Good Resto Droods

Falaris said:
Of course Pro is the best guild Alliance (and the US for that matter) has to offer. This guy probably doesnt even have a 39 twink that is claiming otherwise, and if he does he hasnt played in any of the competitive battlegroups.

Tip of the day: Look at the persons name before you assume you don't know them. :)
Kiwid said:
How many notches are on this belt of premade records?

I can tell you, I don't need to take my shoes off to count that high.

Pro isn't Fal's "guild," however it is the current guild he is in. Fal's guild is currently in the process of disbanding. His attempt to create an "A Team" failed. So, he is jumping on the Pro bandwagon to hopefully get some of the best 39er's on the US servers to premade with him.

I cannot answer your question without being completely biased. I can tell you my opinion though. The best 39 Alliance guild? I think what makes a great guild is not the ability to win every single fight you play, but to continue to play dispite your A team becoming inactive.

Pro's 10v10 record cannot even compare to the current active 10v10 guilds.

If I were to create a new guild once a week. Play a couple of 10v10's with each guild. Then consider the guilds that were udefeated the "best 39 guilds ever." Would that hold much truth?

You obviously are a bit mistaken on the facts, which isnt surprising since generally you sort of talk without any actual knowledge of the situation. Pro was my _original_ 39 guild. "Jumping on the Pro bandwagon" doesnt really apply when youre one of the founders of the guild. I went to Team Play because when I played 29s they were the most fun I had had playing the game, and I had alot of friends in the guild. Unfortunately a few of them had too many commitments outside of WoW to get back into competitive twinking again.

I only left Pro (of my own volition) when it was made clear to me that they were mainly coming to Nightfall to do arena, not premade. After talking with a few people recently in the guild, they stated that they were getting more and more interested in doing premades again. So, since TP wasnt active enough, and Pro was picking back up where we left off, it was a natural fit.
Kiwid said:
Tip of the day: Look at the persons name before you assume you don't know them. :)

I still dont recognize him. I thought he may have been a 19 twink, then looked at the character in his sig and realized he is in fact a 19 twink. On top of that he's a warlock without minor speed in a bracket light on slows. I think we can safely say we can discount anything he has to say in regards to twinking.
Falaris said:
You obviously are a bit mistaken on the facts, which isnt surprising since generally you sort of talk without any actual knowledge of the situation. Pro was my _original_ 39 guild. "Jumping on the Pro bandwagon" doesnt really apply when youre one of the founders of the guild. I went to Team Play because when I played 29s they were the most fun I had had playing the game, and I had alot of friends in the guild. Unfortunately a few of them had too many commitments outside of WoW to get back into competitive twinking again.

I only left Pro (of my own volition) when it was made clear to me that they were mainly coming to Nightfall to do arena, not premade. After talking with a few people recently in the guild, they stated that they were getting more and more interested in doing premades again. So, since TP wasnt active enough, and Pro was picking back up where we left off, it was a natural fit.

You founded the Pro in Cyclone? Grats I guess.

Let's talk about the current guild Pro. You know, the one you are not even an officer in. The one you went to after TP was a flop. The one that has yet to even do a 10v10. The self proclaimed best Alliance guild on the US servers. What a joke. Maybe the best Arena guild on the US servers. I will give you that. If you start doing 10v10's, they will be very short lived. Hey, maybe you can beat your Cyclone record? Maybe get 11 games in!
If you start doing 10v10's, they will be very short lived.

Now kiwid I know you like to troll, so I assume that is what you are doing here.

The reasons for Pro premades not lasting long term would probably end up the same they didnt continue in Cyclone.

#1 There wont be enough competition for Pro

#2 There wont be enough competition to keep players interested

#3 The majority of Pro, even if premading, still cares more about arenas anyways, so it wont matter to many/most if teams get tired of losing to Pro.

My question regarding "best US 39 guild" was nicely skirted by you though. I didnt ask "which 39 guild makes you all warm and cuddley inside" I asked which guild was the best. If tossing random bads against other random bads just for the sake of premading is what you qualify as "best" then your thought patterns do not come even remotly close to what myself and others consider the best is. I know I know, its a battle of semantics I guess. You credit longevity (due to mass ginvites regardless of skill or experience) as showing who is best, while I credit skill among other things as what shows who has a better guild.
Alteffour said:
Now kiwid I know you like to troll, so I assume that is what you are doing here.

The reasons for Pro premades not lasting long term would probably end up the same they didnt continue in Cyclone.

#1 There wont be enough competition for Pro

#2 There wont be enough competition to keep players interested

#3 The majority of Pro, even if premading, still cares more about arenas anyways, so it wont matter to many/most if teams get tired of losing to Pro.

My question regarding "best US 39 guild" was nicely skirted by you though. I didnt ask "which 39 guild makes you all warm and cuddley inside" I asked which guild was the best. If tossing random bads against other random bads just for the sake of premading is what you qualify as "best" then your thought patterns do not come even remotly close to what myself and others consider the best is. I know I know, its a battle of semantics I guess. You credit longevity (due to mass ginvites regardless of skill or experience) as showing who is best, while I credit skill among other things as what shows who has a better guild.

Already with the excuses as to why Pro will not last long in 10v10's. That was quick! You guys didn't even start premading yet!

I briefly touched the subject of "best Alliance guild," because I know my opinion is biased.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to best. Best at what? Best at Arenas? Best at WSG? Best at having fun? Best at staying active?

Those are some of the questions that need to be answered before you can come to the conclusion as to which guild is the best.

As for your comment about the mass recruition. You know that is a lie. While we may have a lax recruition policy, it isn't like we recruit every single person that asks to join. We have a screening process, and some people slip through that process more easily then others. The fact that we have turned down anyone makes your statement a lie. The actual percentage of people who make it through, I could not tell you. I would guess around 92%.

What's wrong? Can't come up with any logistics so you make stuff up?

Hey, uhm .... Isn't this thread about resto druids ?

Call me crazy but all it looks like is this turned out to be an epeen war between random people.
Once fal posts you can say goodbye to the OP. Vultures begin flocking when he starts parading around in his superman underwear.
I would guess around 92%.

92% of twinks are good enough for RT...thanks for making my point for me.
Falaris said:
Not really interested in getting into a whole "EU vs US" debate, but druids are pretty bad in almost all arenas at 39, regardless of spec. I like his approach to survivability, but that doesnt put druid/x at anything above tier 2.

Just quoting my initial post to give people a heads up that I actually wasnt flaming anyone in this thread.
Alteffour said:
92% of twinks are good enough for RT...thanks for making my point for me.

Now you are just taking my words out of context.

Are you mad bro? Can't have a civil conversation without resorting to lies and exaggerations?

Want a cookie? It will make you feel better.
Outofspace said:
Once fal posts you can say goodbye to the OP. Vultures begin flocking when he starts parading around in his superman underwear.

If he would just make one thread that states his opinion on everything.

Until that thread happens, we will have to address the issues as they come forward.

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