Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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Perform your out most best FC parkour run ever. and it gets ruined by a shitty team that cant scroll

i.e. juking 1 random hunter and Twizzlers off the Alliance tunnel by performing the jump from the first floor of the tunnel to the 2nd, run back to 2nd floor in FR. drop a standard. juke lilmistry (or w/e) off by jumping down to cap and wild charging back up to your standard. "The Alliance Flag has been dropped". Long pause. I jump down onto cap. No return. "The Alliance Flag has been picked up". FML.
Rogue and the 2 from before wank my bum 1v3.
Horde caps.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

[MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION], having linked means you PAID blizzard, DK glitch means you did not.

Notice, 'free' to play? ;)
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

[MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION], having linked means you PAID blizzard, DK glitch means you did not.

Notice, 'free' to play? ;)

people link to get titles achivs mounts pets u cant do on 20.
Why do people use DK glitch, oh to get mount, pets achivs and titles 20s arent supposed to get.
dks are dirty.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

"not supposed to"

I do see where you and Adal are coming from though, don't get me wrong.
Nothing better than when a priest, won't mention any names, kills you, then comes over your body and plays the worlds smallest violin :eek:
level 90 mage on aggramar EU likes taking arena grand master all the time, i think they are trying to get the achievement for having 12 arena master trinkets. well maybe i should resub my p2p account just so i can kill them. i almost think they are doing this to piss me off. lol i wont give up
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What sucks is when you run with a group and the other team runs at me and your team says, "Damn Ellen, they are out for you tonight" and takes off running :confused:
You are only allowed 5 "fucks" a post. Way to live on edge but not cross line.

You edited and added a "fuck" -10 dkp

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You are only allowed 5 "fucks" a post. Way to live on edge but not cross line.

You edited and added a "fuck" -10 dkp

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Can't stop laughing Metro :eek:.
I was in a bg last night and not one person spoke English. And the guy who kept insisting on running the flag had 1100 health. Needless to say he was getting killed instantly and then yelling something at everyone in a language I didn't understand. (had to of been yelling cause it was in all caps lol)
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

It's sad and it shouldn't have occurred but playing US low-level PvP since esrly wrath has really lowered my respect and tolerance for Brazilian/Spanish/Whatever players, there are a tiny handful of great ones but the VAST VAST VAST majority of them are just absolute trash - and I'm not talking about the "real" brand new trials, I mean the actually TWINKED ones.

I'm sorry I am a bad person.
Re: The QQ Thread ;)

It's sad and it shouldn't have occurred but playing US low-level PvP since esrly wrath has really lowered my respect and tolerance for Brazilian/Spanish/Whatever players, there are a tiny handful of great ones but the VAST VAST VAST majority of them are just absolute trash - and I'm not talking about the "real" brand new trials, I mean the actually TWINKED ones.

I'm sorry I am a bad person.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Banderia
I get into this bg last night and I'm only healer. I knew I was in for a long night. Then I realize, I am THE ONLY HEALER and everyone is all over the map screaming they need heals. Nobody ever stays in groups on alliance :(
Insurance companies doesn't cover suicidal computers..
They just claim that a pc can't jump out a window.. bastards!
A couple of days ago I was premading my mage we zoned into an AP alliance premade. I knew they were hardcore so I told then you aren't allowed to fight at all, battlegrounds are not made for fighting according to TI and Aerie Peak and they must pickup the flag at all costs. For some reason they later refused,some started to afk while others were massively calling me out in chat.

What gives, I was using their own logic?
can anybody explain me how 1 nationality can change bg's chat in piece of shit.
in this case i start to hate all Spanish peoples.
almost all of spanish- speaking are fucking tards. almost all of them are ungeared.
and all of them speaking SPANISH on ENGLISH battle group
i want to ask :
if any of this person reading TI, please, STOP DOING THIS SHIT.
my ignore list is overfull.
im a russian-speaking, and many of russian playing on eu, im sure than many other nationality play on eu too.
but no one speak in his own language in bg chat
if i could have make a new thread.
Colinas Pardas - please, burn in heal
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