Hello everyone. A few days before I made a havoc dh twink with the purpose of stacking mastery and farming old content with extreme speeds
. I've enjoyed it so far, managed to hit 180% passive run speed with only leather 840 mastery boes etc (no Lego boots yet I was waiting for the nether disruptor to open so I'd get better prices ). I'm now thrilled with this amazing twink and I decided to drop some more money in order to start dungeon boosting and min maxing him. I know it might not be profitable but I love playing with this char and I'd like to do it, I would like to hear your opinion on that too though. I've been lurking here for some time and gathered many information but I want to ask some things just to make sure I got it right. Going into the questions then:
- Most people stack Critical, what is the second best Stat? (I'm considering dropping some mastery and/or having a second set for crazy Ms)
- How many leech items do I need? From what I see most people go with two, I'd like to be sure tho.
- I know I need SFF but with what else shall I combine it? I'm currently rocking a propechy tarot
- Do I really need many artifact traits? Or do people pursue them for completionist reasons? If yes, what is the minimum, I need for successfully boosting dungeons?
- I've read mixed things about this. Do I equip 840 leather boes?
- Shall I get as many avoidance items as leech or that's just a minor boost?
- Anything else I should consider before diving headlong into this