankyou.

peace :)
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Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

If it suits your play style that's all that matters but all that hit more suited for combat, with huge white damage. My only concern is your to squishy if you run into a 24 . 1 ambush or 1k frost Mage crit , bye bye. Your gear good for 1 on 1. But in a team wsg. You can't stay alive long enough to be a factor but that's my 2 cents. To each their own.

Ps - out of 839 wsg You only returned 402 flags . Your a rogue your job to return flags.your averaging 1 flag return every 2 wsg's. You mention shadow step in your guide. In MOP,you will be losing shadow step along with sprint , so dont crutch on it.

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Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Sexy rogue you've put a lot of work into it :)
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Yeh Your right Honey badger, we are losing shadowstep and sprint when MoP comes out... fark me rogues are going to be very weak soon :(. Ty for the advice too.

And ty Hue :), yeh I put heaps of hours into my toon here believe me. Its my only toon thought so thats why
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

I don't think he should be worrying about crutching on Shadowstep or sprint. Rogues @ 20 wont have any gap closing abilities at 20 anyway so he should abuse them while they're here.
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

You can get 15 stam drinks during DMF from fishing the crates and 3 (unique) Halaani Whiskey's for 20 stam each. 20 stam+42 hp would bring you up to par hp wise with most rogues, but you will still have far more dmg than them.

It's rare to find this kind of dedication. /salute
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

I like your rogue.I always had the idea of gearing a rogue like this (rop,drakewing,foremans gloves) but that would take time, and I already have a horde rogue.
And if you need stamina, you can always swap those trinkets to AGMs ,and you won't have less health than a horde bis rogue.
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Thanks stamm :), yeh the toon took me ages. /salute

buff hunters, I do stack my agms for a small stam boost from time to time

hey jenks33, "Héliophobe @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft" - Now this is a good rogue but I think mine is better offensively, But as I said I dont think theres such thing as BiS, this rogue is a little more balanced then mine whilst mine is more offensive but meh, its still a good geared rogue ill admit that. good toon though respect
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

yo Dom can you explain how extra hit helps when you go past 5% as NE?
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

yo Dom can you explain how extra hit helps when you go past 5% as NE?

Your hit chance on dual-wielding white damage is 19% lower than 1H (as in your miss chance is 19% higher). Keep in mind that's only white damage. Your specials attacks don't have that penalty.


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Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

you didn't mention any other profs in your prof discussion. Don't forget about Coarse Sharpening Stone. For a Rogue ,that's huge as you can put them on both weapons. You should really take one day a month to farm enough stones for about 2-3 stacks of these, IMO. They last their full duration as they don't drop off when you die. IMO, you should ALWAYS have temp buffs on your weapon whether you're a caster or melee. I typically burn through about 20 of these a month (which imo is on the light side).

There's some other prof stuff that you should think about also. Namely Coarse Stone Statue, but they take a LOT more farming, only stack in 5's, and share a cooldown with the Battle Standard. The one time I've gotten a hold of an extra EZ-Throw Dynamite recipe, I made as much of those as i could when i power-level engineering for the DMF.

With the exception of maybe holy pots, the sharpening stones, imo, are your most valuable consumable (ESPECIALLY for dual wielders).

Also, I recommend making them during hte DMF so you can get extra tickets while you have the profs.

I do not believe you may apply both poisons and sharpening stones to the same weapon at the same time. I think poisons may be more effective than stones.
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

@Leo: Doomspike is BiS for the faster speed which increases opportunities for crippling procs. Feet of the Lynx aren't technically BiS, it's a few armor less than prisoner shoes.... But the +swag points makes up for it. Also, been meaning to redo herbing, not sure why i picked up mining.

And dom, with a health pool like yours, you're literally one-shottable by rets, MMs and all sorts of 24s. There's a fine line between offensive gear and glass cannon, and you're way past it. If it suits your playstyle, then keep on doing what your doing. But from what I've observed, the extra hit is really only worth it in a long fight, and I can't imagine you lasting very long with 1028 hp as a pugger.
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Jenks , I been trying to say that but People are going to do what they do. Having 3xtimes more hit than usually only good for :
a) combat rogue
b) 2x swords subtlety rogues after hard ambush your white damage auto attacks finishes off a low Hp enemy.
c) dungeon where boss will be lvls higher, so that you won't be missing much

With his set up he's open to hunters or Mage locking him down and finishing him off, hell a warlock dots will kill him. No way in hell all that hit helps against a range or Pally efc stun - your going to be dead before stun is over , u won't have time to pop your arena trinket.

Hit is good if fight goes on along time but your Hp won't allow you to fight along time. Alot of Hit with 2 daggers you going to tickle the opposition to death.
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Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Thought I'd add my two cents. I personally agree that stacking hit has a time and a place, if you're in a high level dungeon, then fine, you have a tank who'll take the damage, and you're hit rating might just get you a higher damage output then by stacking more agility, though I have no idea how noticeable this difference will be, it may be you even do less damage. However, In a lower level dungeon, you can stack way more agility, as you will hit almost all the time regardless. And I'm afraid your build just doesn't work in this bracket for PvP, for the 20-24 bracket, you need burst and more survivability to win. The higher your initial burst (ambush), the more you are going to keep the opponent on the defensive, and the higher your health..well, thats pretty self explanatory. So imo, agility and stamina are simply going to work better in this bracket. Ofc, stick to your play style, but I hope this gives some food for thought.
Re: Hey, critique my toon please :), also some advice/tips for f2p rogues out there :

Stack crit. You could be rocking like 32% crit, with out chants. Swap to smelting pants, for better offensive stats. It's all about that burst.

Use foreman only if you're going sword main hand. Otherwise you'll benefit more from the 7/7 gloves.

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