Hello, everyone! Returning player with a few questions...


Been quite a bit since I've been on the twinkinfo forums, but I'm pleased to find a community that's still active and posting. I'm looking to start fresh with a F2P character and although there are some old stickied threads about this and that, half seem to be outdated and I figure I'll probably get a quicker, more direct, and up-to-date response here. So, here goes:

- Is there a particular server that is generally recognized as having a larger population of F2Ps? Or does CRZ and shared realms pretty much eliminate the need/perk of al being on the same server?

- How is balance between Alliance and Horde? I really have no preference between the two and wasn't sure if new players were encouraged to go one way or another due to overpopulation on one side, terrible queue times, etc.

- Is there a particular faction that has it easier in terms of gearing? I seem to remember in the past that Alliance had much better leather quest rewards and Horde maybe had better caster rewards.

- And finally, you knew it was coming... Are there any particular classes that stand out in PvP for good or bad reasons? I'm not going to rush to roll some FoTM spec that utterly destroys everything, but I also don't want to choose a class or spec that gets stomped and brings nothing to the table.

Thanks for any input you're able to offer and I hope to see you on the battlefield!
Been quite a bit since I've been on the twinkinfo forums, but I'm pleased to find a community that's still active and posting. I'm looking to start fresh with a F2P character and although there are some old stickied threads about this and that, half seem to be outdated and I figure I'll probably get a quicker, more direct, and up-to-date response here. So, here goes:

- Is there a particular server that is generally recognized as having a larger population of F2Ps? Or does CRZ and shared realms pretty much eliminate the need/perk of al being on the same server?

- How is balance between Alliance and Horde? I really have no preference between the two and wasn't sure if new players were encouraged to go one way or another due to overpopulation on one side, terrible queue times, etc.

- Is there a particular faction that has it easier in terms of gearing? I seem to remember in the past that Alliance had much better leather quest rewards and Horde maybe had better caster rewards.

- And finally, you knew it was coming... Are there any particular classes that stand out in PvP for good or bad reasons? I'm not going to rush to roll some FoTM spec that utterly destroys everything, but I also don't want to choose a class or spec that gets stomped and brings nothing to the table.

Thanks for any input you're able to offer and I hope to see you on the battlefield!

question 1: Yes, twisting nether, magtheridon, and aggramar are the most active f2p servs on EU, i have no idea about US tho, you didnt specify where you play.

question 2: Horde tends to have have more 29s, atleast on eu, this leads to horde winning most games. queue times are horrible atm on both factions.

question 3: Yup, excectly what you just said, agi gear better on ally, and caster gear better on horde.

question 4: feral druids and monks are really OP right now.
Hi Lewbowski, there are many different servers with which you cal call your home. The most populated f2p realm is AP for both sides, that has been the largest community since the f2p bracket began.

If you're looking for something less crowded, consider BWL horde. We are a small community, but we are very friendly and very close with one another, but of course, in order to join us, we ask that you be downright terrible as a player. This means no keybinds, no macros, no gear and generally no understanding of what the hecks going on.

As far as balance goes between horde and alliance, there's really not much of a difference at this point. Que times are pretty even in most cases. You will see a ton of premades towards night time from both sides, but imo alliance have a bit more 29s, not too sure though.

With 6.1 and veteran accounts incoming, gearing is really not going to be too much affected by faction. It was generally accepted that Alliance had better ear for agility users and that Horde had better gear for casters and maybe strength users, but you already knew that. Just know that with 6.1, choosing a faction solely because of gear is going to be almost irrelevant.

Just about every class has good specs in the bracket now. Locks, mages, warriors, enh shammys and other underplayed classes/specs in mists are more represented now more than ever. Ferals are pretty much the Fotm's right now. All in all, every class can be utilized to bring something to the table in pvp at this lvl. Although I will warn you of 29 bm monks, they are the new spriests and they are despised by many, be careful of them.

Hope this helped a little, we have a questions thread if this one gets locked for some reason, use that to ask anymore questions you might have.
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1.) AP is probably your best bet still. Realms are CRZ'd but it's not like 2 huge realms are joined together. Here's a list of CRZ'd realms http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/list-crossrealm-server-groups-connected-realms-57094/

2.) Balance is about the same? It's hard to tell because Q times are pretty bad, for both sides I imagine. 15min on Horde, if you Q right after a BG you can sometimes get some fast pops.

3.) Alliance has the free helm. It''s all about to change with guild boas becoming available.

4.) Feral Druids/Monks are OP.

If you have a p2p I would consider making a 20 on there. There are changes coming to how subscirptions work. Bascailly all the accounts are the same, there is no starter. There's just an active subscription (which has no limitations) or an inactive sub (which acts like a starter). So what you can do is buy time, get all your BoAs add to your tab, enchant/use AH, etc. Let your time run out and you are free to play characters level 20 and below with the normal "starter" restriction you are used to. So if I were you I would make your 20 on whichever account you have the has the most looms.

There is a possibility we can play 19s this way as well, that it yet to be determined.
I would suggest a f2p druid. They have better survivability and against a 29 p2p which is critical in my opinion. Feral druids are doing great dps right now as well. But that's just my 2 cents. I'm a rogue p2p, and a good f2p druid can test me sometimes.
I just randomly picked like 7 different threads and looked at number of replies compared with the amount of times the thread had been viewed and they're literally all between 1-2%. Is this board just not very social or are people just tired of answering the same questions for a relatively basic bracket without much potential for diversity? Certainly not slamming anyone in here that was kind enough to respond and give some insight, but seems participation is kinda whacky. Maybe it's just me. I've only been around since 2011, so I definitely don't know the board as well as some other people around here.
There's a lot of people who just lurk on the forums. Some of them don't even have accounts, from what I've noticed. They just come in and read, see if it interests them, and then move on.

Or, there's the people like me, who wait for the more experienced and vocal members of the community to speak up.
I just randomly picked like 7 different threads and looked at number of replies compared with the amount of times the thread had been viewed and they're literally all between 1-2%. Is this board just not very social or are people just tired of answering the same questions for a relatively basic bracket without much potential for diversity? Certainly not slamming anyone in here that was kind enough to respond and give some insight, but seems participation is kinda whacky. Maybe it's just me. I've only been around since 2011, so I definitely don't know the board as well as some other people around here.

Sometimes a thread explodes and has way too many replies to follow it propery.

But yes, sometimes it takes a few days for people to give you the answers you are looking for.

Just have some patience and go read some class guides or realm recruitment threads and try to make up your own mind.
So playing a f2p twink in the 20-29 bracket is still a lost cause? I played on Agrammar back in the day and am wondering to return with patch 6.1 with the amount of heirlooms I should be getting with my p2p account synced up to the same battle.net. How are the queue times for Horde? Can I hold my own with the P2P?

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