Healers: Advice Needed

Hello all!

My buddy and I decided we want to dual-heal BG's (since we play together, healers seem to be needed all the time, and it's going to be a challenge), and we need some advice.

What 2 healing classes compliment each other well (or 2 of the same class)?

Which class/spec healer is the easiest to hardest?

Thanks in advance for your help!
The Rdruid idea seems awesome. :) I think most healers can work very well together.

I personally love Boping disc priests. ^^
Rsham/ Dpriest/ yde = Ateam.


Edit: but since you are talking about 2's. Priest/Rsham imo is one of the best setups you can run. Rsham Purge is godlike, and if you have some means of communication (ie Skype, Vent, Mumble, phone call) you can be quite a deadly combination. Priests do healing, but priests also DO dps.
The amount of cc there can be great especially if the priest is belf.
Just my 2cents. It works for me.
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I find Hpal not tough, and not as high a skill cap as some other classes, but I have a lot of fun. ^^

EDIT: Not that I even remotely reach that skill cap. ^^
Holy Paladin and Disc Priest. Combined, they simply have too many utilities to ignore.
I'd go priest/Hpally combo. Priests provide the easiest dps as far as heals go and provide good utility with bubbles and fear. Paladins provide some of the easiest biggest heals along with great cds. Together you're like unstoppable.

While stacking the same class is great for giggles, you'll at some point find yourself in a sticky situation. If you choose to both roll the same class you'll find yourselves immune to most groups, but there will always be that odd bg where the opposing team will be dripping in your nemesis class.

One thing that I find when not on a druid/shaman is that people that play those classes often times leave their teammates behind. So if one of you picks that option, you should be mindful that the other person needs time to mount up and can't keep casting instants on you if you're running out of range.
hpally/resto druid is best combo if used right i think.if druid keeps hots on everyone in group hpally can hit them with the big heals.
Ive run Belf Disc Priest / Disc Priest lots and its mint. You miss snare or stuns though so returns can be tough at times. But for controlling mid and capping/support its very powerful. My favorite healer Duo comp to run. Watching hunters try to backpeddle away while getting mind blast penance spammed to death is hilarious!

Holy/Disc Priest - Ran this for chastise. Overall inferior to Disc/Disc but still very playable.

Shadow/Disc Priest - Ran this for snares. Again inferior to Disc/Disc. Id say the weakest of the Priest/Priest combos.

Tauren Prot Pally / Belf Disc Priest is also amazing. War Stomp, Hoj, Fear, Arcane Torrent, and SoR will mow through multiple opposing healers. Still great ranged burst DPS and you add better sustained DPS with the pally. I run this with a lot of int gear on my pally. Great flag team and still very powerful at controlling mid. Better return capabilities then disc/disc.

.Holy Pal / Disc Priest - The best healing potential and still have hoj from the pally. A great combo but always feels a little too defensive for my play style. The burst from Disc/Disc allows you to CC and kill opponents quickly to even the odds fast when out numbered. Hpal/Dpriest tends to lead to long drawn out affairs

Resto Shaman / Disc Priest - Great flag running combo and heal synergy works great. Like Hpal/Dpriest it gets a little too defensive. In WSG many times your group flocks to you and there are no heals on offense. This results in a lot of turtle type games with no one getting returns. Better have some decent rogues on your team or get used to sitting in the base with the flag for long periods of time. Shaman adds mass utility though between totems, purge, and shear you can really frustrate opposing teams. Fun combo but I just prefer the more offensive capability double healer teams.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents on the teams Ive run quite a bit. Cant stand playing my druid as resto so havent run the Rdruid teams much. But the little that I did, cant say I liked it at all.

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