transmorging BOAs still works...helm included. you have to use quest reward items
plate BOA's although they say mail at level's below 40, can not be done with mail items. and if you do tmog on a plate BOA with a plate item, the plate tmog will strip when sent to a player below 40, because the BOA switches to mail armor.
mail BOA's say leather to certain classes below 40, but for paladin/warriors they are mail from level 1-85 so a hi level quest reward mail armor tmog will stick for those 2 classes, but not for hunters/shamans.
made simpler:
-cloth and leather BOAs, have no problems
-mail BOAs, no problems for paladins/warriors only
-plate BOAs, tmogs will not stick below level 40
so far there has been no QQ on wow forums, imo what caused the nerf was when low level's with just a helm/shoulder/chest/weapon mog looked just like a 85 with gear from the latest patch/raids/arena season just starting.