Glass cannon?


Hi so basically I'm wondering if it's possible to do a glass cannon hunter and what the gear set up would be and what other classes are the best class cannon classes. Thanks in advance
I don't think it would be very wise lol

Unless of course all you would do is smeld and only come out of combat when a croud is around so no one notices you :p

Some other great GC classes are rogues and arcane mages.
rusks said:
Hi so basically I'm wondering if it's possible to do a glass cannon hunter and what the gear set up would be and what other classes are the best class cannon classes. Thanks in advance

Gear up like a bis rogue pretty much.... as much agil as possible... but honestly hunters don't need near 2k hp..... for a class should never be touched anyways.....
Ok thanks mocha and awesome the way I play I just try and dump as much dps into one person before I die
hunter BiS is already glass cannon except for trinkets and hit capping.

if you want a toon that is really fun for the style you are talking about then arcane mage is the way to go, L2 use that blink/sprint for exact positioning and throw that your instants and missiles, cc and range repeat

on side note mocha we play on the same realms, ill Q with you any time, quest, duel, shoot the shit, whatever, just ask, im not very social
My hunter, Plutonium, was working on a glass cannon setup...than I couldnt play anymore so traded acc, than the guy I traded it to traded for a shadowfang >.>

I could tell you my setup if youd like.

Neck- honor one

Shoulder- champion hunter ones

chest- westfall (4 stats)

back- bandit cape, or of the wild...still gives ap for some reason.

wrist- Black wolf- (5[ i think??] agil)

Hand- Metalworking/fang (15 agi)

waist- Bandit or wild belt

Legs- Smelting pants ( armor kit w/e)

Feet- cobrahns[spelled wrong?] boots (7 agil)

ring1- seal of argas (6 agil 3 stam one)

ring2- stendels weeding band or seal of argas.....preference here, crit or agil.

trinket1- justice

trinket2-justice or agm if it gets a lil hairy.

Ranged wep- upg dwarf handcannon (+2 scope)

2h wep- rockslicer (25 agil)

Prof1- herb ( 55 haste or whatever it gives)

Prof2- Skinning ( gives 9 crit)

Spec- idk i havent played ina say survival for 10% agility or mabye MM if yer retarded.

Also being a worgen helps, 1% passive crit and 24% shadow resist is sweeet.


sry in a hury didnt have time to do item links.
I don't think it would be very wise lol

Unless of course all you would do is smeld and only come out of combat when a croud is around so no one notices you :p

Na trust worgen atleast...this is a badass setup for downing FC and anything you need to kill quickly.
Everything seems to be in order but..tunic of westfall is GF`D god bless..i would go champion deathdealers with 4 stats i could be wrong.

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