
best sub shaman eu :p

welcome back btw

Played first 19 bg on lock / sham for years yesterday and it was fun. Sham feels op tbh, but think thats just healers in general.

Get your 85 from kor'gall back over here and leveled 'cause we want to make a rbg team.

- Woah.
Resto Sham is so strong right now. OP surge, riptide, purge, dispells . For this reason they can play O or D and basically carry.
Sham feels op tbh, but think thats just healers in general.

Healing isn't OP the fact that healers don't go OOM with the new mana regen "system" is OP, it wouldn't mean a jack even if you healed yourself to 100% with 1 spell if you could go OOM 'cause once you go OOM no heals for you, the fact that you never go OOM makes you be able to take more punishment 'cause you'll never be in danger to be inable to heal yourself even if you spammed it for thousands of spells in terms of mana
Going oom would help

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your first step to learning how to reason by being able to think this subject from another ankle and by admitting that I was partly right instead of trying to keep on insisting that your opinion would be the universal truth, I thank you for that otherwise your post didn't make much sense because you weren't trying to argue whereas I was arguing that if they fixed the mana system healing wouldn't be considered OP because healers wouldn't have limitless sustain if the resource that they use to cast was to be tweaked for example by increasing the mana costs of the spells and/or reducing the mana regen of casters that can heal that being said I would still like to add that you could use some practise on your provokating skills I give you that(no flame intended)

TLDR: Argue or I am not going to keep on replying to your posts

EDIT: Wrote "I would still like add" instead of writing "I would still like ____TO___ add"
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Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your first step to learning how to reason by being able to think this subject from another ankle and by admitting that I was partly right instead of trying to keep on insisting that your opinion would be the universal truth, I thank you for that otherwise your post didn't make much sense because you weren't trying to argue whereas I was arguing that if they fixed the mana system healing wouldn't be considered OP because healers wouldn't have limitless sustain if the resource that they use to cast was to be tweaked for example by increasing the mana costs of the spells and/or reducing the mana regen of casters that can heal that being said I would still like to add that you could use some practise on your provokating skills I give you that(no flame intended)

TLDR: Argue or I am not going to keep on replying to your posts

EDIT: Wrote "I would still like add" instead of writing "I would still like ____TO___ add"

One does not simply get TD mad / win him in an argument. Sorry bros
rejuv critting for 400+ when most pure dps classes dont have an ability that hits that hard is OP
First I would like to congratulate you on your first step to learning how to reason by being able to think this subject from another bodypart(Ankle ?? rly bro?? holy shit). Your setences does not make any sense, plz try harder. Making healers oom would indeed be a great idea, just like I previously mentioned(why so mad lol) however this does not take anything away from the fact that heals are way to strong to begin with. Games today rarely end up with a 3-0 win, even before the wsg timer nerf to 20 mins.

The healing state right now forces games between two decent teams to pretty much be whoever scores first wins, and I dont think this is great for the bracket as it promotes having a D consisting of around 4-5 heals and some cc dpses while they kite and wait for stacks to reach a decent ammount and then have 3 stealthies hopefully blow up the other teams fc. Thanks to this mop has in a lot of ways gotten even more class determined, seeing as burstin the efc factor heavily outweights other options such as hunters, mages, dps shamans, dps palas, warriors , who can still do great/decent in mid but just lacks that initial open burst that rogues/druids can provide.

Because healing is so strong, it is literaly impossible to stop people from going thru mid if they have any sort of heals thus making the classes more suited for open battle less important and mandatory. If heals was not as good as they currently are we could see a change in the meta game for good and hpalas/rdruids/rshaman would not just be able to run in 300% speed over mid if they were being attacked as hots and instants would heal for less, forcing them to stop and actualy cast something.

You might think that instants are fun and balanced as a rdruid. I however would like healers to have to cast , thus giving a chance for people to actualy interupt(which has a nerfed cd of 15 secs now so not like it would destroy healers lol, just demand some fakecasts).

TLDR: Stop talking about peoples ankles, they are personal. Major flame intended xo xo

I am glad to see you are finally arguing, ankle was an obvious typo of the word angle which remotely means perspective however I admit I didn't see the typo before you pointed it out would have corrected it before had I noticed it so that the sentence would have made more sense, so kudos to you for pointing it out , I was not implying any kind of frustration or aggression in my post making your claim of I being mad invalid and irrelevant to my post, I still think the root of the problem is the new mana regen system at least at low levels since spells cost nearly to nothing in mana and even combat mana regen keeps one's mana pool nearly in full mana even if one was to spam heals and to back up my mana system arguement is to say that it wouldn't matter how many healers they would stack in D and how much healing would heal if they could go oom and healing spells were to cost like 50 mana each or something like that they would eventually not be able to heal and FCs would die more easily and turtling wouldn't be as effective and the games would go back to those 3-0 times and to be fair a DPS class would eventually kill a FC that has 4 assaults in 1vs1 'cause FC's speed steroids get cancelled whereas the one playing the DPSer still benefits from Minor speed increase and tunnel speed and what not, FC going OOM 'cause of mana system nerf and the FC not being able to outrun the DPSer would lead into the inevitable death of the FC and why I rather see them nerfing mana regen or mana pool or increasing the costs of the healing spells is that I would want healing to do something instead of it getting nerfed to oblivion and everyone would change to DPS classes 'cause healing wouldn't do anything anymore if they were to keep on nerfing it patch after patch, I also play warlock and mage so my point of view is not only from the point of view of druid's, I think every class is very balanced in 19 bracket even when some don't hit as hard as others they make it up in utility and/or CC
I think most healers do have to cast like Shamans and Priests and Paladins, it is not just spamming insta casts the only class now that could be thought as the superiour class is druid 'cause of the rejuvenation buff and swiftmend buff but then again a lot of other classes got buffed as well so I think buffs were fair and when I play vs druid with other classes that are dpsers I think druids are balanced 'cause druids are vulnerable to control losing effects such as mind control and fears and also insta sheep while forming out of a snare or slow but like I stated earlier saying everything is balanced even if they didn't have as much dmg they have either CC or utility to back it up

P.S cba to edit for typos I know you know English and I don't need to explain you things you already know

TLDR: You are gonna read it anyway and if you are not it really doesn't matter

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