Good Resto Droods


Hey guys

Im lvling up my 29 druid to the 39 bracket right now and would like to get some names of other good 39 resto druid so i can compair my gear and stuff.

-Thx for the help:)

Mr Chubby. Hands down the BEST resto druid and FC druid I have ever seen. He plays a healing role as feral spec to be able to survive better in arena. The feral spec give him Survival instincts amongst other things and in the long run gives more survivability than a resto sspec will at 39.

God I miss mr Chubbs :<
As Kutty said cannot beat chubbs. Anything + rogue against you in arena and you won't last more than a few secs. The feral spec + healing gear offers a lot of survivability, and because of nuturing instincts, 70% of your agility is converted to SP. You can hit some great numbers. It doesn't matter if the healing is less efficient because you have a much bigger mana bar, and generally more SP compared to your standard resto spec.
Not really interested in getting into a whole "EU vs US" debate, but druids are pretty bad in almost all arenas at 39, regardless of spec. I like his approach to survivability, but that doesnt put druid/x at anything above tier 2.
Falaris said:
Not really interested in getting into a whole "EU vs US" debate, but druids are pretty bad in almost all arenas at 39, regardless of spec. I like his approach to survivability, but that doesnt put druid/x at anything above tier 2.

What the hell do good druids have to to with Eu vs US ? Fuck sake all the retards arguing that one is somehow better than the other need to man the fuck up, and then grow the fuck up.

We are all HUMAN and therefore biologically and literally all the same. It should make no difference as to where you are from in relation to how ''good'' you manage to make the pixels perform at your command. Wow should never have been about who is the best, it should just be about who has the most fun in game.

When people realise that they play games for fun and nothing else (unless you are employed to play them for real), I think it will be alot better.
Mortox said:
What the hell do good druids have to to with Eu vs US ? Fuck sake all the retards arguing that one is somehow better than the other need to man the fuck up, and then grow the fuck up.

We are all HUMAN and therefore biologically and literally all the same. It should make no difference as to where you are from in relation to how ''good'' you manage to make the pixels perform at your command. Wow should never have been about who is the best, it should just be about who has the most fun in game.

When people realise that they play games for fun and nothing else (unless you are employed to play them for real), I think it will be alot better.

Someone sounds pretty butthurt that I didnt honor one of their idols. However, to answer your 'fairly inappopriate' statement, there are positively reasons why things are relevant as to the location of someone. Different regions have different 'metagames' as far as what is considered tier 1/2, etc. Who knows, maybe in Europe the arena scene is dominated by teams vulnerable to Druid setups, such as Mouthbreather/Invalid, Downie/Deafmute, and the ever-popular Bad/Worse. In those scenarios I could definitely see how you would be under a mistaken impression that its reasonable for druids to spec specifically for arena.

Hope this helped, have a nice day!
Easy enough to counter that and say that you have never met a decent arena druid then. ANY class can do well at 39 if the player is exceptional. It's all about positioning and being 1 CD ahead of your opponent. I could not care less if you didn't honour Chubby, You are just some random pixels to me :) If you have any doubt of his skill, why don't you arrange a little 2v2 on the PTR/private server, I can come on my lock and solo you and your team mate, while Chubby does his patented /slashdance while he waits for me to do my thing :) Naw jokes :p I don't really see the need to prove myself or Chubbs's playing skills to an internet dude. But I am 100% sure that IF you did play with Chubbs, you would say the same as we do. Its called mutual respect.

Also, are you American by any chance ? I'll leave it up to the rest of people to decide who is being an asshat for no apparent reason, then again, you are American :) <------- (Am I doing it rite ?!?)

PS : Have a nice day :D

Falaris said:
Someone sounds pretty butthurt that I didnt honor one of their idols. However, to answer your 'fairly inappopriate' statement, there are positively reasons why things are relevant as to the location of someone. Different regions have different 'metagames' as far as what is considered tier 1/2, etc. Who knows, maybe in Europe the arena scene is dominated by teams vulnerable to Druid setups, such as Mouthbreather/Invalid, Downie/Deafmute, and the ever-popular Bad/Worse. In those scenarios I could definitely see how you would be under a mistaken impression that its reasonable for druids to spec specifically for arena.

Hope this helped, have a nice day!

Double post I know, but could you please actually show me a SKILLED US player ? Every single skilled player I see nowdays is from EU, some of them even playing EU servers from the US. Go ahead and link me your fotm/scrub combo.

Oooooh yeah by the way, I never said that druids dominate a thing in arena. They still get stomped here. I simply said a druid that I knew who can hold his own in arena as a unique spec, not that druids rule the arena here. That job goes to Locks/ Rogues and priests.
Mortox said:
Easy enough to counter that and say that you have never met a decent arena druid then. ANY class can do well at 39 if the player is exceptional. It's all about positioning and being 1 CD ahead of your opponent. I could not care less if you didn't honour Chubby, You are just some random pixels to me :) If you have any doubt of his skill, why don't you arrange a little 2v2 on the PTR/private server, I can come on my lock and solo you and your team mate, while Chubby does his patented /slashdance while he waits for me to do my thing :) Naw jokes :p I don't really see the need to prove myself or Chubbs's playing skills to an internet dude. But I am 100% sure that IF you did play with Chubbs, you would say the same as we do. Its called mutual respect.

Also, are you American by any chance ? I'll leave it up to the rest of people to decide who is being an asshat for no apparent reason, then again, you are American :) <------- (Am I doing it rite ?!?)

PS : Have a nice day :D


Go get him tiger:D
Taitaih said:
You forgot Asians.

Don't get me started on Asians.



Asian people = best people in the world. Even though I am not Asian ( South African/ English) I wish I was :)
Ill see if we can get something arranged for a demonstration in the arena, as well as possibly a premade if EU can get together the best premade possible between all the horde players. Pro (my guild) would possibly be interested in a 10v10 against the best the entire EU has to offer.
Falaris said:
Ill see if we can get something arranged for a demonstration in the arena, as well as possibly a premade if EU can get together the best premade possible between all the horde players. Pro (my guild) would possibly be interested in a 10v10 against the best the entire EU has to offer.

ok first off in all of ur 12 posts so far u have managed to make a complete ass of ur self so gj, second ur guild is not the best the us has to offer, third just gtfo
Stabbedurazz said:
ok first off in all of ur 12 posts so far u have managed to make a complete ass of ur self so gj, second ur guild is not the best the us has to offer, third just gtfo

4th : As much as horde tell you they are the best, there are still some alliance players who are better than some horde ones... Just sayin' .
Falaris said:
Ill see if we can get something arranged for a demonstration in the arena, as well as possibly a premade if EU can get together the best premade possible between all the horde players. Pro (my guild) would possibly be interested in a 10v10 against the best the entire EU has to offer.

Baby steps Fal.

Let's get your guild 10v10ing before you challenge people to 10v10's.

Why not start with the ones from our BG? :)

P.S. His guild Pro has some of the best 39 players in the US servers. Not tying to pick sides, just stating facts.
I think I can answer for Fal by saying he doesnt believe any of the other guilds in NF are up to Pro's standards of premades...Pulse maybe.

Pro has done plenty of premades in the past and still holds an I believe unbeaten record in that regard. The fact that most of the players are currently more interested in being the best Arena players has just sidelined premades for a short while.

The question id be interested in having answered would be if Pro isnt the best guild for 39s on US servers what is?
Of course Pro is the best guild Alliance (and the US for that matter) has to offer. This guy probably doesnt even have a 39 twink that is claiming otherwise, and if he does he hasnt played in any of the competitive battlegroups.
Alteffour said:
I think I can answer for Fal by saying he doesnt believe any of the other guilds in NF are up to Pro's standards of premades...Pulse maybe.

Pro has done plenty of premades in the past and still holds an I believe unbeaten record in that regard. The fact that most of the players are currently more interested in being the best Arena players has just sidelined premades for a short while.

The question id be interested in having answered would be if Pro isnt the best guild for 39s on US servers what is?

How many notches are on this belt of premade records?

I can tell you, I don't need to take my shoes off to count that high.

Pro isn't Fal's "guild," however it is the current guild he is in. Fal's guild is currently in the process of disbanding. His attempt to create an "A Team" failed. So, he is jumping on the Pro bandwagon to hopefully get some of the best 39er's on the US servers to premade with him.

I cannot answer your question without being completely biased. I can tell you my opinion though. The best 39 Alliance guild? I think what makes a great guild is not the ability to win every single fight you play, but to continue to play dispite your A team becoming inactive.

Pro's 10v10 record cannot even compare to the current active 10v10 guilds.

If I were to create a new guild once a week. Play a couple of 10v10's with each guild. Then consider the guilds that were udefeated the "best 39 guilds ever." Would that hold much truth?

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