got scammed for 25 000 Gold. Leave or not the game?

So yeah, I just got scammed for about 25 thousand gold, it's a pretty pretty pretty sad day if you ask me. There was so much work put in this amount of gold, so much thing I wanted and got from that and now it's gone.

I'm wondering if I should or not leave the game. I kinda think it's pretty useless continuating, as I will always say, well I would have X amount of gold if I didn't get scammed, now I just have that. I feel a bit depressed about it, because I always wanted to hit the freaking 200k on my bankbeauty, but I guess it's gonna be even harder, so I don't see this happening.

What do you guys think?
Wrong Section, was meant to be in general twink section, Sorry.
bankbeauty said:
Wrong Section, was meant to be in general twink section, Sorry.

No worries. I've moved it now.

Anywho, contact a GM. They've usually fairly good at sorting out proper scams when they happen. What happened, how did you lose 25k?
You shouldn't quit because of that. Sure you will have your setbacks but should you give up? No, you have now learned yourself a lesson and continue your journey towards the 200k gold. I myself are aiming for goldcap. I have lost some gold (tho not scammed, just bad investement) but then i just learn not to sell/buy those items.

How did you get scammed? I'm just curious.
Nah GM cannot give me my gold back, so it's pretty much done out of it.

Basically, I bought Blizzard Store pet for gold in-game.

To make sure I wasn't scammed, he would give me code first, I would pay him after for each pet, 5k gold each.

I bought all 6 pet from blizzard store. Worked great, kept them for 2 days no problem. Then the next I logged over and no mroe pet, only the moonkin one, because it was on bankbeauty when I logged off. I contacted Blizzard and they said, the purchase were done on a stolen credit card and so they removed all pet on my account. I guess they couldn't remove the moonkin because I had it on. So it's 30k for the moonkin pet, a pet that worth the huge amount of 10$, on the marker that is like 8k gold. So overall I lost my 25k gold, can't get it back and it's done.

I know I shouldn't quit, but on the other hand, that is so much work put in and lost in a second, it's just so frustrating. The worst is first, the GM know my transaction, but it's just that they can't give gold back for illegal transactions, second, they banned the guy, so I can't even just atleast ask him for my gold back. You know, it's just like a criminal who killed several persons dies just before going to jail.
i reccommend the gold-capped column on wowinsider. among a lot of other good advice, he had a series a while back on auctionater, which if you don't already use, you may find convenient. he gives a good introduction; i've not looked back to trusty old auctioneer since.

it's not hard for me to pull in 25k in a weekend by glyph-bombing the ah and cancel-reposting maybe 10 times throughout, which is made extremely easy by the mod. that's just my favorite prof, but it'll work for others if you like playing the ah minigame =)

oh, and use
fungchewuchi said:
i reccommend the gold-capped column on wowinsider. among a lot of other good advice, he had a series a while back on auctionater, which if you don't already use, you may find convenient. he gives a good introduction; i've not looked back to trusty old auctioneer since.

it's not hard for me to pull in 25k in a weekend by glyph-bombing the ah and cancel-reposting maybe 10 times throughout, which is made extremely easy by the mod. that's just my favorite prof, but it'll work for others if you like playing the ah minigame =)

oh, and use

It's not about not being able to put it back, It's about the fact that 25k gold scam, is scammed.
oh.. well... i took it from "There was so much work put in this amount of gold" that one potential way to cheer you up would be to substantially reduce the amount of work in regaining it. sorry you encountered a baddie, at least it wasn't worse than it was, and you're that much more heads-up about it in the future.
I'm confused, you're asking other people to tell you how to react to losing a bit of gold?

If I had gotten scammed so easily, well just I'd just shrug it off and continue playing the game, lesson learned.

However you're the only person that knows how you feel about it so this thread seems rather, pointless?
Have you tried actually calling the billing department or something and explaining what happened?
CIHC said:
Have you tried actually calling the billing department or something and explaining what happened?

Unfortunately that won't work as trading gold for items such as these is against the rules anyhow. I wouldn't worry about the loss of gold, it's not the end of the world. Since Cata has started I've made more gold than I know what to do with, chalk it up as a lesson learned and keep going.

Just a word of advice, all the trade gold for items such as gametime, pets, mounts, etc....are always scams using stolen credit cards. You will lose your items if you even receive them in the first place and you are putting your account at risk of being banned. Also whenever a stolen cc is used as payment for anything on your account they usually lock you from using that type payment again.
Gobgrenade said:
Unfortunately that won't work as trading gold for items such as these is against the rules anyhow.

Afaik the rule states that trading real life currency against virtual property is not allowed, this was just a trade of virtual property. Virtual pet code for virtual gold. The only real life currency involved went to Blizzard and I dont really think they object to that, therefor everything was fair play afaik.
Well that's basically correct however the OP was trading gold for money in essence, since the pet store pets differ from landro's pets as in the code isn't on a card. You can only purchase them directly, which means there had to be a trade of gold and real money at some point in the eyes of Blizzard. Now if the OP traded gold for an actual code like landro's stuff then yes they could petition it and receive the gold back, in this case no. I would venture to guess if the OP opened a ticket on this issue, they would be risking a permanent ban and not just a loss of gold.

Edit: Unless the pets were gifted to the OP from the scammer in which case they may be able to petition that. Otherwise if the OP let the scammer purchase the pets on the OP's account with a cc and gave them gold which is what I gathered from the story, then in no circumstance would I open a ticket on that personally.
Thanks a lot guys, recontacting GMs

Actually, I paid for the CODE. He didn't log on my account, I didn't use his Credit Card number, or nothing like that. I actually bought the Code itself, nothing more.
bankbeauty said:
Thanks a lot guys, recontacting GMs

Actually, I paid for the CODE. He didn't log on my account, I didn't use his Credit Card number, or nothing like that. I actually bought the Code itself, nothing more.

Then definitely petition a GM, you should be able to get your gold back, good luck!

P.S. Don't fall for it again :p
Gobgrenade said:
Then definitely petition a GM, you should be able to get your gold back, good luck!

P.S. Don't fall for it again :p

I guess I'm from the old school. I got used to fair trade in-game during BC. And I seriously belived that having the item in-game was final and I waas good, but I guess not.
That really sucks...reminds me of when I leveled my warrior to 40, he had all GF gear expect the green lens of stam and Mantle of Lady Falther'ess. I opened up tickets for months and had no luck. I was about to leave the game..which i did haha.

Shit happens ): really sorry about that. gl with the GMs
wow, wierd story, bank, you inspired os many people to twink 10, and have gotten wsg, because of you. DONT LEAVE.2k is 2k, but your influence on this community is priceless.
Bank, I am positive that you can get either the pets or gold back if you find an empathetic GM. Keep at it until you find the right GM. I'm so confident that you'll get it all back that I promise I'll give you 25k if it doesn't work. And as it's already been said, don't fall for that again. :)

it really sucks that this happened to you. :(

i have dealt with those people before, and bought an RAF rocket, and then convinced half the people i know to buy an RAF rocket from the same seller. i got so many to buy from him that he gave me a second rocket and month of game time for free (i got about 15 people to buy). with this extremely good experience, i have been encouraging people to buy things from these sellers when i see them sell pets and stuff in trade, and i thought about buying the new japan pet that way myself.

but this story really makes me think twice abotu that. spread the word, so this doesn't happen to anyone else!

(i posted this so that the people who say you "fell" for a scam can see that it isn't always a scam, so it's something that anyone could have done!) <3333

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