Haste stacking shinanigans

Not sure if it was mentioned.

The 5 pieces to a wonky haste build are Blackout Truncheon, The Bladefist, Rezan's Gleaming Eye, Enraged Diemetradon Fin (better than nightmare), and Thundering Skyfire Diamond.

Ditch the Dragonling, use the eng goggles with double haste and the Thundering diamond, and you'll have what you want.

Will be less effective with the Dragon's call, but will still work.

You can use Hurricane instead of Crusader... its more fun... but worse dps... by a considerable margine. For what you are doing, I would because its bonkers... also Hurricane can proc twice per instance once you break 50ish % haste.

You should be able to break 90% haste regularly with that. You have to spam Whirlwind, but whatever.
feel like you're missing the point here...

The OP was about haste and Dragons call - and using said haste to summon dragons, I don't know how the thread "devolved" after that, because I'll be honest I did not care/want/have a desire to/give a fuck about reading it.

I assume by your response it had something to do with every person naming every thing that can summon a dragonling in the game... which honestly is everybody "missing the point" of the OP.
Not sure if it was mentioned.

The 5 pieces to a wonky haste build are Blackout Truncheon, The Bladefist, Rezan's Gleaming Eye, Enraged Diemetradon Fin (better than nightmare), and Thundering Skyfire Diamond.

Ditch the Dragonling, use the eng goggles with double haste and the Thundering diamond, and you'll have what you want.

Will be less effective with the Dragon's call, but will still work.

You can use Hurricane instead of Crusader... its more fun... but worse dps... by a considerable margine. For what you are doing, I would because its bonkers... also Hurricane can proc twice per instance once you break 50ish % haste.

You should be able to break 90% haste regularly with that. You have to spam Whirlwind, but whatever.

Seems like hurricane is def the way to go then, i definitely care more about the amount of procs than the amount of dps. I will probably farm 2 more dragons calls so i can swap chants if I feel like i need the saders to be effective. Thanks for the info!
Hey, i am trying to put together a bad build, and I wanted to see if you guys could help me find the best items for it. So, the build is single minded fury warrior w duel https://www.wowhead.com/item=10847/dragons-call and as much haste as i can find. I want to see how many dragons I can summon at the same time. Right now I am sitting @ 31% haste without enrage, but I haven't really gone to find optimal haste gear yet. I suspect that most of the "BiS" for this concept will be I28 haste gear w socket, but if you guys know any exceptional peices from quests that will help push my dragon boi along in his quest for speed plz advise.

Anyone managed to get a Hand of Justice and an Ironfoe? Alongside the trashing blade heirlooms, wonder how crazy the procs are and if the procs generate rage.
Anyone managed to get a Hand of Justice and an Ironfoe? Alongside the trashing blade heirlooms, wonder how crazy the procs are and if the procs generate rage.

Tried. Not worth, ironfoe is not even worth imo. Miiiight with alot of good will be worth for a warrior for extra rage.
Defo not worth on an enhance atleast, way to few procs.
@Lateraldrop, how's the Dragoon coming along?
Going well for now, if i can stick on a target i can make 4-5 dragons usually. I still need the loa ring to drop w socket and farm more dragon calls so i can run the duel huricane setup. I am sitting at 62% haste now w rezan trink and enrage up , and its up most of the time (unless i get kited).

To clerify, the dragons are not good, they only hit for about 25 dmg per cast, but the build is pretty much doing what i want it to. Itll be a while before I can call this anywere really near done, since most the BiS stuff will be from farming impatient ilvl 28 greens w sockets and whatnot.
Enhancement Shaman is the only real spec where I have seen HoJ/IronFoe/Flurry Axe work... mainly because of windury procs (fury can because of whirlwind, but your dps is just toilet then compared to the other broken things they have, enhancement just does not have access to much better).

Since you are not going for damage but for fun, id just socket BC gem gear with all haste and go for broke with the dragon build.
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72.56% with meta proc and enrage. Shit gets wild :D
How much haste does the meta gem proc give? Also, your Armory says your regular Haste is 22%. Do you go from 22% to 72.5% with only enrage and the proc up? That sounds like a humongous giga jump for just 2 procs.
120 haste from the gem and enrage gets you there, that was on the dummy with gem and enrage only. It's pretty fun.

Dragon's call flock of dragons on my rogue is the most fun ive had in a while. I enjoy it when they all start casting, pops are very rng but satisfying af.

Speaking of summoning minions... wish we had access to https://www.wowhead.com/item=77191/gurthalak-voice-of-the-deeps

I miss it.

I remember the procs doing as much dmg as my fully geared dk's gargoyle in arena. It was nuts.
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That thing procs for 120 Haste? lmao that is WAY more than I expected. How often does the proc happens?
Not the craziest amount of procs and only for 4 seconds. But definately worth over most of the other metagems. Dont have exact proc numbers but i suspect its around 5% per swing or so. Or 1proc p min.

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