just checked n found this update on that thread haha alliance are so fucked !
WSG 5.1 bugs (horde only) - YouTube
Any way for alliance to kill EFC who uses 1:15 spot onwards ?
just checked n found this update on that thread haha alliance are so fucked !
WSG 5.1 bugs (horde only) - YouTube
I'm pretty confused with that video being 5.1... At 0:34, he just used double Demonic Leap, which was fixed in 5.1Any way for alliance to kill EFC who uses 1:15 spot onwards ?
If u dont know about this bug: youtube
Glitch over hord tun seems to be fixed during weekly restar.
Yes, it has been fixed. I can confirm this.
Try using the glitch now, you'll see that they've changed it to do something else now..
Making anyone standing near the entrance instantly die is not the same as fixing it.