Games like this are not fun

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Franchi said:
How did it die?

It showed such promise to make it to the cap.

He posted in it saying that he got a 24 hour ban here and accused me of reporting him/ continued to throw a fit and someone reported him there. /threaddeleted
Mongro said:
He posted in it saying that he got a 24 hour ban here and accused me of reporting him/ continued to throw a fit and someone reported him there. /threaddeleted

awe how cute, wait we can report post here? ahh that little triangle that's what its for lol.
Franchi said:
awe how cute, wait we can report post here? ahh that little triangle that's what its for lol.

I just assumed that mods were banning on their own seeing as they read threads. Didn't notice that triangle until after reading your post. It's the grey, it looks too passive to be a report icon.
Willyshatner said:
I honestly don't think calling someone names or attacking their character is the basis of having a good discussion. I also don't think the people who were starting discussions over there were interested in having a discussion, so much as they were interested in everyone else blindly agreeing with them. If everyone just shared their PoV, there wouldn't have been any name calling going on, and people wouldn't have ever been reported.

I blame the inability of some people to control themselves.

No, it really is blizzard's zero tolerance policy combined with an unwillingness to actually understand the situation at hand. Sure, name calling and attacking character isn't the basis of having a good discussion, but I got a couple bans for some downright stupid shit that was undeserving of a ban. I do not feel I could convey my opinions there without receiving a third and final ban because the blues are just going through the reports received and hitting the ban key.

Meanwhile, at least here we can swear or use light insults without the mods swinging the old ban-hammer around, which while it may not be the most civil discussions... It's a fun read during breaks in class or when I have some down time. The shit talking has always been around anyways.
I more or less agree with you there. However, Blizzard is trying to run a website that is family friendly rated G type stuff. They want people to feel free to come to the forums and post what's on their mind, as long as it is in a positive and constructive manner. The minute someone feels like they can't post because someone's going to come along and engage in petty name calling or trash talking, that's when Blizzard feels obligated to step in and moderate. There's really no way you can spin an insult or trash talk and have it come across as positive or constructive.

That's why I got banned for a week after saying:

'I'm totally down for casual vent convo. ANYTHING is better than listening to the alternative from Franchi and Dont.'

Ironically, I got reported because someone thought I was the guy who had been reporting posts for weeks prior, when up to that point, I had reported a grand total of one post. Additionally, the GMs do read every single post that gets reported. the line is just set so strict that even the most mundane garbage will get you a forum vacation.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Hunters from 41 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated rogues from stealth.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Rets from melee range.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated mages from 35-40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated ferals from stealth.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Boomkins from 40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Ele shams from 30 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Spriests from 40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Enhance Shams from melee range.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Fury Wars from melee range.
Willyshatner said:
Additionally, the GMs do read every single post that gets reported. the line is just set so strict that even the most mundane garbage will get you a forum vacation.

I know because this got me a week ban. I successfully appealed it, but shit man, its just a photoshop.

Donteventrii said:
Only idiots argue with idiots.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Hunters from 41 yds away. There is no LOS in mid. There is nowhere you can go once you die.

There was no reason to be queueing with three good Hunters against a team chock full of scrubs, and yet they did it at least three games in a row. Did Lrig decide to hop on his Horde Rogue to help balance? Did Rubikz decide that the Alliance didn't need another Hunter pounding Horde face into the dirt? Did Pizza...Lol nevermind. He's a prick and always has been.

In the third game, Horde were down 9v10. Instead of sitting one of their Hunters, they make Beatzz sit. What the **** is wrong with you people?

u complained about me afking last time i afked out of a 4 hunter game

experience tells me that you're just going to complain no matter what. if we had less hunters than you (as opposed to the same number), for example, you'd just complain about group q'ing again
Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated rogues from stealth.

Basically, this one is pretty true.

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Rets from melee range.

NOT Allowing 3 rets to get into your melee range would be step one, not letting them hit you enough to get a TV off would be another, they have no freedom or dispells anymore and are easily kited.

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated mages from 35-40 yds away.

Slower Ramp up time on DPS and cast times.

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated ferals from stealth.

True, but ferals are so weak out of stealth that there really aren't that many ferals left in the bracket.

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Boomkins from 40 yds away.

Slower Ramp up time on DPS and cast times

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Ele shams from 30 yds away.

Slower Ramp up time on DPS and cast times

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Spriests from 40 yds away.

Slower Ramp up time on DPS and cast times

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Enhance Shams from melee range.

Yeah, I agree, enh gets pretty ridiculous because often with the overlapping frost shocks keeping them out of melee range can be difficult.

Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Fury Wars from melee range.

Put them in combat from range, kite them forever. If you have 3 on you doing dps you ****ed up pretty bad.

Not only can a hunter (not just 3) keep one target dazed for an indefinite amount of time (for free), but they can blow that 100 focus in what... 3, maybe 4 GCDs with Explosive and Arcane shots? From a yard further than ANY of the casters you listed? It's a ton of near instant dps, combined with all the other abilities they bring to the table (track humanoids underrated imo), it is really not comparable to any other class. To me I just don't get the 3 of insertclasshere is == to 3 hunters, it just isn't true.
The point is that burst is burst. The delivery method of the damage is not relevant to the amount of damage over a short duration of time a class can do. All factors considered, you have to assume that a class is GOING to do what it can to be in optimal position to burst, and that burst is going to happen.

Not only can a hunter (not just 3) keep one target dazed for an indefinite amount of time (for free), but they can blow that 100 focus in what... 3, maybe 4 GCDs with Explosive and Arcane shots? From a yard further than ANY of the casters you listed? It's a ton of near instant dps, combined with all the other abilities they bring to the table (track humanoids underrated imo), it is really not comparable to any other class. To me I just don't get the 3 of insertclasshere is == to 3 hunters, it just isn't true.

Actually, Explosive shot costs 50 focus and has a 6 sec CD. Arcane shot costs 25 focus. A hunter isn't going to get off more than 1 explosive shot and 2 arcane shots in the space of a few GCDs outside of a Lock and Load proc, which has a 50% proc rate and requires that at some point the hunter be within melee range to effectively use. Since there's no way to force a proc or predict when RNG will smile on you, a hunter either has to save his focus for after a lock and load proc, for the kind of burst you're talking about, OR they risk being a dead hunter by spending all their focus up front and chancing that Lock and Load won't proc.

Either way, the hunter isn't free casting for that kind of burst 100% of the time, nor is he guaranteeing that sort of burst even once a minute. Once a hunter's focus is spent, they have to stand and shoot Steady Shot @ a ~2 sec cast time without moving so they can regen focus at a reasonable rate. A hunter who can't stand still and shoot isn't regenerating nearly enough focus to maintain any degree of burst, much less able to produce any burst on demand without getting extremely lucky.

Not to be a dick, but a lot of what you're saying is a gross exaggeration that doesn't even begin to carry over for other classes. Hunters have a lot of downtime between periods of burst, while other classes simply don't.
lock and load is OP. aimed shot is OP if you're dumb

outside of that, hunter damage is very predictable and manageable for one healer
Ohai said:
To me I just don't get the 3 of insertclasshere is == to 3 hunters, it just isn't true.

It's not worth it at this point.

Willyshatner said:
I also don't think the people who were starting discussions over there were interested in having a discussion, so much as they were interested in everyone else blindly agreeing with them.

You're right. I wasn't and I'm still not interested in having a discussion. I couldn't care less about your personal views on class balance. I'm interested in results. The only "discussion" worth having is how to best implement changes.
1) they were huntards, so no surprise really there. 2) thank your lucky stars there was only 3 on the ally team, try the 19s you'll get 9/10. That's a real *&=%[£ storm.
Silly willy there arent 3 boomkins in this bracket. Just one.....Thee_Minowaman. Im tempted to make a boomkin but all my Leather Caster BoAs accidently wound up aerie peak want to make the boomkin hordeside. I have the cloth ones on Windrunner but then id be even squisher
Willyshatner said:
There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated rogues from stealth.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Rets from melee range.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated mages from 35-40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated ferals from stealth.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Boomkins from 40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Ele shams from 30 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Spriests from 40 yds away.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Enhance Shams from melee range.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about getting bursted by three coordinated Fury Wars from melee range.

All other classes have start up besides Rogues. When 3 Rogues Ambush, they must now find a way to get back into stealth. Vanish has a cooldown. Those three Rogues are now in position to be blasted by the group of enemies they are now in the midst of.

Hunters can sit back and never worry about having to stealth. They don't have to worry about ranged classes because they can simply outrange their casts while still hitting them. As well, they have high survivability with Scatter, Trap, pet stun/disarm, disengage, and Conc shot out of Africa.

rubikz said:
u complained about me afking last time i afked out of a 4 hunter game

experience tells me that you're just going to complain no matter what. if we had less hunters than you (as opposed to the same number), for example, you'd just complain about group q'ing again

Whatever helps you justify three good Hunters and not sitting one in a 9v10 game. Right?
Zuladin said:
Silly willy there arent 3 boomkins in this bracket. Just one.....Thee_Minowaman. Im tempted to make a boomkin but all my Leather Caster BoAs accidently wound up aerie peak want to make the boomkin hordeside. I have the cloth ones on Windrunner but then id be even squisher

you can mail boas cross faction, or you could just roll on d maw like every other horde and grind out a new set while farming the trial accounts at lvl 24.
Franchi said:
you can mail boas cross faction, or you could just roll on d maw like every other horde and grind out a new set while farming the trial accounts at lvl 24.

Eh i mean i prolly could make a horde boomkin on AP but i wouldnt know anyone lol and would have to literally trade EVERYTHING over the neutral AH. to annoying for me
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