Gokku confirmed ddoser and harboring ddosers


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I wouldn't que with him, be apart of his guild, get in Skype or even teamspeak with him. he confirmed himself that he ddoses. Oh and excuse his language its quite offensive.

enjoy ^ :)


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Ok let me address this idiotic post.

Anyone who truely knows gokku, knows he jokes all the time. Personally knowing him, he does NOT ddos.

I was in that BG, I had to stand your insults toward both me and gokku. You just point out his insults.
Love how you didnt include that. ^

Small minds argue small things, now please stop making useless @threads
ive been ddosed multiple times and I don't take this "light"ly. im sorry when I get threatened I shed "light" on the matter. It happened to me in the 19, 20, and on my 29. so as far as I know he admitted that he ddoses and with excellent language at that.
Ever notice that it's only Twink Eat Twinkies that call out these "ddosers"
Ever notice Twinks Eat Twinkies does not accept, recruit, or allow Ddosing or people who do it? I believe you are known to Ddos anyone whos IP you can your skinny albino no sun has shined on them in a month little fingers on.
PS did u notice Monday night how u died FCing about 4x in a row couldn't even get out of hordes flag room until my team graciously decided to help you. Visual was tearin that ass up until we stepped in. Yw.
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Whether or not gokku was being serious I don't know, but what I do know is that you need to download battleground targets ^.^

Jk you might have it disabled for AB my bad. -.-
Please stop these useless @ threads, this screen shot doesn't prove anything. Its like saying "I will rape your mom", that automatically makes him a rapist. Gokku doesn't seem like the guy to know how to ddos and even if he did hes not the type that would do it anyway. Unless you come up with some real evidence e.g. a conversation of him saying he will ddos a player and then have evidence of that player being ddosed. If your that afraid of being ddost used a proxy and quit your complaining on the forums.

/end rant
I don't know Gokku that much but I know he is a great, generous, helpful guy.

And yeh alot of the P2P twinks on Bleeding Hollow have a loud, sarcastic, troll type of leetspeak lingo so its hard to get used to and to not be offended at first.

I mean I am on Bleeding Hollow too in the Guild 'Holy Crit' (I'm rather quiet on there) and I had to learn the hard way that they were just trolling.

Try not to take it too seriously, BH folk are loud, don't believe half the stuff they admit to lol.

They're probably just young, or excited or whatever.

Also I have been DDOS'd multiple times before, so I understand your pain, but you shouldn't channel it toward some guy that admits to it when he's just trolling.

I've never even seen people in my Guild Chat even talkabout DDOSing though, that's honest, they are loud and do talk alot of shit though, which is par for the course on BH really.

Also this is a message to Gokku and anyone on Holy Crit, I'm pretty sure no one in our Guild DDOS's but if you do, stop that shit please <3.

I'm sort of against this thread but the intent was to name and shame DDOSers which is sort of a good thing, even though it was mislead by anger or a mistranslation of trolling.

you are doing the community a huge service when you make @threads because someone trolled you.
1st) Saying stupid shit in chat means nothing, it's neither an admission of guilt nor proof thereof.

2nd) The very fact that Players DDOS, use Lag programs, exploit broken BG mechanics that Blizzard refuses to fix, etc is reason enough why not to PvP in WoW.

3rd) Those Players who have to cheat to win (or attempt to win) fail at life and you should just delete your toons and quit gaming entirely.
Seems petty...

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