Buk Lau
Hello everyone,
When I first started twinking I did it on a druid, I didn't know wth I was doing so randomly geared up, then I found out about XPOff and decided to come here, after learning alot about twinks I made a shaman, which was fun.. but I felt like something was missing...
Now, here's where the fun started. I made a hunter! Not just any hunter, a BM hunter. It felt like a amazing time, I had so much fun. I started with full 835 gear (non-socketed) and was doing 300k dps, damn I felt stronk!
But I couldn't let that just be it, I decided to upgrade all my gear to 835 gear with sockets, I had 14 items with sockets and I was ready to roll. 500-600k DPS was no problem for me anymore.. But yeah, once you feel the power you want more power, so I decided to spend another chuck of gold and upgraded everything to 845-850, with sockets. That was quite impressive too.. Jumped all the way up to a amount of 800k dps and in some situations even 1m++
That made me realize, I was going to update my hunter for one and final time; Getting everything titanforged.
As of today, I have replaced my 840 chest and 850 belt and finished my goal; have everything on titanforged. With an equiped ilvl of 863 I can proudly announce; my hunter is done! 3m+ dps records
But changzu, there's always room for better gear...
Yes, you're right. However since I started on my hunter I had a budget of 2m gold, I did have way more, but didn't want to spend it on 1 char.. I have spend more then 8 million gold on my hunter, probably even more and I can gladly announce that i'm out of gold.
Not that I mind, I can't say that I regret any of it, but being at a point where you kill everything in less then 5 seconds got me to a whole "im-done" state.
I have a long journey to go, traits need to be leveled, but gear wise.. i'm all set.. I hope you guys have a realistic goal for your very own twink in mind aswell. Trust me, it feels good when you reach that marker!
Thanks for reading.
- Changzu.
PS; I am the highest ilvl hunter again. ^^