get to know your fellow 29s

the infamous oknob.

you can call me jamie/bonko. i enjoy my friends, sports, road trips and always up for a party. i started twinking when BC came out and Oknob was my first twink. always played 29s but after the bg merger, got into 39s more often with my ret Kempo and fairly recently got into 70s as well.

Oknob - 29H/39A

Vaiohlehnce - 29A/39H

Effteedublu - 29H

Bubbleuxyz - 29H

Eatshiftnbye - 29H/70A

Shadeofbonk - 70A

and a few other random WIP
ok I honestly didn't think anyone would respond in a positive light to this thread, but I guess I was wrong so here goes my real no bullshit about me post.

My name is Travis, i grew up in southern California and attended college in Colorado, i moved to Oklahoma when i was 19.

I am a gunsmith and owner/operator of a small goat dairy, my hobbies include hiking, backpacking, horse back riding, kayaking, skiing, white water rafting, knife making and shooting. I do not list hunting as a Hobie because I have lost interest in it ever since I left California. There is no challenge to it in Oklahoma given the plentiful game.

I enjoy reading, billiards, chess, watching football, classical piano, fine cigars, hard alcohol, and card games.

I am generally an antisocial individual in person.

this is the only type of hunting i currently engage in.

Prairie Dog Hunting 2009 - Professional Prairie Dog Hunters - - YouTube

I have twinked in the 19 29 and 39 bracket, i started twinking during bc, my twinks have been

29-franchi, i have had 5 or 6 of these over the years as i attempted to build the perfect twink, always prot warriors,

29-lanara, alliance prot warrior

19-franchi, one horde warrior, one alliance resto shaman.

39-parabellum, 39 warrior
Franchi said:
ok I honestly didn't think anyone would respond in a positive light to this thread, but I guess I was wrong so here goes my real no bullshit about me post.

My name is Travis, i grew up in southern California and attended college in Colorado, i moved to Oklahoma when i was 19.

I am a gunsmith and owner/operator of a small goat dairy, my hobbies include hiking, backpacking, horse back riding, kayaking, skiing, white water rafting, knife making and shooting. I do not list hunting as a Hobie because I have lost interest in it ever since I left California. There is no challenge to it in Oklahoma given the plentiful game.

I enjoy reading, billiards, chess, watching football, classical piano, fine cigars, hard alcohol, and card games.

I am generally an antisocial individual in person.

this is the only type of hunting i currently engage in.

Prairie Dog Hunting 2009 - Professional Prairie Dog Hunters - - YouTube

I have twinked in the 19 29 and 39 bracket, i started twinking during bc, my twinks have been

29-franchi, i have had 5 or 6 of these over the years as i attempted to build the perfect twink, always prot warriors,

29-lanara, alliance prot warrior

19-franchi, one horde warrior, one alliance resto shaman.

39-parabellum, 39 warrior

a gunsmith no joke? any tips for getting a stuck choke outta my trap gun?
ive pvped at 10/19/29/39 across like 12 chars, mostly my 29 rogue Subpar i rolled when tbc dropped. im only playing f2p atm because i love my 29s, so after they died off i stopped playing. ive been wanting to come back because Dmaw horde seems to be really active again

im a sous chef and a tattoo artist, i used to live in the Twin Cities but I just moved out to Cali. If im not in my house smoking and playing vidya games im probably in the woods, hiking around and climbing shit and whatnot. its a pretty laidback life for a pretty laidback guy, thats why i always lol at the drama 29s seem to create

29 Rampage 4 lyfe
Hello im Anthony, currently an airtraffic controller(in training) at minot Airforce base....north dakota.......

WoW:um play 29s, and do RBGs on aerie peak with a frost DK, although my original server/toons are on windrunner horde.

RL:yeah ATC at minot AFB

Hobbies:WoW,Black ops,MADDEN 2012 GO JAGUARS!


29s:Zuladin Horde Windrunner

Phokas Ally windrunner

Sempronius Horde Dragonmaw

Zulazil Horde Dragonmaw

70s:Lasarkis ally Aerie Peak

85: Dalkrys Aerie Peak alliance

Sledgehammer and Legate horde windrunner
oknob said:
the infamous oknob.

you can call me jamie/bonko. i enjoy my friends, sports, road trips and always up for a party. i started twinking when BC came out and Oknob was my first twink. always played 29s but after the bg merger, got into 39s more often with my ret Kempo and fairly recently got into 70s as well.

Oknob - 29H/39A

Vaiohlehnce - 29A/39H

Effteedublu - 29H

Bubbleuxyz - 29H

Eatshiftnbye - 29H/70A

Shadeofbonk - 70A

and a few other random WIP

Don't forget to add that you're a socially inept WOW addict who doesn't get invited to parties. That, and you and your "lost the batteries" friends like to report people AFK when you get beaten on message boards. LOL You're a loser!
Somebody sounds mad
Homer the only people ive seen afk'd were amy/kow and a couple lower geared toons. Me personally im not a huge fan of the afk boot but whatever
Zuladin said:
Homer the only people ive seen afk'd were amy/kow and a couple lower geared toons. Me personally im not a huge fan of the afk boot but whatever

homer is kow zula.

Homernnoheals said:
Well what does Jamie think of this??

i think its wonderful you're helping us get games, we only wish you would stick around to play instead of afking.

oh well.
Hi, I'm Homer and I like losing arguments and then gettin' wit' my buds from "lost the batteries" and reporting people afk. Somehow I think this makes people go away forever. I'm immune to bans. I enjoy enjoyment, having fun, and I like things that I like. My pet goldfish refuses to have sex with me so I zoom in on Blood Elves when I'm pleasuring myself. I was picked on in high school so I consider myself a dedicated twink. Offline I realize that im inferior to others so I have to boost my self esteem by being in a cool guild and posting super awesome gifs. If I didn't have my weapon enchants, I probably would have succeeded at suicide by now. I'm looking forward to being a part of this community that turns on itself if it can't find a common enemy. My mom was gonna name me Jamie if I was a girl or if I had Down's syndrome. Nice to meet you.

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