Great news, enter leveling bg with xp-off is back!

Did you unplug your network cable? because DC macro or alt+f4 wouldn't work.
And it's working fine in CN server. I don't think Blizzard will make any hotfix for it, the last fix took them over 18 months

Just got kicked 3 times in a row after DCing :(((
It's usually the terrible players who have to resort to 'twinking' in exp-on BG's simply because they cannot compete in exp-off BG's where the skill level is much higher. Killing levelers is far too easy for most of them I guess it provides a challenge because they're so bad.

Sneaky, I also believe its cases of not being able to get pops in that level range, eg 10-14 bracket. We can't get pops very often, so people resort to EXP-ON bgs.
Everyone's definition of twinking varies. Pre Cata was fun; Cata had its ups and downs. With the implementation of 40% base resilience. XP on and XP off are much more balanced. Even if one were to use the exploit in its current form it could be difficult for non twinkers to identify. Solving this entire "problem" would be as simple as merging XP on and off once again.
Everyone's definition of twinking varies. Pre Cata was fun; Cata had its ups and downs. With the implementation of 40% base resilience. XP on and XP off are much more balanced. Even if one were to use the exploit in its current form it could be difficult for non twinkers to identify. Solving this entire "problem" would be as simple as merging XP on and off once again.
I think that would just reestablish the problem and make twinks even more hated as they once were.
I think that would just reestablish the problem and make twinks even more hated as they once were.

Not really, the fact that BoAs are now almost a ful BiS set, and that everyone has plenty of resilience evens the playing field in a way that is unprecedented. There is really absolutely no reason for dividing up XP on and XP off any more. Sure we would be back to having the annoying couple random scrubs popping in and taking up a valuable slot on our team, but that is two sided.

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