iaccidentallytwink said:
This was front page news with the 3.1 (or was it 3.2?) patchnotes. Really unneeded topic, it's common knowledge now.
One should think so, but maybe not.
Grabco said:
in order to "see" how much it heals for on the spell (which is really easy to do as you have demonstrated with the picture) you have to test it empirically. It still doesn't say how it scales with AP or SP and in order to do that with your picture you would have to empirically test with gear and chants how different amounts of AP or SP change the amount healed in spell description.
Well, the number doesn't change on the picture when you change AP / SP gear. So one could just go search "wowwiki gift of the naaru" on google and find the formula for it
. Or try wowhead, many options.
Grabco said:
The base heal IS 320 but the amount it heals for is increased based on the equation I have given which is not detailed in your picture. The total heal is then 320+~400 for a warrior with 380 AP.
It doesn't show how much its effected by, no, just like any other spell mate
If you wanna know how much bleed is increased by AP, you gotta look up formula as well. Just like any other spell. One can't post formulas for all twink spells here, or we'd have no other topics hehe.
Grabco said:
Knowing the spell details and scaling factors can help people make decisions about gear and chants some ret pallies like to use 30SP or lots of agility (+15 gloves +25weapon) but I would argue for a draenei +15 str to weapon and +7 str on may be better and improve healing from GotN by a total of 48hp. Whereas 30 sp would benefit seal of righteousness damage more because this spells damage is determined by (AP*.022+SP*.044).
So can it with many other spells
Regardless, a holy pala will still have more SP than AP, and a ret pala more AP than SP. Which is the point
Grabco said:
I made the OP because details matter when it comes to twinking. Some twinks don't care about +1 (pic a stat) here or there but +1+1+1+1+1+1 (pic a stat) here AND there does matter.
Grabco said:
This may have been on a front page a while ago but I think it is more relevant now that faction changing is possible, and I don't remember the scaling details (although if they were included then I apologize for the repost)
I don't recall it on front page, but
Wowwiki said:
# Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): The cast time has been removed; it is now an instant cast.
# Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): The amount healed is increased based on the caster's spell power or attack power, whichever is higher. In addition, the ability is now immune against pushback effects.
# Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): It now works with [Cosmic Infuser], but not with the shaman talent Healing Focus.
# Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Gift of the Naaru has been added to the game.
Grabco said:
Don't try to belittle the relevance of this post with Lifeblood sarcasm as we both know there is no spellpower or attack power coefficient associated with that spell.
I think that was his point mate. It's the same with GotN, just oppisit.... Get it ?
Grabco said:
I guess to determine if crusader changes things you could look at the spell description after a crusader proc?
As mentioned before, tooltips doesn't change. You'd have to do calculations or do tests(calculations with formula's prolly abit faster and easier hehe).