Global Warming discussion

While typing my response to the last poster in the thread I started titled "Join the Fight in countering Earth Hour!" it was evidently deleted.

I'm going to assume, however, that a thread devoted to intellectual discussion of a controversial topic is acceptable so long as the posters remain courteous. If it be no offense, I copied my post before attempting to submit. I have no qualm if a mod decides to delete this thread as well.

Here is my response:

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I got in trouble for being insulting lol...
Magrim said:
Sounds like a spoiled brat doesn't pay for their own electricity.

Listen up by using less electricity in general we will save precious resources that are limited (and no I don't care how limited, limited is limited) and save us all a little money.

Global warming: I'm sure your Ph.D in meteorology grants you an expert opinion on the subject matter but I think I'll stick with the Nobel Laureates.

Agree, this post reminds me of the rantings of a small egocentric child with no consideration for themselves or the place in which they live. Please delete this thread, it makes the entire twink community look like a bunch of arrogant jackasses.
Uhm I do pay for my own electricity. I pay for everything in my life and I have never been spoiled. I at least realize that someone having dissenting opinions does not mean that person is intellectually inferior.

I know it seems more persuasive to write as though you refuse to even communicate directly with me, but I'll rely on facts and logic to be persuasive.

First up: "we" don't get to decide the use of resources whether they're limited or not. Fossils fuels and the like belong to the people or institutions (businesses) that own the land in which those resources exist. In a capitalist world, not socialist, it is their decision how quickly or slowly those resources are consumed because they own them. Power companies give customers no cap on their use of the company's product so the owners of said resource evidently don't care how much we use or for what reason we use it.

We should all consider ourselves lucky that a group of businessmen found it profitable to supply us with something so helpful as electricity. Electricity is not a right; it is a product made available for purchase from a company. This concept that "we" own this world's resources and collectively get to decide how they're used is a hippy pipe dream, to put it bluntly.

Global warming: I'm sure your Ph.D in meteorology grants you an expert opinion on the subject matter
lol come now neither of us are experts but we all refer to different qualified voices. Don't be a hypocrite about this; so long as my points are valid I deserve to dissent you however I please.

I think I'll stick with the Nobel Laureates.
The Nobel prizes are a joke. The last person to win one for something that wasn't socialist was Friedrich von Hayek in 1974.

Not to mention you have bonafide morons like Ted Turner on your side.

My primary points:

1. Carbon emissions make no significant difference in global temperatures. After Al Gore's schpeal about carbon emissions following temperature changes, it was discovered the opposite is true; global carbon dioxide content increases when global temperatures change. This is because the ocean emits the vast majority of the earth's total carbon emissions (many times more than mankind ever has) and its carbon emitting increases when its temperature goes up. Thus global warming causes the increase of carbon emissions; the opposite of what is necessary for anthropocentric global warming. Nevermind that comparing recent temperature patterns show no abnormally high changes next to geological extrapolations of previous temperature changes.

2. All this push to "go green" is bull shit. The reason I say bull shit is not simply because it's based on false premises, but because it's used by people for purposes not related to its original point. Saving the earth and Democrats getting elected have nothing to do with one another, but if you convince voters global warming is a crisis that only yours truly will fight if elected you've got yourself a crusade (the reference is deliberate). The second reason I consider it bull shit is because all this legislation is harmful. Even in a democrat-majority congress, the US has yet to pass Cap & Trade legislation (the Warner-Lieberman bill) because even environmentalists understand how harmful this type of regulation is to the economy. No one needs energy costs to go up, especially if it's for a bull shit reason.

P.S.: I'm not a partisan basher. I'm disappointed with both American political parties.

EDIT: I feel it necessary to point out that, if our resources do dwindle and we run out of fossil fuels, it will be the single greatest blessing environmentalists could ask for.


There is no creative force greater than that of a strong economy with a large demand. When a free market's greatest minds have monetary motivation to come up alternative energy, new and innovative products will supply that demand. More will be achieved by private enterprise in 5 years than liberal politicians and government funding have in the past 50 years. You want the world to switch to renewable energy? Let it run out of fossil fuels. Where the money is is where the success will be.
I love the amount of political debatory content contained in this here thread.
/shrug, it's not like it takes much work to flip off a light switch or drive a hybrid

if we do run out of fossil fuels, we're fucked. too much population, not enough renewable energy. the human population would either go into a downhill plunge into poverty, or into a plunge of population due to death, or both. energy is what drives all of us to be able to actually do stuff..possibly including keeping up the current population.. without it, we're stuck with 1800s technology.
Druiddroid said:
/shrug, it's not like it takes much work to flip off a light switch or drive a hybrid

if we do run out of fossil fuels, we're fucked. too much population, not enough renewable energy. the human population would either go into a downhill plunge into poverty, or into a plunge of population due to death, or both. energy is what drives all of us to be able to actually do stuff..possibly including keeping up the current population.. without it, we're stuck with 1800s technology.
I already covered this.
fuzzles said:
I feel it necessary to point out that, if our resources do dwindle and we run out of fossil fuels, it will be the single greatest blessing environmentalists could ask for.


There is no creative force greater than that of a strong economy with a large demand. When a free market's greatest minds have monetary motivation to come up alternative energy, new and innovative products will supply that demand. More will be achieved by private enterprise in 5 years than liberal politicians and government funding have in the past 50 years. You want the world to switch to renewable energy? Let it run out of fossil fuels. Where the money is is where the success will be.
I know, I know, it's a wall of text lol but I do my best to space it out in a visually pleasing manner.
hmm fewer people show up to defend themselves when it's time for a genuine discussion...

I have the solution to all our problems: I propose we trash the planet we currently reside on, dump all of our funds into the space program, leave this planet, colonize on an inhabitable planet, and then repeat the process of our human ways.

And we can actually have sex with who we like because the girls would wants to recreates teh humanz, Jessica Alba, Here i come.
Zuty said:
I have the solution to all our problems: I propose we trash the planet we currently reside on, dump all of our funds into the space program, leave this planet, colonize on an inhabitable planet, and then repeat the process of our human ways.


I don't like it. And besides WoW doesn't have satellite connections. :(
Err, Pick up Engineering IRL...
lawl cookies

tbh I doubt humans allowing themselves to use the planet as much as they please with no restraint would ever result in its "using up." The concept of the planet's future depending so much on our everyday lives is really quite anthropocentric. Arrogant, in other words. Mt. St. Helens pumped more CO2 into the atmosphere in a week than all of USA does in a year. Volcanoes have been doing that for billions of years; why would anyone assume our extra <1% contribution to the atmosphere's total CO2 content could have such devastating effects?
What if we all dumped tons of drugs into americas water system?

That would contribute to the deaths of stupid idiotic ones, But is all good, Most americans aren't as fucking retarded as Tasmanian's.
lol deliberate pollution doesn't count, no one considers endangering other human beings against their will within the realm of liberty.

I meant more along the lines of drilling up all the oil and other resources we want, driving all the SUVs we want, and developing all the land we want. If we were to start running out of something, the market would either find a way to replenish that resource or replace it. Virtually nothing cannot be achieved by determined human beings, but they need to be motivated (potential profit) and not barred from progress (government regulations). Pretty much the only things you need to prevent to make human greed work for humanity's betterment is the development of monopolies and the abuse of workers.
Actually, until we figure out a method of keeping engines working in the deep frezze of space we are stuck in this solar system. Oh joy ...

Of course, we will never use up an entire planet. To dangerous near the end.

Privatize NASA. Stop wasting billions of tax dollars achieving things no one would ever spend his own money on and let the market act on its own. When there is a need for space technology, just watch corporate scientists leave NASA's progress in the dust.

That's about the only way I could see space travel technology become effective within any decent time frame.
Well man kind has always been interested in studying the heavens. NASA is heavily funded, in fact if NOAA took one year of NASAs funds it would fund NOAA for over 1,000 years. Its surprising that we know more about other planets than our own; in the end I feel like we want to leave Earth.

Well, I'm pleased it hit a dignified tone. That was really all I wanted.

As far as the discussion goes lets put the "free market" in charge of everything including policemen, firefighters, roads, schools and all other governmental functions and charge people no taxes at all. You wanna stop from being raped just wave some cash down on the counter before hand, you want to drive on the roads? No problem toll booth every 10ft. Accidentally forget the monthly firefighter bill, no problem watch your house burn down. Wait, I got an idea, go live in a country that does that and come back and report in a year how great it was if you're still alive.

As far as energy consumption goes what you purposed to do is frivolous regardless of the ""not so free" "free market"" of electricity.

I don't know if you know this or not but electricity is heavily regulated because people got sick of watching their rates get jacked sky high anytime one electric company would suffocate out another one. The free market failed there and it fails in a lot of ways. Sometimes government can step in set up regulation wait till companies get a firm market share and step out like they did with the emerging airline industry. Sometimes not.

This last summer I ran for State Assembly (as a Republican) during the peak of the oil crisis and went around to all the local governing bodies meetings and their committees and our country was literally falling apart because gas went from 1.95 to 3.95. If it would of hit 6 we would of gone under and I am not kidding.

What you may not understand is that oil is used for many different things besides pumping the engine of an oversized vehicle. From life saving plastics to the roads we drive our cars on. It's much easier to use fuel alternatives for cars than other things like jet liners.

What do you do when you're on the highway committee and the cost of blacktop triples and revenue drops 5%? You start driving on roads falling apart, on bridges that collapse...

I don't think I really need to go into the ill effects of car emissions but I never felt like I was getting a good dose of vitamins sucking in the exhaust of all the exhaust from the traffic downtown.
global warming is here because of overpopulation in developed nations. if you guys think its bad now, wait until china gets to where the US is.
We don't have the right to eletricity? what.....

It was discovered compeltelly on accident, the fact of the matter is...after a few things were invited to run off of it, some company found it profitable. then of course they didn't want there company to we have people making other stuff for it, now almost everything runs off eletricity.

Energy is one of the freest things out there.....water wheel, waterfall generator, lightning catcher, heat absorber, sun pannels...

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