got scammed for 25 000 Gold. Leave or not the game?

just think twice about w/e u do
I wouldn't quit, but then again I hardly use any gold.
I have less than 25k across all my toons, it doesn't slow down my twinking one bit. Definately not something to quit over lawl. You could probably buy that much for a lot less than you've spent on xfers and faction changes, nevermind the monthly sub.
how do you only have 5k?? i have 100k atm, and i'm poor compared to some people i know. i don't even do dailies! D:
So Bank, what you did was not illegal. As of now, in the US, you CAN buy pets/gold/rockets etc and it is not illegal. I looked in the Code of Conduct because there is guy on my server that buys mass amounts of gold and brags in trade. In EU, however, it is illegal to buy/sell virtual property for money, whereas here in the US, you are just not allowed to sell.

As for getting your money back, i find that calling blizz is quicker and less work than contacting GM after GM. GL :)
Tonkks said:
So Bank, what you did was not illegal. As of now, in the US, you CAN buy pets/gold/rockets etc and it is not illegal. I looked in the Code of Conduct because there is guy on my server that buys mass amounts of gold and brags in trade. In EU, however, it is illegal to buy/sell virtual property for money, whereas here in the US, you are just not allowed to sell.

As for getting your money back, i find that calling blizz is quicker and less work than contacting GM after GM. GL :)

Not sure where you got that information, but it's incorrect. It's definitely against the rules to buy or sell gold in the US, you will get swiftly banned for either.
Here's how it works, you cannot trade money for virtual items, or virtual items for money. You can however trade gold for virtual items, or virtual items for gold. Basically when cash gets involved Blizzard tries to put a stop to it because that cash isn't going into their pocket. At least that's how it works here.
Techincally, the blizzard store pets are not fine.

The way they see it, last I heard, was:

Ingame code - ingame gold = Okay

out of game code - ingame gold = not okay

Blizzard store pets count as an out-of-game code because you redeem the code on the blizzard website and not ingame like you do for loot cards or blizzcon promotions.

I don't see them restoring the gold I'm afraid, unless they have changed the above policy.

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