get to know your fellow 29s


well in light of all the flame/troll fests maybe find some common ground between us. not play nice nice but maybe ease some tension.

corlena- horde on dragonmaw though tom irl.

ingame: play prot pally on bronzebeard. used to be into pvp back in bc but that gave way to raiding. work hours don't allow for a set schedule so I can't raid anymore so getting back into pvp. started twinking in bc left a big gap between then and now.

irl: work crazy strange hours so its limited my raiding down to nothing. big into craft beer and liquor. make my own beer, mead, and limoncello. looking forward to this years nfl season, go bears!

now that this looks like im schizophrenic, ill let someone else have a go with some fragmented rambling.
Have I been issued a schizo challenge? I'm great at talking to myself!!@#@#!@#!123123123121!!!!

I also tend to hear voices speak to me throughout the day. We have intricate conversations about how our days are going, what happened the other day, when we both came to life in the mornin' - good stuff. They tell me to do certain things to other people, and they aren't very nice then. They're pretty clam (yeah, clam) when it's just us chillin' out. Not all that bad though.

<-- see him? He moves so well to the beat right now. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I went somewhere when I woke up this morning. How about you?

Man you know you're a loser when you see your name listed as the last post in 3 threads, lol
Hi! I'm Baelzhar - and I'm an asshole.

I enjoy bladed objects, fire, questionable motives, incendiary projectiles, radioactive and/or anomalous materials, and hard alcohol.

In my spare time, I can either be found cryogenically torturing rats or distributing highly neurotoxic candy to small children.

I am a firm believer in world peace... mostly via tactical actions and strong displays/applications of nuclear devices and/or the promotion of orphaned baby shake-a-thons (to raise money for said nuclear devices).
Baelzhar said:
Hi! I'm Baelzhar - and I'm an asshole.

I enjoy bladed objects, fire, questionable motives, incendiary projectiles, radioactive and/or anomalous materials, and hard alcohol.

In my spare time, I can either be found cryogenically torturing rats or distributing highly neurotoxic candy to small children.

I am a firm believer in world peace... mostly via tactical actions and strong displays/applications of nuclear devices and/or the promotion of orphaned baby shake-a-thons (to raise money for said nuclear devices).

peace via superior firepower, f'ing right. its the american way, my way.
Alright since so many of you want to be so serious.

My twinks names are Franchi (horde) and Lanara (alliance), both on dragonmaw.

My real life interests are guns, guns, guns, edged weapons, blunt weapons, flame throwers, gopher exploding, alcohol, history, reading, riding, and guns.

I am a gunsmith irl. Yes I am serious about my guns.

Here are two of my all time favorite motivational posters.


hi, i'm mercury/prynne on the alliance and pyncheon on horde, but my friends call me hotspur (spur for short).

i have twinks at 19, 29, 70, and f2p 20 is in progress. previously before the BG merge i also played at 39 and 49.

my interests outside of WoW include reading (literature as well as scummy fantasy), playing baseball/softball, and taking naps.
lets see im nick i play proctastic(39)guttedclass(29) and back pre bg merger i played reckoning 39's as berthapewpew/roudy...

rl hobbys are guns, hunting, and cars....
My name is Paul I play Petergriff (19) Soskanky (29-Skywall Horde) Raptorjesuz (WIP 29 Doomhammer Alliance) and Dispel/Formerly Soskanky (39- Jaedenar Alliance) All priests except the 19 who is an lol arcane mage. I've been twinking since the last two weeks of vanilla.

In my spare time outside of WoW I manage a restaurant and am a husband and father. My daughter just turned 9 months old.

Add me realid if you like

Vengeance #1
soskanky said:
My name is Paul I play Petergriff (19) Soskanky (29-Skywall Horde) Raptorjesuz (WIP 29 Doomhammer Alliance) and Dispel/Formerly Soskanky (39- Jaedenar Alliance) All priests except the 19 who is an lol arcane mage. I've been twinking since the last two weeks of vanilla.

In my spare time outside of WoW I manage a restaurant and am a husband and father. My daughter just turned 9 months old.

Add me realid if you like

Vengeance #1

I'm just happy you don't mention guns in your post. ;) Aren't you glad we only p*ss these guys off on forums!

I'm Daydra horde 29 holy pally-dragonmaw. Carebear extraordinaire.

Outside of wow I enjoy hanging out with friends in just about any setting, I love sporting events with a rowdy group, I enjoy sipping beer and the occassional ohwtfhappened, I love running, as well as a good laugh, and ya I'm just about as nice in person as in game. I don't technically work a 9-5, I do bookeeping and quarterlies for a few companies.
Vengeance #1

I'm Jeremy. My hobbies include walks along the beach at sunset, consuming kittens, and twinking. I've been active in the twinking community since sometime in BC, and I have spent at least a little time in almost every bracket.

Mìstert - 19 shamn

Specklephart - 19 priest

Willyshatner - 29 shamn

Iemnub - 29 lock

Iranub - 29 priest

Itzanub - 29 druid

Splattershot - 29 hunter

Udunotseeme - 39 rogue

Iamnub - 39 priest

Mìstertee - 70 DK

Shamenzftw - 70 shmn

Please be nice to me, and hide your kittens.
For those who do not know me, my name is Phil and I am a god damn Resto Shammy (If you have not seen the Rockhorn video I highly suggest checking it out on Youtube). I am usually the intoxicated one in vent running around gulch throwing out the poo balls and running around like an idiot.

Instead of explaining what it is I do for a living just go and check out this site Creative Crafthouse: Wholesale brain teaser puzzles and like this FB page Creative Crafthouse - Small Business - Spring Hill, FL | Facebook. I will even custom engrave a name/message on whatever you purchase for free style because I love my fellow XP-Off players that much.

My name is Sean. I'm known to play basketball, read, watch sporting events, hike, and play WoW. I teach middle schoolers.

My go-to bracket has always been 39s, with smaller presences in both 19s and 49s - 29s are new to me.

I've played twinks of every class at 39, priest and lock at 19, shaman at 49, and now mage and soon shaman at 29.

I'm mostly referred to as Shlau (rhymes with cow, a shortening of my twinks named Shlauwbax), or Dori/Dory.

My 29 mage is named Chóla and my upcoming shaman on horde-side is named Caboodle.

My name is Greg. You can call me your highness or 4ren for short.

I have been twinking since wow came out(made a lvl 29 to camp ashenvale) Then was in the 21-30 bracket when WSG was introduced. After getting shafted on that I moved to 39s where I have been one of the more colorful and well known twinks. I have more twink premade experience then pretty much anyone and thats not trying to boost my ego. MYT and NNC #1 19/29 and 39 guilds!

I tend me the be drunk at all hours of the day but its all good. Oh and I have the distinction of having the biggest fan boy sack riding club in the world.

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