Gem Exploiting Morons

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So for interrupts you rely on only a mages counterspell? Holy shit i thought you guys were good lololol
well you see the thing is, this is burst fest 2012 and who cares if you interrupt because all we have to do is coordinate a hunter/mage swap onto a target with she ambush and it dies no interrupts required.
Im startin to see why MGC lost to WT, they crutch on burst and dont use mechanical things. WT, how did they almost beat you!?!
How is that reversed since you just stated you guys crutch on burst ^_^

If i need to elaborate on that you need to be in a insane asylum.
How is that reversed since you just stated you guys crutch on burst ^_^
To be fair, with the state of the bracket right now I can see why they'd crutch on burst.
I can't believe how many morons are asking about the gem exploit in this thread. Does NOONE read the news on this site anymore?
They should use burst but not ignore obvious game mechanics such as an interrrupt/incapacitating ability.

Maybe if a rogue had gouged Kancer he wouldnt have gotten the LoH off lol
How is that reversed since you just stated you guys crutch on burst ^_^
ok so this is how the wt premade went down. my team (mgc) tried to beat wt on the technical level because we believed i i think we still had a fundamentally better team then them. unfortunately the burst is so bad in this bracket that we have had to adapt our strategies to one more similar to theirs which is just burstfest in mid.
Burst in mid, but play technical offensivley.

Edit : Dory that made me laugh
you do realize that separated o and d have pretty much disappeared right? of course you don't which is why part of the reason you made this thread to begin with.
So for interrupts you rely on only a mages counterspell? Holy shit i thought you guys were good lololol

As for the premade enviormanet, whos the dumbass guild leader that would let people use this exploit? So your argument is invalid to the fact that this controversey is based only in pugs.

using in pugs and using in premades are two different things mnkey dont go talking shit when i showed dntdodrugs he said 90% of his guild wanted them including himself
people should calm down these gems are like a 10% buff big deal, ride em out til it's fixed.
The whole premade/pug thing is not even an issue, because no GM with a sane mind will allow them in premades. If Drugs wants to use them in premades thats fucked up and ill talk to him about it.
The whole premade/pug thing is not even an issue, because no GM with a sane mind will allow them in premades. If Drugs wants to use them in premades thats fucked up and ill talk to him about it.
this is comical on so many levels. first you don't know shit about premeds. second you think you can tell your gm what to do. 3rd you don't know shit about premeds. and 4th you have no idea how the gems would even effect premades.
4. Neither do you, unlesss LSS has premaded someone in the last 2days.
3. You tried sayin rogues are only viable in premades for ambushes, saps, and repicks. YOU know shit about premades.
2. I said i would talk to him, i dont tell my GM what to do.
1. See 3.
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