Well, I don't know if anyone's even gonna read this but what the hell, I'm bored. Played WoW since TBC, started off with 29 twinks and moved on to 39 later on, and been playing on and off ever since. First time I really got into the 19s bracket was in cata, and I started playing 20-24 in MoP. I've played pretty much every class at 19/20/29, and I always try to gear and play every spec on every toon. I used to be really into perfecting twinks, but with the amount of really hard-to-get BoEs added into the game lately, and the fact that no matter how well you gear your f2p you're still going to be at a disadvantage, I tend to half-ass my twinks nowadays. I've also made some 19 twink FCing vids in cataclysm, I'll link them later on in case someone's interested.
My main class was long a druid (feral in tbc/wotlk as 29/39, and resto FC in cata/mop/wod), but since wod really fucked up the class IMO (every spec feels like DPS spec now) and FCing as a f2p is becoming nearly impossible with 29s literally globaling half of your HP bar without crits, I'm not that much into druid anymore. I still play my druid(s), but to a much lesser degree than in the previous expansions.
IRL I'm a 22 year old male from Finland, 178cm tall and weighing about 70kg. I'm not employed or in education at the moment, due to being a completely spineless fucking cunt and other reasons. My hobbies are internet, PC gaming, footbag/hackysack, football, Ice-hockey, smoking weed (and some scientific experiments on other substances), trekking, bicycling (somewhere around 15-30km every other day this summer), working out, and I've also been in boyscouts for like 7 years or so earlier (except we had gurls there too, heh) and planning to pick scouting back up again in the future, when I'm at a better position in life. I really like sports IRL, give me a call at pretty much any time of the day to get outside and get some sweat runnin', I'm usually up for it

I also play RuneScape, have been playing for over 10 years now on and off. PM me if you want me to add you or something.
edit: Oh and forgot to add I've also done my half a year of service in the finnish defence forces because it's mandatory here, not that it's something great or something that was really my kind of thing, but thought I'd just add it here since it might interest somebody.
Lastly, as if I didn't give out enough info to total strangers on the internet already, here's my fugly face.