[Guide] So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?

This will be getting updated shortly after I return to wow, getting finacial stuff worked out now that I am married and gonna see if I can squeeze in a day or two of gaming
I would like to state this guide is currently out of date, I will be updating it, still alot of good information though.
Anyone in the mood to help me update this guide? Been way to busy with a full time job and owning a Game Shop that I havent been able to play wow post Patch. I plan on coming back to the game after the holidays it all depends on how business is with the Shop (Had to start running Wensday Night Tournaments because of the Demand)
I updated sections of the guide to give new twinks a general idea how the bracket is and trying to help them decide one classes. Also updated some links that can give them a better idea of what we need and what is out there.
I have recently Updated this Guide to include a New section, Might look into making a whole new thread for the sake of cleaning up this current one.
Good work keep it comming :) Well done and very imformative imo, as well as the class guide links!
I feel this Guide needs a new Rehaul and will be redoing some of the sections to best serve the 19 bracket.
I am sorry you feel that way but obviously your opinion is a bit harsh and down right rude or else you would not be banned. I never claim to be the best player and never will, do I feel I do a well enough job at my roll of course I do. Do I feel like I get better every day? Of course I am. I wish you the best of luck in your game play and look forward to seeing you in the gulch.

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