
I am glad to see you are finally arguing, ankle was an obvious typo of the word angle which remotely means perspective however I admit I didn't see the typo before you pointed it out would have corrected it before had I noticed it so that the sentence would have made more sense, so kudos to you for pointing it out , I was not implying any kind of frustration or aggression in my post making your claim of I being mad invalid and irrelevant to my post, I still think the root of the problem is the new mana regen system at least at low levels since spells cost nearly to nothing in mana and even combat mana regen keeps one's mana pool nearly in full mana even if one was to spam heals and to back up my mana system arguement is to say that it wouldn't matter how many healers they would stack in D and how much healing would heal if they could go oom and healing spells were to cost like 50 mana each or something like that they would eventually not be able to heal and FCs would die more easily and turtling wouldn't be as effective and the games would go back to those 3-0 times and to be fair a DPS class would eventually kill a FC that has 4 assaults in 1vs1 'cause FC's speed steroids get cancelled whereas the one playing the DPSer still benefits from Minor speed increase and tunnel speed and what not, FC going OOM 'cause of mana system nerf and the FC not being able to outrun the DPSer would lead into the inevitable death of the FC and why I rather see them nerfing mana regen or mana pool or increasing the costs of the healing spells is that I would want healing to do something instead of it getting nerfed to oblivion and everyone would change to DPS classes 'cause healing wouldn't do anything anymore if they were to keep on nerfing it patch after patch, I also play warlock and mage so my point of view is not only from the point of view of druid's, I think every class is very balanced in 19 bracket even when some don't hit as hard as others they make it up in utility and/or CC
I think most healers do have to cast like Shamans and Priests and Paladins, it is not just spamming insta casts the only class now that could be thought as the superiour class is druid 'cause of the rejuvenation buff and swiftmend buff but then again a lot of other classes got buffed as well so I think buffs were fair and when I play vs druid with other classes that are dpsers I think druids are balanced 'cause druids are vulnerable to control losing effects such as mind control and fears and also insta sheep while forming out of a snare or slow but like I stated earlier saying everything is balanced even if they didn't have as much dmg they have either CC or utility to back it up

P.S cba to edit for typos I know you know English and I don't need to explain you things you already know

TLDR: You are gonna read it anyway and if you are not it really doesn't matter
2/10, wouldn't read again
my ankle :((( sorry I mean.. my eyes :((

It is very immature to correct someone's spelling when the said person is not typing correctly either and there is no reason for you to "dwell in the past" since I already corrected what I said in the earlier post by the third post, was just too lazy to EDIT the earlier post again
"Druids are balanced cause they are vulnerable to control losing effects and instant sheep while in cast form".
Maybe someone want to use this short summary for his sig.
"Druids are balanced cause they are vulnerable to control losing effects and instant sheep while in cast form".
Maybe someone want to use this short summary for his sig.

That was just 1 arguement that I posted to defend the balance of classes, druids are vulnerable to CC yes just like every other class is so a class that can be dealt with CC shouldn't be thought as OP 'cause CC works vs every class and druid isn't an exception, also paladins have way more tankiness in terms of being able to take more physical dmg 'cause of armor and they have more insta cast heals and bubble + mobility and more reliable CC than that of druids, stun is stronger than snare 'cause in snare you can cast but in stun you can't and still I don't see anyone crying about paladins having more insta casts than druids or paladins having mobility or being able to not take any damage for 7 seconds or whatever the lenght of bubble is, so yea sure whatever druids are the cancer of this game or whatever you were trying to state

P.S. not gonna EDIT for typos 'cause everyone of you know English and you probably get the point even if a letter or word was written differently than it would be
But... Healers/FC can't be taken down with focused burst and 0 cc anymore... Healers must be OP as fuck :(
Druids are less vulnerable to CC than any other class.
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another rdruid speaking. the fuck u saying, rogues n ferals take down efc once stacks are up just by burst and 0 cc, you are clueless. If it was all about cc, mages would be gods in O, but guess what their true dpses specs fire n arcane are gimp as fuck and requires a shit ton of prereqs to even burst. Ccing a rdruid for days in mop has severely less chances to grant a kill then in cata, that goes for all classes, so really what you should be saying is, everyone is ccing and 0 kills are made because 1 rejuv outheals errything in the world. I know you enjoy taking out 80% of the actual bg by making mid crossing retardedly easy for all fc classes and pretty much stop any viable mid strat but Mesikämmen plz

Sorry, I play prot/arms warr, arcane/frost mage, rogue too on a regular basis and I'm telling you, rogues or ferals don't kill a prot warr without any CC bro :) Or a good restodruid for that matter, if he knows how to terrain jump and kite. You can't say that sheeping a healer or keeping rest of their def or their FC in place with snares + nova is not going to help you get a kill.

Sure, you can wait 10 stacks every game and then tell ferals and rogues to go rape that FC but by then a good CC-heavy offence would have already killed your FC. Of course it is widely known that restodruids are nearly unkillable until 4 stacks hence the huge mobility and strong heals, but that is how most other FCs are aswell at the moment. After 4 stacks a good FC will know how to position himself and rely on clutch terrain jumps, and if you don't have any CC (or can do terrain jumps better or at least as good as him, and he hasn't got any kind of CC in def), he WILL live pretty much forever. If the FC and healers have even a slight clue on what they're doing, CC is what grants the FC + healer kills and you can't possibly deny it. Of course good DPSers are required to score a return aswell, but CC is the key for the dpsers to stick on the FC and keep healers disabled.

PB + Kwei + Hewko is a perfect example of this. What they showed when they were 3-man queing more actively earlier was that 2 CCers and a good FC will keep offence immobile forever if you can't do something to their CCers (mage + priest). Even 10 rogues in offence wont do shit if they can't even touch the FC 90% of the time.

Prove me wrong please.

Druids are less vulnerable to CC than any other class.

Very true. They are however not impossible to CC with well timed fears, stuns or polys.

For Quinp: Sorry for participating in derailing your thread. You have a pretty sexy looking shammy there, resto is really viable in def atm and ele is a bit above average IMO. The utility is huge with TS, purge, dispel, big offheals and decent damage + mobility aswell. Definitely a strong class atm, recommend you to try it out! Welcome back and hope you enjoy your stay in the 19s :)

Never seen that well geared SUB shammy! xD
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another rdruid speaking. the fuck u saying, rogues n ferals take down efc once stacks are up just by burst and 0 cc, you are clueless. If it was all about cc, mages would be gods in O, but guess what their true dpses specs fire n arcane are gimp as fuck and requires a shit ton of prereqs to even burst. Ccing a rdruid for days in mop has severely less chances to grant a kill then in cata, that goes for all classes, so really what you should be saying is, everyone is ccing and 0 kills are made because 1 rejuv outheals errything in the world.plz

Agree pretty much with this, cc isn't too viable as it is already, then add that 70% of all healers roll rdruid. This combo isn't too satisfying for a mage :/
Way to prove my point, It's all about a defence with heals and cc and class setups, you have to count on both teams playing a kiting D with a lot of heals and cc, otherwise the game is shit. Class setup is even more important then cata since the MID game is totaly destroyed.
Most games considering you can't get a perfect setup/quality of players, it's safest bet to play D better then the other team and sooner or later O will get a crit and u win. You used to get rewarded by good O, if u played well you could kill efc even if u had a man disadvantage, while in mop there is no way to kill efc being outnumbered if any healer of any sort is there. And going with a high number O is just going to damage your team as healing is completly out of control and you gain far more by securing a good D.

Both teams should just start with enemy flag in their own rooms as currently there is 0 effort to escort flag. Good CC does not grant anywhere close the ammount of kills on efc like in cata, and in cata you could defeat the odds by strong play by you and weak play by your opponent even if you were class countered(some exceptions but way less then mop), In mop if any healer is around nothing is going to die. Please read this post and my previous, just like you cant PROVE me shit, I cant prove u shit, I just wish you open your eyes. Healing is op as fuck.

hmm, mentioning drama's post count, moaning about a mage nerf, and having the user name argument..... and how are you today vianco?

but i agree healing needs a nurf or dmg a buff.
Way to prove my point, It's all about a defence with heals and cc and class setups, you have to count on both teams playing a kiting D with a lot of heals and cc, otherwise the game is shit. Class setup is even more important then cata since the MID game is totaly destroyed.
Most games considering you can't get a perfect setup/quality of players, it's safest bet to play D better then the other team and sooner or later O will get a crit and u win. You used to get rewarded by good O, if u played well you could kill efc even if u had a man disadvantage, while in mop there is no way to kill efc being outnumbered if any healer of any sort is there. And going with a high number O is just going to damage your team as healing is completly out of control and you gain far more by securing a good D.

Both teams should just start with enemy flag in their own rooms as currently there is 0 effort to escort flag. Good CC does not grant anywhere close the ammount of kills on efc like in cata, and in cata you could defeat the odds by strong play by you and weak play by your opponent even if you were class countered(some exceptions but way less then mop), In mop if any healer is around nothing is going to die. Please read this post and my previous, just like you cant PROVE me shit, I cant prove u shit, I just wish you open your eyes. Healing is op as fuck.

Can't be bothered to write a novel and answer all your arguments so I'll try to condense my response a bit:

Times change; Cata rewarded stacking shitload of burst, MoP rewards defensive playing more. Offensive CC when damage is high as fuck will obviously be more effective than CC with low damage. Offensive CC is not more effective now, but it is necessary if you wanna score kills, if enemy def know what theyre doing and have a good setup.
hi Quinp, name seems familiar, though I havent played since wotlk..

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