Nakedplumber said:
...whenever I want to make something new I cannot be fully BiS cause of these Jutebraid Gloves or Gutterblade, etc...
This, HIGHLY contradicts this statment:
Nakedplumber said:
First of all every noob can already BiS judging that 80% of noobs roll hunters and they do not need gfed gear to be BiS
Now, in your original post, you claim that because YOU can not personally obtain it, when making a new character, they should be removed because you are unable to achieve BiS, then you go on to say that players are easily able to obtain BiS.
Also, you say you have toons that have GF gear on them. That good and great. But what toons are you wanting to make that is 'annoying' you because GF items are not available? Most classes should be good to go, with current gear because according to you, most people can obtain BiS, without GF gear.
Also, it's not unfair in anyway, as the stat differences are minuscule. Secondly, some people actually might have earned their GF gear, IE: having to solo the quest due to a dead server, lack of help, persistence, etc. It's gear that has been carried throughout many of patches, and the stats were changed.
Had the stats remained the same, (before the changes were made), would you still want them removed, because they would still be considered GF'd?
Nype said:
Whenever I go to make a new twink, I think of the items I will need to get in my head; like inferno robe, jutebraid.. oh wait... I can't even get those? wtf is the point? so I end up not even making the toon.
edit: I agree that the bracket is in bad shape.
Nakedplumber said:
^This, Im quite sure everyone would like to try other classes and actually be BiS
That makes absolutely no sense, and is once again, contradictory...
Your post serves no point, or purpose. The only conclusion I can come up with, is that you are jealous of other players and classes that have the items, because when you want to make that particular class, you won't be able to obtain the items...
Solve your own problem. Delete the GF gear you have, play without them and go on as if they don't exist so next time you're at a character creation screen, you don't have to be 'annoyed' that the toon you are creating, is without GF gear. Have the mindset of a brand new player to the twinking scene. They only know what's available and in front of them. Getting BiS with the current gear is rather easy, and to them, they cannot get mad at something that they don't know exist(ed/s).
This exact proposal can be used for players with mains, that do not have BoA gear. A player that has been searching ENDLESSLY for a SF with no luck; unobtainable. A player that has fished weeks:months:YEARS; unobtainable.