So i was reading this while eating a snack... Some of you mofo's need to play a different game. This is a twinking site, so I assume those here take twinking seriously and want some fun games rather than /afk2win games. If you're some kind of grind happy farmer go play Runescape or some other non-challenging dumb shit; it's better suited to your play style.
Before you try and counter this with a flame: STAHP. YOU DENSE M*THERF*CKERS. There is never-NEVER. I SAID NEVER, DAMN IT.- a good reason to farm extensively. If the opposing team is crap and you block them in the game should be over in a solid 5 minutes.
Before you try and counter this with a flame: STAHP. YOU DENSE M*THERF*CKERS. There is never-NEVER. I SAID NEVER, DAMN IT.- a good reason to farm extensively. If the opposing team is crap and you block them in the game should be over in a solid 5 minutes.