Gear Snobbery

Hi all,

Hope everyone is well, I just wanted to give my opinion about how we all treat each other and how it affects us. As most of you know, I am new to the twinking world, only about 2.5 months ago I started a hunter that I had been hoping to make for a couple months, and I had never played the class before.

So without a main (just returning to the game) I rolled my new hunter, got the best gear I could find, and did hundreds of mining/fishing trips through the barrens pools to pay for my enchants, and even got my fishing hat and Arena trinket with the help of my friends Ego, Orgasm, and Shank, who all twinked on my server and helped me.

So I did my best to learn to kite, the wsg jumps (which i still fail at but im trying) and when I entered a game on my terribad battlegroup, people knew Thew was there as I would run flag if I had to, was high on the kills charts, and fought hard and took each game to heart. I am not the best, but I try to be.

So my bg has slowed down, and I thought I really want to try premading and move to ruin. So I spent some time on the forums here and on wow, trying to get good advice on how i could improve my gear to be a better player...this was a mistake.

Instead of receving replies on how i could get a bit more int or improve my hit rating, I recieved public and private tells such as lolhunter, play a class that actually matters, you suck at arena (after I did my first night of trying arena I had 3 people go on forums touting that they beat me? im new i suck thats ok with me?) and just in general not being very cool.

Prior to going to the forums I was having a total blast on my hunter and when i entered games people were always exited to see me as I played as a team and really tried hard. I loved playing him, but after all this I actually got so frustrated that I deleted Thew and decided to roll a (lol) pally.

Then after a day of clarity I realized how dumb this all was, put in a ticket, had Thew restored, and rerolled him Draenei on Ruin. Now I am having a blast again, will stay off the wow forums (what a hateful, mean spirited place) and just have fun, I am almost to Ambassador woot!

So the TLDR is this, our twink community is already small, and bliz keeps doing things to make it harder for us to get games. When new people come in, we should welcome them, and help them along, not critisize them and put them down when they are trying to improve.

I learned from this that even though we all judge each other on gear, and we all want ours to be perfect, we need to support each other and help one another along, there are only so many of us. I will recall this next time I get frustrated and want to spam emote someone who upsets me, or when a young twink comes to the forums asking for help.

Peace, thanks for letting me vent.

well, that's WoW forums, if you take it seriously then you're going to get caught in some deep shit.

i do find it weird that people will say others are not skilled or geared sometimes, but i still do find it humorous when i see a hunter with crusader on his weapon and backpeddling or something. i dunno, it's just the way things are.

bottom line is, i respect someone who is bad and admits to being bad but i don't respect someone who is bad and still says AMG I HAZ MAOR KILLS OBV UR NOT GOOD. and this is the stereotype that follows hunters
yea, i think it is important to welcome people to the twinking world too, especially with its dodgy situation right now.
thew, I could be wrong, but you went on the forums and challenged the entire bg to 1v1s, and sounded a bit cocky about it...
ninedash said:
thew, I could be wrong, but you went on the forums and challenged the entire bg to 1v1s, and sounded a bit cocky about it...

Yes I fully did in order to try to get clips for my video, I was to cocky, I apologize, and the goal of the vid was not to show I am the best (I'm not), and offered to put the clips in even if I lost.

This is what I am stating Nine, I too got my head into this gear snobbery, starting acting like I was so great, and it just ruins it for everyone.

I am not the best, got owned hard by bone and a couple others, and that is why I came her to say that we all need to be cooler to one another, so I just want to say sorry as well.

I have a new start now in Ruin on Alliance, so I wish for everyone to come together and support one another, I know that my perception has changed and that I just want everyone to have fun and enjoy playing each other.
Pushlol said:
ur gona get run out of ruin quickly if u think wat happnd to u in retal was wrong..

Just coming over to Ruin to learn and get better Push, hopefully someday I can play with you guys and bring something positive to the team bro, thats all I want, to improve and have fun.
Thew123 said:
Just coming over to Ruin to learn and get better Push, hopefully someday I can play with you guys and bring something positive to the team bro, thats all I want, to improve and have fun.

I know, I mean the trolls on Ruin are completely different then on Retal. I'd stay off the forums for a while if you can't stand them. And they troll in game too :eek:
Ok understood, can I ask you a stupid question Push?

Why are you and slap not in Prodigy with Bone and Pain?

Wouldn't that make all the best players in one guild sir?
I've trolled Prodigy for way too long for them to let me in :) And I'm not into 10v10 premade's and neither is slap. I'm having fun doing arenas and what not. But yeah, Bone is pretty butthurt over something so he dun like me and neither does the rest of Prodigy.

I'm a notorious troll yaherd.
WoW Forum trolls can be harsh... but I feel that the majority of the BG Forum Trolls are only half as bad as the Rogue Forum Trolls were back during BC.

Don't take any of it to heart, improve your game and find some joy when you make some of them eat their own words. I know that I had a load of fun destroying a few of the trolls who flamed me as Lolbad for going with a Melee-Ranged oriented hunter build.
Conrose said:
WoW Forum trolls can be harsh... but I feel that the majority of the BG Forum Trolls are only half as bad as the Rogue Forum Trolls were back during BC.

Don't take any of it to heart, improve your game and find some joy when you make some of them eat their own words. I know that I had a load of fun destroying a few of the trolls who flamed me as Lolbad for going with a Melee-Ranged oriented hunter build.


LOL @ second to last post but

Wasn't calling you bad thew, didn't have time (in class earlier) to fully put down what I meant.

When you came on the forums you put your name out there to get trolled, and trolled hard. At the same time, why listen to anything (push, kitty, etc etc) say when they are trolling on their clearly trolling toons. When they have something to post productive, they normally use a regular character.

If you don't have a thick skin though, from what everyone has told me, stay away from the forums on ruin, or they'll ruin you (pun clearly not intended)
Hey man - trolls suck. F 'em. Lead by excellence and teamwork in BGs. Get better gear and skill.

And they'll still troll you ;o)

Just play and have fun... it's your dime bro.
ninedash said:
LOL @ second to last post but

Wasn't calling you bad thew, didn't have time (in class earlier) to fully put down what I meant.

When you came on the forums you put your name out there to get trolled, and trolled hard. At the same time, why listen to anything (push, kitty, etc etc) say when they are trolling on their clearly trolling toons. When they have something to post productive, they normally use a regular character.

If you don't have a thick skin though, from what everyone has told me, stay away from the forums on ruin, or they'll ruin you (pun clearly not intended)

Pun was clearly intended. Words that could have been used in place of ruin.









What? I've only seen marriages completely ruin people's lives.
Conrose said:
Pun was clearly intended. Words that could have been used in place of ruin.









What? I've only seen marriages completely ruin people's lives.

I'd say


Video Games

Women in general





Also completely ruin people's lives
dont worry about the trolls, just learn your class and play alot.

The best way to deal with trolls is to just kill them repeatedly in-game and not respond to them on the forums, no matter what they say.
Hey Thew, I did read what Bone wrote on the forum, and to be honest he was sort of a dick about it. I've never seen you arena, and the way he described you was just mean.

Have fun in Ruin, we will miss you =]
Orcgasm said:
Hey Thew, I did read what Bone wrote on the forum, and to be honest he was sort of a dick about it. I've never seen you arena, and the way he described you was just mean.

Have fun in Ruin, we will miss you =]

No no buddy I actually liked Bone, he was just being honest, I have never done arena before I deserved it. Its what I get for thinking I had bigger junk than I had, I learned my lesson. I am just saying we are all a little hard on each other and a bit to obsessed with gear v skill.

I will miss you to bud, love you Krankkers.

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