Guardian Druid?



So i came back (last time ive played was in cata / mop beta) and my f2p main is druid.
Ive found out that even feral was considered OP (as well as balance and resto which i knew)
So i am considering Guardian spec but are there anyone who is playing guardian? is it any viable? (warlock in cata was viable to my standard so.... i guess that helps )

And are there any tips for me to get back into this game?

is my gear outdated ?
Dubbs @ Norgannon - Community - World of Warcraft

Thanks in advance.
There viable you kill them with cuddly bear hugs :3 and your gear is fine i would use smelting if you wanted crit though but thats just me.
alrighty letss start with gear. you may want to switch to the 10 stam 8 agi or what ever the stats are leggs from ally only bfd quest. also it would be worth while to get a gsoj. in my guardian setup i use all feral gear (max resil) all leather.

guardian is very viable.
ill give a small review
you get a interupt and a little more conistant dps with rip that you dont have in resto
also you gain a bit of mitigation . you will have around 71% mele reduc and 25% spell pluss resil (from tough hide talent) you are extremely healer dependant as a fc. i would recomend going feral swiftness if you are pugging on your guardian . or feral charge if you have some sort of healer with you . gaining rage is kindah tough at times expecialy if your pshifting roots and stuff. your stun that you gain is very good for interupting a heal and gives you a little bit of a edge against heals. you can stack all of your bleads and have them tick durring stun for max damage in a stun than maybe shift into cat for a full ferocious bite at max energy.

as far as public opinion everyone will always go "omg druid so op . fotm piece of $#@& blah blah blah" but it provides a chalange or different twist if you ever get bored of every other spec
i'm currently running guardian and i like it more than feral for two main reasons.
1. Bear Hug is a CC that druids can't shift out of. yeah.
3. Much more survivability over Feral imo.

IMO, its a loss of DPS over feral...but most anything that I could kill in Feral I can also kill in Guardian. yeah, there's an occasional Pally or Priest that I MIGHT have been able to kill in Feral IF I would have timed everything perfectly, but those are all if's. You'll find yourself more in an assist role in Guardian (at least I do)...than going out on your own to hunt.
I've only seen 1 person ever play guardian.. Bend which seemed to rock it pretty well.

Only better fcing spec is Rdruid imo but that must be beyond boring for everything else while you aren't fcing. Guardian is like a dang monk with all their migitation but with another healer (lets be honest.. you will have atleast 1 healer with you) guardian is DEFINITELY viable..
it doesnt matter what you roll on a druid they are all OP.You still have the hots and insta NO CD escpe artist

when it takes 4 dps to kill one f2p druid this shows balance. And I remember when people were complaining about hunters being OP and having ''lots of abilities for low level like scatter shot''.Look now

tl;dr druids burn in a fire
I haven't read the replies yet but...

guardian is the way to go man, they're loads of fun and your current gear is BiS in my opinion, although instead of the lava dredger i'd recommend switching it out for GSOJ for maximum resil/effective health and stronger rejuv ticks.

also guardian play is practically the same as feral, the only major differences are that guardian has less burst, however it has some extra cc which is pretty handy as an fc :)
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are there ANY new items available for F2Ps?
I know about the new BoA staff but anything else? Any other new BoAs?
And I remember when people were complaining about hunters being OP and having ''lots of abilities for low level like scatter shot''.Look now

Keep in mind that OP means OverPowered...preMoP hunters were lawn mowers and most of us were the grass. They did mad damage and were hard to kill...MoP resto/guardian druids are stupidly difficult to kill, but they can't kill crap..i'd call that a measure of balance that didn't exist before (just talking about druids and hunters though...and not saying they're balanced now, but probably more so than before).
umm the staff is alot better then the dredger... they have diff stats

if u look at the staff its a 3.60 instead of a 2.90 which is 60-90 dmg instead of 48-73 besides the fire resist (not like theres many fire mages out there...)

i'm pretty sure ferals go by damage of wep not dps of wep... although this could of been changed and i could be wrong... (plz correct me if im wrong)
umm the staff is alot better then the dredger... they have diff stats

if u look at the staff its a 3.60 instead of a 2.90 which is 60-90 dmg instead of 48-73 besides the fire resist (not like theres many fire mages out there...)

i'm pretty sure ferals go by damage of wep not dps of wep... although this could of been changed and i could be wrong... (plz correct me if im wrong)

i believe you're bad (as usual)
umm the staff is alot better then the dredger... they have diff stats

if u look at the staff its a 3.60 instead of a 2.90 which is 60-90 dmg instead of 48-73 besides the fire resist (not like theres many fire mages out there...)

i'm pretty sure ferals go by damage of wep not dps of wep... although this could of been changed and i could be wrong... (plz correct me if im wrong)

Incorrect, weapon speed or high-end doesn't matter for a druid, all you want from a weapon is stats + DPS. So mace is still bis, because of the fire resist.
so whats better? new staff or the mace xD
so whats better? new staff or the mace xD
The mace.

uhmmmm, you sure? not that anything on wowwiki is worth a hill of beans, but I thought any melee ability that does x% damage has weapon damage in its calculation.
That's correct but attack speed is normalized in cat form which makes the weapon speed irrelevant.
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