Haste vs Versa -- Demo Warlock


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Sooo I'm seeing more and more people swap over to Haste enchants. Feels like everyones running Haste atm. Is it bis?
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Gonna borrow your thread and ask if anyone have thoughts on destro. Versa/sp with a bit of crit the way to go?

sry Sketchbag :<
You're right. Not really sure what that has to do with my post, other than my warlock isn't level 19. It's still a haste oriented build and a 19 warlock isn't going to be much different.

willix at it again ;d 19 or 29 w/e its the same thing am i right
For everyone asking, it seems like all casters are going haste.

Demo > Destro > Afflict

Haste > Crit> Vers

Feel free to ask any questions about locks or check my armory :p

Mesi, if you're going Destro, go crit. Demo is preferred right now tho
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Mesi, if you're going Destro, go crit. Demo is preferred right now tho

I'm liking destro playstyle since I've played it since mop. Went haste, I've tried other stats on various casters but haste seems to be the funnest on everything so far. Maybe not the best, but I'm definitely liking it and feels to fit my playstyle. Scored 110k or something dmg on my 2nd game, probably not that good but seems decent to me.

Kilerdog @ Dragonblight - Community - World of Warcraft

Slapped this faggots gear together today. I know it's not BiS but does the job.
I'm liking destro playstyle since I've played it since mop. Went haste, I've tried other stats on various casters but haste seems to be the funnest on everything so far. Maybe not the best, but I'm definitely liking it and feels to fit my playstyle. Scored 110k or something dmg on my 2nd game, probably not that good but seems decent to me.

Kilerdog @ Dragonblight - Community - World of Warcraft

Slapped this faggots gear together today. I know it's not BiS but does the job.

I havent experimented Destro with haste. I can only give my side of crit.

Haste does seem like the superior caster stat right now.

And why not Jordan's staff?
I havent experimented Destro with haste. I can only give my side of crit.

Haste does seem like the superior caster stat right now.

And why not Jordan's staff?

for crit. also when theres a shaman on the other team demo starts to hurt. ive already predicted that shamans are the new fotm and ive chosen to play destro/afflic
for crit. also when theres a shaman on the other team demo starts to hurt. ive already predicted that shamans are the new fotm and ive chosen to play destro/afflic

Yes for crit but if he's going haste, jordans would be better.

and afflic doesnt even seem viable imo
I havent experimented Destro with haste. I can only give my side of crit.

Haste does seem like the superior caster stat right now.

And why not Jordan's staff?

Didn't bother going all out on haste as the rating you get from just wod chants is huge, also missing out too much on crit/sp/stam would probably hurt more than the minor haste gain would benefit. But idk, I haven't calculated any of this shit rofl
u mean u can do some damage but literally have no impact on the outcome of the game?
You can do plenty of damage as afflic. The only reason to play it at 19 is to keep the shaman from purging your dots. Destro or demo are better just because they have burst
if u think it is the shamans priority to dispel ur dots ur quite lost.

and as i said u can do damage but none of it will have any impact on the game.

we had affliction demo boomy a few games ago and it melted the other team. Being able to keep dots on the other team felt huge. It's still viable, it's like fury warrior vs arms. Arms is better but that doesn't mean fury isn't good
Didn't bother going all out on haste as the rating you get from just wod chants is huge, also missing out too much on crit/sp/stam would probably hurt more than the minor haste gain would benefit. But idk, I haven't calculated any of this shit rofl

1. Getting more Immolate/Incinerate casts off = more embers built up. More embers built means more of your main nuke, Chaos Bolt.

2. Chaos Bolt always crits and has a long cast time. Stacking more crit increases its damage, but stacking more haste gets casts off sooner, and haste scales better on long cast time spells. It's probably better to get off more chaos bolts than bigger ones.
1. Getting more Immolate/Incinerate casts off = more embers built up. More embers built means more of your main nuke, Chaos Bolt.

2. Chaos Bolt always crits and has a long cast time. Stacking more crit increases its damage, but stacking more haste gets casts off sooner, and haste scales better on long cast time spells. It's probably better to get off more chaos bolts than bigger ones.

Then again, if your immolate tick + confla or two crit with the chaos bolt, it's going to be even more burst. Hence I won't go full retard on haste. Good points though, didn't really think of it that way.

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