Gems for all

Here's how to gem your low-level toons.

First, get a friend who's BS 400 or above,
Second take BS (Blacksmith) level 1 as a profession,
Third look up your favorite boss drop wrist or gloves.

It must be a boss drop with the blue "tradable" text. Run the dungeon with the friend and have him pickup the wrists or gloves drops, you must both be eligible for the gear upon the next steps. I recommend running the instance all five times and get as many drops as possible. Then go to a forge. Some of the following steps are time sensitive.

1) open a trade window
2) Have the 400 BS begin the socket cast
3) Have the 400 BS drop the item in trade*, **
4) Have the lowbie click trade
5) At 95% socket cast, have the 400 BS click trade***

* must be in the trade window, not the "will not be traded window"
** a macro to insta-accomplish this step is:
/run PickupContainerItem(0,1)
/click TradePlayerItem1ItemButton
*** Better to err on the side of clicking trade early, because the items are not burned. Too late and the loot item is socketed in the 400 BS's bag. /run AcceptTrade() may be placed as a second macro button, to simplify things.

If done properly, you will have a socket suitable for +20 stat gems, which is huge in the lower brackets.

While some seem to take a dim view of this procedure, everyone can see that only normal casts and clicks are used. One should rightly assume this is intended use, since no cheats, codes or programming is utilized. It's a little sensitive to timing, but so are many things in WoW. My druid jumps out of the water and if I time it just right, can achieve flight form. This trick is equally time sensitive and is intended. So, have fun with the new gems and Good Luck.
Why are you promoting an exploit? These will only ruin the BG's at lower level, and exploits are ban-able.
While some seem to take a dim view of this procedure, everyone can see that only normal casts and clicks are used. One should rightly assume this is intended use, since no cheats, codes or programming is utilized.
Go ahead, keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll start to believe it one day.
Pretty sure he got banned and is now taking a temper tantrum.

Pretty sure.
Look at the +20 gem prices, if you think everyone is so pure as you espouse. Virtually every 24 (Horde) has gems, only most of the free-to-play don't and they aren't paying, so who cares?

No, I didn't get banned. I did have my gems removed, though. The reason I posted was because Horde were laughing that they'd gotten many, if not most of the Alliance gems removed by making level-1's on the Ally gem-wearers servers and complaining to GM. Blizz is currently only removing gems when they get a complaint, so the Horde tactic is working. Horde have gems, Ally don't.

When it comes to a point where horde can have gems, but Ally can't - That is an exploit. One faction having an unfair gear advantage over the other is the definition of an exploit. I simply want Blizz to admit gemming is not an exploit and stop removing Ally gems. (they already don't remove many Horde gems). Alternately, they need to remove all gems, not just the ones people complain about.

To summarize, Gemming by itself isn't an exploit, it's the removal of gems by complaint that's the exploit. And I want Blizz to stop enabling exploit-by-complaint, so I posted the procedure, so all can have equal access and all can see there are no cheat codes. If the Horde wouldn't have been such weasels and started squealing to GM's, this wouldn't have been necessary. After all, it's really us against the 20's, isn't it?
I hope you realize nobody needs to make a level 1 on the server of the person they are complaining about.

I can do it from the comfort of my home server.

You can also open a ticket about gem wearers, but I think the concept escapes you. Seeing as you don't understand the ticket process at all.

All the same, enjoy your ban and try crying to Blizzard about how you are sorry and won't do it again. They may un-ban you, who knows.
Thread should be called Bans for all.

Dont do this people, it is seen as an exploit and will most likely result in a ban. Just try to find some rare items if you want to improve your toon, or make a second one from a slightly stronger class if you feel the need to feel stronger, but dont do this, since you'll regret it in the long run.
The people saying not to gem low-level toons almost certainly have gems themselves. They simply want to keep their advantage over others.
The sad part of this thread is that the OP seriously believes that 24s need this to be competitive in the 20-24 bracket, where F2P characters can't do this at all.
Yes, something that helps grind out a mount vs something that dramatically improves game play/power.

I see your logic.

no as in botting to get items(BoAs) as in breaking ToS. Not the OP.

Its just lawl.
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f2p's can and do gem. Any player who can instance (level 15) can gem.

I seriously doubt anyone has been banned for normal spell-casting and that's all gemming is. Read the OP. No tricks, codes, reprogramming or jiggering of the client is utilized. Only standard, everyday casts. Why would one assume it was anything but intended? Blizz could've put level requirements on the gems, but chose not to. They could've put BS skill level requirements on the sockets, but chose not to. No, gemming is entirely within the ULA. In fact, Blizz should order the GM's to reinstate all gems and I call on them to do so.
f2p's can and do gem. Any player who can instance (level 15) can gem.

I seriously doubt anyone has been banned for normal spell-casting and that's all gemming is. Read the OP. No tricks, codes, reprogramming or jiggering of the client is utilized. Only standard, everyday casts. Why would one assume it was anything but intended? Blizz could've put level requirements on the gems, but chose not to. They could've put BS skill level requirements on the sockets, but chose not to. No, gemming is entirely within the ULA. In fact, Blizz should order the GM's to reinstate all gems and I call on them to do so.
there's so many posts in this subforum where you can't tell if they're good trolls or just really, really, stupid.
f2p's can and do gem. Any player who can instance (level 15) can gem.

I seriously doubt anyone has been banned for normal spell-casting and that's all gemming is. Read the OP. No tricks, codes, reprogramming or jiggering of the client is utilized. Only standard, everyday casts. Why would one assume it was anything but intended? Blizz could've put level requirements on the gems, but chose not to. They could've put BS skill level requirements on the sockets, but chose not to. No, gemming is entirely within the ULA. In fact, Blizz should order the GM's to reinstate all gems and I call on them to do so.

Link 1 f2p with gems, if they can get gems why dont they get enchants?
Good point about the trade window. Now there's a real reason to return gems to those taken.

Blizzard's goal here should be (and assume is) to create a desire in the 20's to start paying. Letting 24's gem would definitely encourage paying, because it's the desire to gear/power-up that drives paying. The more the 20's get beat on by the paying 24's, the more they should want to pay money. After all, the more (gear) gain dangled in front of their noses, the more 20's want to pay.

Therefore, gems are also in Blizz's business interest and provides good reason to reinstate gems.
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