Yea, I'm leaning toward WSG strat guide. But I do feel like the vast majority of rogues are geared well, but not quite optimally. I still see people using dissector, resil shoulders, the wrong bracer enchant, resil dagger etc...
Some things cannot be taught. Spatial awareness and teamwork are innate.
So frustrating to die at a healers feet while he is dps'ing and at full health. So frustrating to watch the EFC alone run by a group of your team busy chopping mid. So frustrating when people ask "where is our flag carrier?".
A guide will not help someone remove their head from their rectum. I've tried for many years to help these lost souls - believe me there is no ROI (return on investment). /end rant
It's not that guides don't help in general it's more gameplay advice is usually lost on most people. And most puggers new to BGs will not hit up this site and never witness Earl's pearls of wisdom.
So long story long I would say go for the rogue guide.
1) Don't grab the speed boot
2) cap the flag
3) stop fighting at mid
4) get on offense
5) OMG, kill the healers
6) Turtle soup on the roof
7) /Tickle ( Portugese love to be tickled)
1) stop fighting on the road
2) if you cap it defend it
3) fight and aoe on flag
4) heal me dayumm it lol
5) we don't need a 4 flag to win, defend what we have
6) /Tickle ( as stated above they love it)
Kibbies guide to Portuguese translations
por la horda!=for the horde
por de allencia= for the alliance!
elemental de agua=water elemental
ave de Rapina= Bird of prey