The main build i'm going for is high stamina high vers.
I have 2 adaptable blue bracers but they are both for my healing and ret set.
And im planning on upgrading my boots to adapaptable and gloves to magefist ivll 28.
I'm just wondering which neck enchant shall I use?
Then in that case I'd just use the vers neck with ancient priestess, the off heal is a life saver.oh sorry not tank set but uh a FC set :3
Then in that case I'd just use the vers neck with ancient priestess, the off heal is a life saver.
I'd also use Coastal Surge over any other wep enchant.
Ditch the movie shield idea, stick to the one you have now.
Gift of vers might be a better option for cloak enchant? Don't minor speed and gift of vers stack?
Getting those 28 magefist is probably worth it then, maybe 28 magician's mantle?
@tence halp show him your FC set