Guild Wars 2


I would put this topic in the tavern, but frankly, I don't socialize well with other brackets.

With Guild Wars 2 release in roughly a month, I was wondering who was thinking about taking a break from f2p and delving into the world of Tyria?
If so, state what profession and race you are thinking about choosing... and why would be nice!

I am thinking about making a Sylvari Guardian.
Sylvari because I like the aesthetics and history of the race as well as one of their racials - the ground grasp.
Guardian seems like the right choice for me since its all about timing and positioning leaving it open to a high skill cap. It also will be probably one of the least played classes since the player gives up some of its power to assist his/her teammates, which also making it a very desirable class to be grouped with.
PS: If you have some gripe about GW2, please do not comment.
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I would love to play.... sadly I have no mean of buying it, save for either Christmas, or my birthday lol. Have fun if you guys do go over there.
I can't wait till the release, hopefully it will make up for the wait to MoP - still unsure about what class and race I'm going to stick with, I think whatever has the most survivability will interest me...
Ohh, let me see.

For the races, i like the sylvari, Norn, and the humans. Probably wont be a human but the human city is just amazing looking. Sylvari looks a little to peaceful for me by the looks of some videos. Norn looks more on the rugged side of things, which seems cool but is it too much? Not sure which one i pick. Probably will depend on what other friends pick to play together.

For professions, I am thinking elementalist. Gameplay looks soo fun and looks like they have some pretty decent survivability. Thief also looks fun. Necromancer could be an option but it doesnt appeal to me that terribly much. Pretty much I am completely undecided on what I want to roll.
I can't wait till the release, hopefully it will make up for the wait to MoP - still unsure about what class and race I'm going to stick with, I think whatever has the most survivability will interest me...
Mop release is within a week of GW:2 release, idk if before/after
Something tells me MoP is going to be a huge flop. Judging by Blizzard's production quality on their previous expansions, unless they have managed to put together a completely new development team since Cata (unlikely, seeing as Goatseballer is still in charge), they have no hope of matching what Arenanet have managed to do in producing GW2.

  • GW2 looks much, much better than WoW, and it's much better optimised too. I have a GTX690. WoW with everything at ultra settings hovers around 50-60 fps, and regularly drops to under 30. GW2 gets 50-60 with most settings at medium, the framerate is a lot more stable, and it looks a whole lot better too. Add to that the fact that the game hasn't been optimised yet, so there's no SLI/crossfire support, and the card's drivers haven't been updated for it either. Blizzard come across as having bad graphics engine coders. GW2 is far from being the only game I've got that runs a lot better than WoW, while looking a lot better too.
  • It's much more fun to play, with (a large number of) dynamic events replacing the boring grind of questing and instances. Bliz could have come up with solutions to grinding in all the time they've been 'developing' WoW. They didn't, and it's still as much of a boring grindfest as it ever was.
  • Good PvP is far more accessible in GW2, seeing as you can log in for the first time and once you ding 2 you can start playing an endgame PvP character with all your abilities, and the same gear as everyone else. In WoW you have to either put up with the chronic class balance at lower levels, or put up with the huge grind to endgame, followed by another endless grind for PvP gear that gets replaced every season.
  • And most importantly of all, unlike WoW (or SW:TOR or RIFT, which failed to make much of a dent in WoW's subscribers), GW2 is going to be free to play once you've bought the game. Why pay for any subscription MMORPG, when there's a P1F2P that from what I've seen so far, looks to be of a better quality than a game that's had 8 years of development, and that impression was of a game that's not yet out of beta.
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Yasueh practically said everything already, but there are a few skill mechanics I'd like to bring up... as well as stating which characters I'll be playing:
  • Instant full gear and max level for structured pvp (battlegrounds/'arenas')
    Current gear and max level boost for world pvp
  • LoS actually works: even while the projectiles are in motion, if you can get a wall between you and the projectile it will be "obstructed" and do no damage.
  • Beware of "blinds": nearly every class has some kind of ability that will cause your next move to miss. Make sure to use something weak (similar to how WoW used to have down ranking)
  • Don't waste dodge: similar to wasting energy as a rogue. Make sure to dodge the opponents heavy hitting attacks (alternatively blind/cc/etc). This is the single mechanic I really wish WoW had :(
A skilled player in GW2 can take down multiple unskilled opponents while taking almost no damage. The fights get really interesting with skilled on skilled where concepts like juking dodges or abilities becomes a deciding factor.

Skilled players in pve can accomplish amazing feats as well. The same skills that get wins in pvp can have dramatic effects in pve.

I highly recommend guardian to newer players, expecially if you have no beta experience. They can be practically unkillable, which is why I won't be playing one.

Personally, I'll be playing:
1. Asura - Engineer
2. Charr - Mesmer
3. Norn - Warrior
4. Sylvari - Elementalist
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"When I'm done with you, you won't trust your own mind."

That is all.

Edit: might also go for

The mechanics of both look amazingly fun, plus I like casters.
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Something I forgot to mention was the levelling system.

In a game like WoW, you level and get access to new areas that contain mobs and quests aimed at your new level, however, at the same time you lose a reason to play the lower level areas as they won't give the same rewards, and the content ceases to be challenging.

With GW2's system of dynamic delevelling, any content at or below your level remains challenging, and still gives rewards appropriate to your level, both gear drops (I was getting level 12 gear off level 2 mobs) and XP. That means that ultimately, once you've hit endgame there will be a lot more content that is still rewarding to play, without having to wait for an expansion (and it also means that expansions can include content for all levels).

Also by preventing high level characters from farming low level areas for items and mats, the game's AH becomes much more accessible to low level characters, as they become the only ones who can get low level gear drops, and are at no disadvantage when gathering mats for their level.

There are a couple of other nice choices that Arenanet made when developing GW2:

  • Gathering nodes are instanced, so there's no competition for them and they can't become scarce through excessive numbers of players farming them. You can mine out a node and it'll vanish from your screen, but it'll still be there to the guy who followed you to it. This means that crafting mats, and gear made from them, will have constant availability that matches the server population.

  • When you gather crafting mats, you can send them to your bank from anywhere, and they don't technically take up any space there, as each type of material goes into one huge stack. Because of this, you won't need bag space, or to travel to towns to vendor items, anywhere near as much as you do in WoW. You can also access your bank while at any crafting station saving travelling in town.

  • While your gathering tools do wear out and will need to be replaced, you don't need to grind your way up through a gathering profession in order to collect high level mats. You just buy high enough level gathering tools (and they don't take up bag slots as they have slots on the character pane).

  • Once you've learned a profession, you don't lose the skillpoints gained for it, when you swap to another profession. It just cost to swap, which scales in cost as your character levels.

  • All gear drops, or items you no longer need can be salvaged, giving you another source of crafting mats. So long as you have salvaging kits on you, you can do this from anywhere (and again, send the salvaged mats to your bank from anywhere). If you can afford higher level salvaging kits, you even have a chance of getting back the enhancements that may be on gear, as well as rarer crafting mats.

  • The fast travel system, like WoW's flight-points pre-cata, opens up waypoints once you've discovered them. However, unlike WoW, you don't need to be at a point to travel to another. You can teleport to any waypoint in your zone (that hasn't been taken over by mobs as part of the dynamic questing system ;) ), from anywhere in that zone. You don't need a mount when you can get from anywhere to a town or city, instantly. Also, cities have portals to other cities (how many WoW players were happy to see those go?).

Little things like these make the game a lot more bearable, and really it all stems from one thing. The game is not subscription, and Arenanet, unlike Blizzard, don't need to make doing anything in the game take as long as possible, so as to waste as much of a subscriber's time as possible.

Fixing little things is something they may well have learned from the developers of EVE, who since they lost a lot of players after a badly thought out expansion, now have a team of people constantly working on 'little things', most of them suggested and voted upon by the players. An expansion consisting almost entirely of small fixes to long outstanding issues is what got EVE's customers to come back. A lot of small issues can add up to the point where the game becomes less bearable, and simply adding major new features and content while ignoring them, is a sign of poor development.

The one overwhelming impression I've got from playing the GW2 beta, is that the game really is incredibly polished, especially in comparison to WoW, but also when compared to most other games I've played (and that's a huge number of games).

I know where the money from my cancelled WoW subscription will be going.
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Thanks for the posts Yasueh; they have been very helpful and I hope will sway those players who are currently on the fence about GW2.

Keep coming in with the race/profession combos and any other information or talk about Guild Wars 2.

I will be making a thread closer to launch where we can put character name/profession/server information for people who want to play together. If players do not want to broadcast such information.. well thats what PMs are for.
I think I'll be playin an Engineer - either Charr or Asura. Mesmers look really cool as well, just havent figured out what race to play, maybe human. We're all playing on Baffis realm as well k thxx

I think I'll be playin an Engineer - either Charr or Asura. Mesmers look really cool as well, just havent figured out what race to play, maybe human. We're all playing on Baffis realm as well k thxx


Could you PM me the realm name... I think I already know, but a confirmation would be nice.
Apparently you'll be able to play a lot of content on the same server as a friend if you join a party with them, although you'd still need to pay for a full server transfer to access everything there (I can see WvW working along the lines of a server getting popular because it wins regularly, getting a lot of scrubs transfer there for the benefits, and them causing the server to lose a lot more).

I loved playing my engineer, especially once I got the flamethrower, bombs and grenades (good for AoE while doing group stuff). They changed the classes a lot after the first 2 beta weekends, so I can't comment on the other 2 classes I played, mesmer and necromancer.
I am most definitely going to be playing GW2.... after having a very disappointing time playing Diablo 3. A MMORPG that you don't have to grind gear/play "catch up" in PVP? YES PLEASE.

I'll still play F2P and login every now and then (as I currently do), and also still attend the big events (Brewfest, Harvest Festival, and MOP launch) coming up.

I also played a bit of GW1 but I think the sequel is much more evolved in almost every aspect.... so looking forward to it.

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