Guardian Druids

So after a few weeks of playing BG's with my Ret Pally, Lakemolar, I've notice one thing. Why is it that I never see Guardian Druids in BG's? Looking at the abilities they have at 20, I would think that they would be more popular. They have Bear Hug which is basically a 3 second stun that does 10% of the druid's health every 1 second. Typically a guardian druid in readily available stamina gear and bear form would have about 2,200-2,800 health. That's 660-840 damage (I believe this damage can crit as well) over the 3 second stun duration, which is nothing to laugh about when facing a solo healing FC. Not only that but they have excellent dodge and damage mitigation that when combined with their self heals can make them useful to soak up damage during team fights. They would also benefit from Vengeance allowing them to deal decent damage. Has anyone tried twinking a Guardian Druid? I have a 19 P2P druid I'm considering bringing up to 20 to test out the waters.
I know people have tried it but it their dmg is inferior to other specs but they make very good FCs if defended.
That's good to know. I was thinking more of an offensive guardian druid than an FC.

Check le signature. Been rocking guardian Druid for about 3 months now offensively but I had a stam set if I had to fc
I tried it for a few games and in an AB nothing killed me in bear form if I kept up rejuv. Since alliance G-druids would be hitcapped with eyepatch, I suggest using the resto looms and BFD caster pants for increased heals and crit. G-druids get an additional 50% crit from crit on gear so that should easily bring the crit chance to around 30-35%.

In addition, for actually bursting you need to get 5 CB points on a target before bear hugging, and then fero biting during that 3 sec stun.
Check my signature my druid is balancefury.
I've got even set, and guardian is awesome. Dubbs inspired me to play as guardian and now I <3 it!
Like someone else said, they're -ok- while defending (with heals), and possibly clutch flag runs. But w/o decent healers, you're pretty much going to get nuked. A pally does everything better other than running fast, which isn't always a good thing. Most druids i see grab the flag, run off into mid and blown up because they ran without a healer, or even without a dps to peel people off him. However, play what you want, whatever you enjoy. Thats all that really matters.
You never see any guardians because they are soul-crushingly AWEFUL to play at this level. Mangle..... Wait.... Wait.... Mangle. Oh yea! I have enough rage to.... maul.... :/ so you try to pop out to heal or roots or something... And instantly get blown up.

they might be okay in premades. you couldn't pay me to pug one.
i geared my feral as a guardian for faster queue times.
i still can't believe how little thought Blizz put into guardian in relation to every other class/spec.
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You never see any guardians because they are soul-crushingly AWEFUL to play at this level. Mangle..... Wait.... Wait.... Mangle. Oh yea! I have enough rage to.... maul.... :/ so you try to pop out to heal or roots or something... And instantly get blown up.

they might be okay in premades. you couldn't pay me to pug one.
i geared my feral as a guardian for faster queue times.
i still can't believe how little thought Blizz put into guardian in relation to every other class/spec.

i disagree completely
Do you pug on it?


well completely was the wrong word i should have said mostly

the reason people dont play guardian is because its easier and more appealing to crit 1k heals, cast 1.5k and bite for 3k and latch onto it without ever trying anything else

ive pugged alot and played with a few friends alot your right when you say you shouldnt fc without a healer but its the same as fcing as feral but taking almost half the damage

edit: spelled stuff wrong
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I honestly haven't tried it in the gulch. I just know how much I hated it in dungeons. Which was a LOT.

I have a warrior and a paladin. They're both fun in pve and PvP. Maybe guardian experience is much better in PvP. But I won't know due to how awful they are in pve. Totally turned me off.
I honestly haven't tried it in the gulch. I just know how much I hated it in dungeons. Which was a LOT.

I have a warrior and a paladin. They're both fun in pve and PvP. Maybe guardian experience is much better in PvP. But I won't know due to how awful they are in pve. Totally turned me off.

i find pve dreadful so i dont really enjoy it on anything. you should try it its alot of fun and a nice break from op and up classes right now imo its one of the only balanced specs in the bracket. + the armor buff and the bear hug stun makes you feel like blizz should buff paladins
Guardian druid is op people just dont know lol. I played it when it first came out and i still play it. I even have the first guardian druid video in 3v3 arenas vs yeko
Guess i need to try it out lol.

So I've been rolling around as resto in the fang set with all int off pieces. I have a pretty good agility build already since I started as feral. The question is: guardian in pure agi? Or in the fang set for heals?
been playing guardian druid for about 9 months, a mix of fc'ing and ofencive and there awsome, in my opinion there one of the best fc's at 20 with awsome armor (about 3.6k) and good dodge depending on your gear about 18% they also have nice damage reduction passives and there own evasion which costs 60 rage and gives u 40% dodge, u can basicaly keep this up 80% of the time whilst in combat if u dont use maul (which is basicaly uesless). as for going ofensive in bear form, although it is possible and kinda viable (u dont die) its not great damage so if your not sponging then shift to cat form. the 3 second stun cant crit and is greatly reduced by armor, in my dps gear i have about 2k hp but im still missing damned agms. little tip stack as much crit as you can as critical hits generate doubble rage and i run about 35% crit otherwise u will find yourself seriously rage starved.
good luck and see u in the gulch

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