Grandfather your 19s easier with 19Check

Anyone know when pre patch is?
Other than getting a list of items, remind me, was there something else of importance that get's gfd? Professions to be leveled / Enchants that need to be applied before pre patch?
Argent Dawn reputation if you ever want to get Argent Champion title on your twink

Enchant Formal dangui with +22 Defense Rating now as it will convert to Dodge Rating in Cata but lose its ilvl 60 making it unenchantable

Enchant a > ilvl 35 chest with +16 Defense Rating as it becomes untouched by enchant scaling in MoP (becoming + 15 Dodge Rating) grab as many as you want for Heirlooms or other weapons.

A lot of Spirit gear becomes Hit rating in Cata so keep an eye out for that on the wowhead database if you desire to wpvp/pve higher levels.
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Hey guys, since cata prepatch is coming out much sooner than expected I am just going to be leaving the site as is until that happens :)

After the 1st of May I will probably be taking the site down since it will no longer be necessary.

I hope 19Check helped you in one way or another, thank you for all the support!
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This is a little off-topic.
But a nice little note to add for people who are collecting and prepping characters for Cata:

Do NOT sink gold into Wrangler's wristbands of stamina for FC'ing, as we will be provided with Bracers of the ancient grove from the quest 'The battle for Darkshore' on April 30th.

I've seen them on the AH for a ridiculous price. Pump your gold into enchants and other stuff you might need!
I may get these done as a side project.

Thanks for the info.
Is this enchant good for anything? or is it just because it gets gf'ed?
AoE farming prolly the only legit use case (it's the only exponentially scaling enchant), don't think it's any good in PvP.
Please keep this up until Cata launch. I’ve decided to make new toons and this is really nice. Much appreciated for putting this together.
Hey guys, since cata prepatch is coming out much sooner than expected I am just going to be leaving the site as is until that happens :)

After the 1st of May I will probably be taking the site down since it will no longer be necessary.

I hope 19Check helped you in one way or another, thank you for all the support!
someone give this man a content badge
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Thank you again, Piter! Just knocked out a bunch of quests on my alliance characters that I had completely forgotten about. This guide helped me out tremendously. Appreciate it.
Just an idea but does anyone have anything similar with current 19 gear? So we know what to grab before faction changing etc.

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