i was making waves u was surfing in 'em
If they are REALLY fast with kick reaction they might fall for a hearth fake.
Thanks big dog.
No need to post anything for paladins I already learned everything I need to know from watching dirty auction videos .
I might change my guide to a Dirtyauction video. Maybe the one where that 70 ganks him in IF over and over on his 19.
Right. The person who STARTED the thread is jealous of the fact that you get made fun of by everyone. Don't become Heysus!
Sounds to us like you were the only one in the thread maliciously trying to make fun of me. Funny thing is it looks like you were the one getting discredited when Snowjobs posted and your subconscious defense mechanism was to exaggerate a video where a 19 was ganked once by a 70.
you call me "DA" like i even know who you are l0l. apparently you haven't done anything remotely significant enough to be recognized yet so continue dropping big names in your posts to fool people into assuming you are knowledgeable.. ps it says alot about you when your own "friend" "snowjobs" makes fun of you in your own guide thread lmaO.DA, I feel bad for you, so I'll take the time to educate you. Be happy I'm doing that. Most of the 19 "friends" of yours trash talked you when you were good and still trash talk you now. You'd rank people like Cloudkill super high in ranks and he'd talk shit about you the next day.
Either way, Snowjobs is a friend of mine. He's making fun of you. I promise. I can stream me asking him in Skype if you REALLY don't believe me. I feel bad because you used to be on the same plane as people like Obliv, Pwntage, Diablo etc. but you really should have stayed retired. Don't keep fucking up your already subpar reputation more.
you call me "DA" like i even know who you are l0l. apparently you haven't done anything remotely significant enough to be recognized yet so continue dropping big names in your posts to fool people into assuming you are knowledgeable.. ps it says alot about you when your own "friend" "snowjobs" makes fun of you in your own guide thread lmaO.
Can you teach me how to play the hunter class?
in this bracket rogues just don't have their tools, they do a tremendous amount of damage and have some interrupts..but for some reason people just cant grasp the 2 button class. Most sit in stealth and ambush 20% hp people, so all in all rogue is the most disposable class out there. In low level brackets the rogue IS the most disposable class out there.
but i do have to take issue with your analysis of KBs. for one, the reason why the scoreboard is sorted by KBs as default is because.....that's the way it works in every single other game, ever, and most people care about getting KBs over anything else in PvP. why would they not be the default?
secondly, i think that you're drastically under-valuing the importance of being able to KILL other players in WoW battlegrounds. you point out that damage done is a rather poor indicator of "skill", which is true, for the reasons that you mention. but actually killing other players is very important in WoW pvp. a bunch of retarded noob hunters can mindlessly sink all the damage into the world into a target(s), but if they're just being intelligently healed, they're not really accomplishing anything. good players *actually kill* people in BGs. they don't follow some random 500 hp priest into a corner of WSG so they can get one KB. they rack up a ton of KBs, killing other players as efficiently as possible, denying the other team the chance to accomplish objectives.
would you rather work with someone who is fantastic mechanically at their job, constantly cranking out quality work, but unable to ever finish a project? or would you rather work with someone who may not do a pretty job, but always gets the project finished to satisfaction no matter what? there's a reason why we live in a results-oriented socioeconomic system - because results get wins.
i actually just plain don't agree with your assessment of KBs - i think that you're just wrong, and have some kind of bias toward KB-counting that has probably resulted from your interactions with thousands of obnoxious kids and noobs throughout your gaming career (man, i don't blame you). the KB column in WoW BGs is actually very useful information, much more useful than almost all of the other ones provided. as a DPSer, you're going to want to assist the best KBers in target acquisition. as a healer, you're going to want to concentrate your heals on the players who are getting the KBs. as a player of any kind of utility class, you're going to want to use your abilities to protect and assist your most effective tactical asset - the player who is getting all the kills. this is just the sad reality of the way that WoW battlegrounds are set up. it's completely irrelevant whether the converse that you point out is true or not - "skill" has nothing to do with the fact that it is in an individual player's best interest to behave this above-described way if they want to *actually win* WoW battlegrounds.