Good battles, and friends across factions

Sooooo... I guess your dodging that 10v10 challenge?

Figures.. Sucks to suck bro :(

Btw... I got 3 KBs total that game... Two against you (means you died twice cutie) one against your flagroom camping hunter. Don't forget, i was the only twink in that BG and the only 24 at that. Don't get too existed :)

Oh... and since you failed to answer my question, I'll copy and paste it to make it easy on you.

"Now i wonder, what your "Badgenettes" were doing under our graveyard? You guys had the quick win, why prologue a game that is obviously going to be a steam roll?"

Are you referring to me as a flag room camping hunter? Because I am a little confussed on this matter, how do I camp a flag room aand top bg in damage and kbs? I saw you run to flag room and met u there. An I suppose to just let you grab the flag and bring it to me? It's ok to be mad but then again it is just a game.
are you guys arguing over a video game? None of you bitches could get to the baby scene in Ms. Pacman like me..

You suck ..looking for 1 v 1 Ms Pacman premade challenge.
Lith i hope we can do a premade. I find them fun, if you are unimpressed with my game play please log onto here and let everyone know.

Thanks in advance.
Honey is still dodging. How cute, he got all his forum fairies to flame me. The kid has a hardon for me what can i say.. I would too if I saw a shaman capable of turning an entire game around on his 5 man. Oh well..

&& see me at tetris, and we'll talk.
Ms. Pacman is like rolling a hunter... Too easy bro.
Oh and since you decided to make an appearance Bac, Maybe you can answer my question.
Why were you guys GY camping?
It was seriously the most pathetic thing ive seen in my entire life.. Especially seeing that i was the ONLY twink in that BG. The rest of my team were a bunch of f2p new players. I would feel extremely accomplished myself.

&&me killing honey, then running to FR to get the flag, to a "Flag room camping hunter" and getting your S key cutie self to 5% before getting ambushed by the almighty Badger after he rezzed and popped sprint to save your life was a lot of fun bro. Let's do it again (;
Maybe I should start reading the 20-24 forum and not just f2p one cause this is interesting. First off capias much respect and I know whenever I see your name its a premade and gonna be a good battle. Very few 24 rogues that I havent became aggravated at seeing. Lithology I hate you cause your damn near impossible to take down 1v1 for me but I like telling my friends to try and take you down cause you will be fc and you will cap if i have to try to 1v1 you.
you still upset bro?..tell the story the way you'd like. Most pathetic thing you've seen in your life?..I'm sorry to here this game is that serious to you. I love the s key turning argument, always the go to argument..and you're definitely the cutie, especially when you're mad.
Most pathethic thing i saw in my life was when i just got out of the navy and went home and went out drinking with friends. I woke up 9 am next morning in a trailer park at a unknown location next to a woman who looked like her face caught on fire and she tried to put it out with a pick ax. To make matters worse all i was wearing was one sock and the other was tied around my wrist. I'm not sure if the alchol or my brain just did me a solid and erased it but i don't remember anything from that night. That my friend is more pathetic than gy camping.

I"m really bored at work more stories lol
you still upset bro?..tell the story the way you'd like. Most pathetic thing you've seen in your life?..I'm sorry to here this game is that serious to you. I love the s key turning argument, always the go to argument..and you're definitely the cutie, especially when you're mad.

I'm not even mad in the slightest (;
Just curious as to why you guys were GY camping a bunch of 20s that clearly stood no shot.
And even more curious why you guys keep dodging that question.

Directed at no one in particular.

The quality of the posts and threads have really gone downhill in this section of the forum. No wonder some of you have taken to visiting/posting in F2P section.

Directed at no one in particular.

The quality of the posts and threads have really gone downhill in this section of the forum. No wonder some of you have taken to visiting/posting in F2P section.


So you mean there's a thread, where I don't have to deal with this shitt? Sally...teach me?
I just got out of a game with Honeybadger. Right on his tail but kept getting messages that target was "out of range." And it wasn't just me. My guildies also experienced this same problem targeting the badger at a crucial moment in the game.

Make of it what you will.

Kicked their ass anyway. Hey Badger, I'll let you guess what I yelled in the final moment of the game.
i was about to say GG. Capias i didn't think you were a trash talker. it was a good game. squash it. i doubt my 17 fps was a game breaker.


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