Help: explore vash'jr.


So i've managed to explore kalimindor, eastern kingdoms outland and northrend, but now all i need is cataclysm, which sounds and looks like a cake walk right? WRONG! i tried to conqeuer vash but only on a level 70 with no underwater mount its going to take forever!, what do i do? i'm not going to waste my good money on mats for water potions. please help.
get som1 with a flying mount, u can fly over the surface
You only need to fly over the surface of the whole thing, no need at all to ever go under water. The only bit that's somewhat difficult is getting TO the area. Have a Lock summon you (would require the Lock + 2 obv) or anyone in a level 25 Guild that has a 2 person flying mount.
u can fly there from if if you are ally that is

You mean take the FP? Because I could have sworn I tried (as Horde) on a 310% mount and hit that stupid invisible wall crap like trying to mount with water walking from SMC to Isle of Quel Danas. I just know you can fly over it as I did it that way on my higher level toons after they had accessed Vashir.
Fly from the closest point of Dun morogh to Vashjr and then just fly over the surface, thats how I got mine. Some of the zones can be difficult to find whilst on the surface, but you'll get it.
Thank you guyz for brilliant answers! I'll try this, and come back to report. Who knows i know be coming back as Robertx the explorer.
Isn't there a staff that gives you water-breathing? I think it's called Hydrocane.
Isn't there a staff that gives you water-breathing? I think it's called Hydrocane.

There are several items that give under water breathing but the point is moot, just fly over the surface of the water and you get the achievement. I did it yesterday on my 10 Hunter. Also it's correct that you can fly from Dun Morogh and reach Vashir, no invis wall to stop you.

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