Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

Most of them? I know all of them are active. Looking nice all those updates they are actually quite usefull for myself aswell.
Hands up for Matthew \o/

Yes, ochiwana is correct! I was in college so I was frantically using my phone!

Guild members are gathering heroic gear at a steady rate, we shall be attempting Karazhan this Monday coming. 8:15Pm Realm Time.

Players are allowed to use only one type of meta gem for their gear.

This gem can be purchased with 8 Spirit Shards from a vendor in the stronghold of stonebreaker hold in Terokkar Forest, these can only be obtained within normal / heroic dungeons with the following instances: Mana-Tombs / Sethekk Halls / Auchenai Crypts / Shadow Labyrinth from each of the specified bosses within the instances.


Hardcore raiding mode has been added into the guilds thread, this covers how the guild will be attempting to implement a much harder raiding system when the guild reaches future content.

HARDCORE RAID MODES: In the future of the guilds raiding progression we shall be attempting to clear some much harder raiding content with heroic dungeon gear with the enchant reductions and gem reductions still remaining in effect. These raids will stretch from Sunwell, Black Temple, Tempest Keep, Battle for Mount Hyjal, Serpentshrine Caverns. These modes will be implemented within the guilds life, however this is currently still under general construction till further notice.
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I'm aware that they're "in beta" (wat), but why have you got a) spells that require levels 71+ (shadow dance, divine hymn), or spells that render an entire spec useless (mutilate) on the removed list?

I get that you're making things hard for yourselves for some reason (even harder by apparently ignoring hitcaps as all classes when hit gems exist), but...what?
I'm aware that they're "in beta" (wat), but why have you got a) spells that require levels 71+ (shadow dance, divine hymn), or spells that render an entire spec useless (mutilate) on the removed list?

I get that you're making things hard for yourselves for some reason (even harder by apparently ignoring hitcaps as all classes when hit gems exist), but...what?

I did this during a very early hour in the morning, I didn't notice that I had made the mistakes listed however you could have just said " You've got some spells on the list that are not usable at 70" Without over abreviating your thread. Regarding the " BETA " criteria for the spell testing. Some members in the guild including myself are experimenting with many of the spells open to us all within the bracket. We're not implementing the spell change yet until we're satisfied that we've made the appropriate spell removal for the guilds raiding progress.

Regarding mutilate I need to remove that as I was unaware that mutilate removes sinister strike from the spellbook.

Regarding the facts with hit cap being reduced and the gems being used at a low caliber, it all increases the challenge the guild will face.
Did this answer your questions or curiosity.
Just my opinion here, but if you want people to appreciate the difficulty of something you're doing then it's better to keep it as simple as possible so they can relate to it. All these random rules make it very hard for an outsider to judge how challenging this should be (if at all).
Just my opinion here, but if you want people to appreciate the difficulty of something you're doing then it's better to keep it as simple as possible so they can relate to it. All these random rules make it very hard for an outsider to judge how challenging this should be (if at all).

Now Now ladies, put those handbags away and lets turn that frown upside down! <3
What? I think Splosion and Aelobin are making some very valid points. Who's frowning?
I'm not frowning.

I'm sorry if I came over all blunt, I replied on my phone at college. I was rather stressed because I've got a major amount of issues irl taking place, so if my frustrations and so on vented out into the thread I'm sorry. I get what Splosion is on about and I do take his and everyone elses opinions into consideration.
Me and a friend considering levelling here!

Looking forward to seeing you here :) Throw us a whisper when the time comes!
Hmm, I have been thinking about and I am willing to give it a shot, thought I am not so appealed about some of the Spell Removals I have taken into account that they are still under beta. By the way you have this thread is a pretty good impression, you guys seem very organised! Does the guild need any classes in particular just now? I am not sure what I am going to roll yet.

I thought I'd tell you that there is quite a lot guild restrictions i totally agree with the boosting and whatever but 'I' think there is just one too many?:cool:
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Hmm, I have been thinking about and I am willing to give it a shot, thought I am not so appealed about some of the Spell Removals I have taken into account that they are still under beta. By the way you have this thread is a pretty good impression, you guys seem very organised! Does the guild need any classes in particular just now? I am not sure what I am going to roll yet.

I thought I'd tell you that there is quite a lot guild restrictions i totally agree with the boosting and whatever but 'I' think there is just one too many?:cool:


I'm glad you're willing to give us a shot! That's a good start, first off all we're still thinking about the spell removal and the likely hood of them remaining in the game are of a high possibility as pretty much every class has too many high DPS based spells. As for priests and so on, healer limitations such as bubble and other majorly OP healing based abilities may still be removed due to the fact that they're too OP for the bracket.

We're currently looking for the following classes:

DPS - Casters would be of a great help, we're not really fused regarding this genre at due course
Tank - Druid / Warrior would be a great help.
Healer - Resto Druid / Holy Paladins would also be great.

Regarding the threads view, I appreciate the fact that you've noticed the threads organised traits and so fourth. I do agree there are too much regarding the regulations however they will be limited down in due course, when you're online next and we're also online be sure to throw us a /w in-game for an invite.

We're looking forward to seeing you.
Elkiva - GM.
Much RP cave such secret location very wow


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