Not sure how many of you would be willing to post something in here, but I thought it'd be kinda cool to have a thread where people can post something about themselves. (Somewhat similar to the 19s IRL thread a few years ago where community members posted pictures of what they looked like) Rules are pretty simple, post anything about yourself that you'd like, and don't be an ass to others. Could be one thing, could be 20 things, and it doesn't have to be super personal.
I'll start it off!
I just turned 18 about a week ago, and I'm fresh out of high school as of 2 1/2 months ago. I actually leave for basic training for the US Army in a week, and I'll be going in as 68W (to those of you who aren't familiar with anything military related, 68W is the job title for Combat Medic), and I'll be doing active duty. I could've done college, and I was considering going instate and going to UNLV (University of Las Vegas), but I slacked off pretty hard in high school and because of that, I don't think I have the attention span or the patience for college at this point in my life. It's something I'll definitely do in the future though.
I'll start it off!
I just turned 18 about a week ago, and I'm fresh out of high school as of 2 1/2 months ago. I actually leave for basic training for the US Army in a week, and I'll be going in as 68W (to those of you who aren't familiar with anything military related, 68W is the job title for Combat Medic), and I'll be doing active duty. I could've done college, and I was considering going instate and going to UNLV (University of Las Vegas), but I slacked off pretty hard in high school and because of that, I don't think I have the attention span or the patience for college at this point in my life. It's something I'll definitely do in the future though.