Gear Snobbery

Twinkinfo is a much better forum for getting opinions etc. I only read the WoW forums for entertainment.
Thew123 said:
I learned from this that even though we all judge each other on gear, and we all want ours to be perfect, we need to support each other and help one another along, there are only so many of us.



Agreed for the most part but seriously, hunters are pretty.. embarrassing.
Good luck on Ruin Thew :). I'd happily come with you, IF I had a better connection. Well, if prodigy would let me in xP, I'm not to bad of a FC drood or lock.

But anyways, I'll miss dueling and bging with you :(, get on ruin pub vent sometime or my old vent and we can have visiting hours :D

<3 Ego
almost all of those trolls on th forums probly fail at their class anyways. Don't worry about it dude. Twinking is about playing with your own unique style. True some peoples' styles work better then others and if their really good people will copy to try to bring theirgame up. It doesn't matter how well you do, how many kill you get, the jumps your pro at, its about having a good time bro.
Crilicilyn said:
almost all of those trolls on th forums probly fail at their class anyways. Don't worry about it dude. Twinking is about playing with your own unique style. True some peoples' styles work better then others and if their really good people will copy to try to bring theirgame up. It doesn't matter how well you do, how many kill you get, the jumps your pro at, its about having a good time bro.

so dum

Right now twinking really should just be about having fun. :3

I would get on jailbot RIGHT NOW if i had an active account atm. T_T

But i dont so imma go cut myself.

jk i dont cut ;3
Yeah if you're getting shit on the BG forums, or any WoW 'official' forum for that matter, don't be surprised. I would advise to stay away from them other than viewing the occasional joke or /facepalm post for a good laugh. Infact, I've found reading the class forums infinitely more useful than the BG forums even for my twink.

TL;DR: Don't take 'em seriously.
i totally agree about the gear snobbing...

how many times have i been told that i was terribad and should just delete wow all together and stop giving wow players a bad name just because i was present in the BGs. funny how in that particular BG i had like 10 kills higher then everyone including alliances, i had about 10k more damage then everyone and how i even brought a flag back home. heck i even stopped 6 times in a row the other FC. that was before 3.2 though. yet people in that BG were telling me i was bad because i didn't have lucky fishing hat and AGM.

seriously, this is the problem we have in our little community, half of it is too self centered !

if the community was more open to new concepts and new idea's. i'm quite sure we wouldn'T even have half the problem we have now !

a good exemple are people switching battlegroup and server instead of advertising the twinks. i mean i once advertised for only 1 hour. and i got about 10 more people into twinking ! may they become bad or good doesn'T matter. my jhob was to find people who would like twinking and i did, it worked and now the community has 10 more twinks into it.

people are too afraid of blizzard knowing about us and killing us on sight is too great that now its hard passing above it. but we all know blizzard has been knowing long ago. it tries to keep us and tries to keep everyone else as well. but its not their goal to make people play one style more then another. thats our job !

i say let's make this advertising on forum about twinks.

other forums i say.

and then advertise in game for the 90% of the people who do not check forums.

do this for your twink guild.

"[Name of guild] is recruting twinks or whant to be twinks people of all types. whisper for details about what kinda twink we are."

i swear you do this for just 1 hour and you'll have a lot of people getting into your guild, they wont all be active or even staying as a twink, but i guarantee that at least you'll have done your job in helping the community grow !

it also is good to respect the choices of people and not blast them up right away !

its not because one doesn't have an AGM that he isn't skilled !
ArthurianKnight said:
i totally agree about the gear snobbing...

how many times have i been told that i was terribad and should just delete wow all together and stop giving wow players a bad name just because i was present in the BGs. funny how in that particular BG i had like 10 kills higher then everyone including alliances, i had about 10k more damage then everyone and how i even brought a flag back home. heck i even stopped 6 times in a row the other FC. that was before 3.2 though. yet people in that BG were telling me i was bad because i didn't have lucky fishing hat and AGM.

seriously, this is the problem we have in our little community, half of it is too self centered !

if the community was more open to new concepts and new idea's. i'm quite sure we wouldn'T even have half the problem we have now !

a good exemple are people switching battlegroup and server instead of advertising the twinks. i mean i once advertised for only 1 hour. and i got about 10 more people into twinking ! may they become bad or good doesn'T matter. my jhob was to find people who would like twinking and i did, it worked and now the community has 10 more twinks into it.

people are too afraid of blizzard knowing about us and killing us on sight is too great that now its hard passing above it. but we all know blizzard has been knowing long ago. it tries to keep us and tries to keep everyone else as well. but its not their goal to make people play one style more then another. thats our job !

i say let's make this advertising on forum about twinks.

other forums i say.

and then advertise in game for the 90% of the people who do not check forums.

do this for your twink guild.

"[Name of guild] is recruting twinks or whant to be twinks people of all types. whisper for details about what kinda twink we are."

i swear you do this for just 1 hour and you'll have a lot of people getting into your guild, they wont all be active or even staying as a twink, but i guarantee that at least you'll have done your job in helping the community grow !

it also is good to respect the choices of people and not blast them up right away !

its not because one doesn't have an AGM that he isn't skilled !

And now i got a headache and my eyes are bleeding. Christ i should have known not to waste my time reading this.
Hamcake said:
It is mandatory to add a space between the final word of a sentence and its full stop .

Not anymore.
Thewww! Whats up dude, im no longer playin my old account with my twinks, i started a new account on turylon with my freinds irl, I should be lvl 55 within a few days and if ya want i can make a dk on ur new server and start a twink to play wit ya=)
its always funny to see that snobbing problem here as well though, half this place snobs people just for being a hunter ! though i like the word huntard, it doesn'T mean i like to be called that on a daily basis ! =8-D
ArthurianKnight said:
its always funny to see that snobbing problem here as well though, half this place snobs people just for being a hunter ! though i like the word huntard, it doesn'T mean i like to be called that on a daily basis ! =8-D

stfu you huntard

jkjk <3

its not that we're snobs against hunters, ripping people for being crappily geared is different than ripping people for rolling a class specifically for ez-mode 19's

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