Fury Warrior 8.1

However you cannot deny that a warrior with a crusader proc up just kills a mage in about 2 seconds. Can you post your gear link please so I can see it? You really should be able to kill a mage that has used frostnova already in honestly 3 or 4 button clicks... no joke.
That assumes I'm within sufficient range to be able to damage them multiple times. That is usually not the case, in my experience. Plus, Crusader doesn't proc nearly enough to be a reliable solution. I'm lucky if I can get in 1-2 good hits on someone before they CC me into oblivion. Even without healing, they're easily able to survive that.

Here's my gear. I don't have Touch of the Void or BG equipment yet, but I think I've optimized my Haste, Versatility, and enchantments as much as I can. I'm not asking for Warrior to be as OP as I've heard, nor do I expect to partake in any professional competition. I just want to be remotely competent, so that I can actually play the game, instead of spending most of it in the graveyard or walking back to the action.

Also, on another note, how do you know if a group is premade or not? Sure, I could always use that as a crutch excuse, but I don't see a concrete indication that is so, aside from judging how coordinated they are.
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The "youre a noob" answer to this is learn to not overextend.

It's hard, man. It really is. Playing a warrior is dynamic and exciting and it sucks kinda having to hang back. It especially sucks now because warriors ARE really powerful so range is gonna blow you up first chance they get.

But you're melee in a ranged meta. Be selfish. Let mages cast arcane missles on someone else and THEN go barreling in. Pummel that shit and start wailing on folks.
Let mages cast arcane missles on someone else and THEN go barreling in. Pummel that shit and start wailing on folks.

This seriously is the best tip I've seen so far. There's as many noob mages as noob warriors... maybe more right now.
Yeah, that definitely helps. Thanks! Now, I just need to find pugs where I'm not the only true 29 in the group.
Do you have any suggestions for improving my dps? I've been running L29 BGs for awhile now, and I'm lucky if I crack the top 5 in dps on my teams. I've got the equipment, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Do you have any suggestions for improving my dps? I've been running L29 BGs for awhile now, and I'm lucky if I crack the top 5 in dps on my teams. I've got the equipment, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I've never seen you play so I can't tell you specifically

But in general, youre a melee class in a ranged meta. You're gonna have a real hard time keeping up with the spread damage from boomkins and the insanity that is arcane mages.

I wouldn't worry so much about total damage output so much as securing the kill. You got KBs that outstrip your damage output? Good. Be greedy with that execute button and you'll be playing your role. Ranged is great at softening up targets but most of them can't really chase to secure a kill without putting themselves in danger. That's where you step in.
Playing better in pvp on any class has to start with improving your mouse turning ability. There are a lot of ways one can play better but this is one of the most important. You can have the best gear best consumables but if you're not properly mouse turning you won't perform as well as seasoned pvp players who have refined the technique.
Ah, okay. I do get a decent amount of kills with Execute, and my random groups tend to do very well, unless we're up against a premade group.

What would I be trying to do with mouse turning? I understand how to do it, or at least I think I do, but I don't see how it would influence my results. I suppose movement optimization would be one of my weaker skills.

EDIT: On a related note, it seems difficult for me to understand how to learn from watching others play, such as on a livestream. Most of the time, it's just the guy playing the game without really saying much. For example, it's hard for me to learn anything from someone playing Fury Warrior with a pocket healer at all times.
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EDIT: On a related note, it seems difficult for me to understand how to learn from watching others play, such as on a livestream. Most of the time, it's just the guy playing the game without really saying much. For example, it's hard for me to learn anything from someone playing Fury Warrior with a pocket healer at all times.

I think you can learn lots from this scenario because thats exactly where a warrior should be in most scenarios. PVP in a bg is not supposed to be a continuous cycle of 1v1s spread around the map and Warriors are amongst the least adept classes when it comes
to floating around in between bases alone, you will lose most fights against equally skilled opponents assuming you dont use consumables and if you do they respond with there own . Charge is 20 seconds and only slows for 1 secxondompared to 3 in legion heroic leap is 45 and they have 0 slows and snares.

I guess its kind of inevitable for a game with a lifespan as long as WOW combined with its incredible popularity that the erosive nature of homogenization creeps in more and more as developers struggle with the unenviable task of trying to respond to player feedback and maintain some semblance of balance within such a wide and varying range of different content iin both PVE and PVP. But its important to remember the fundemental basis that the entire genre the 'RPG' is built upon 'different unique player classes' Carefully considering what classes stengths and weakneses best reflected the playstyle you enjoy before forging forward. 15 years+ later wow is far more forgiving with most of these limitations, try playing a druid in vanilla like in live and find yourself oom in 3-4 form swaps, most dps specs lacked self healing outside bandages so rogues for example playstyle was farm more 'sneaky cheap as fuck assassins' and far less 'warrior in leather' killing players trying to eat and opening on low hp anything before restealthing and repeating was a very frequent activity .........I forget the actual point I was trying to make....ok got it again........whilst almost anyt class can do almost anything to some degree these days there are still lots of things that some do far better then others and some far worse and thats ok. The clunky snareless kited for days solo warrior turn into super saiyajin deathbringer of pain whensupported by other players also playing to the strengths of there own respective classes.

I think half the problem is everyone trying toi do everything and losing focus of what they are designed for specifically, when you play against good groups that have invested time playing together for years and all focusing on one class or at least one archetype its incredibly frustrating, hunters turn into the most annoying cunt of a class ever, rogues commiting by not commiting and sapping a healer to dr then blinding then cheapshotting then between the eyes as the poor fool watches his team die, frost nova becomes the most bullshit overpowered clutch miracle ability ever, you get sooo close to killing the fkn monk so many times before the envitable slow/stun/snare of his teamate hit you and he troll fkn rolls away to full hp, you could of sworn you dotted that fkn rogue bit the dots are gone again.... i forget my fucking point again, no one dispels anymore! I tihnk its basically play to the strengths of the warriior class instead of the weaknesses, get friendly with your healers
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Yeah, I'm well aware that the game isn't balanced at these low level brackets. Heck, it's hard enough to balance the game at max level.

As for healers, that relates to a problem that I've noticed running pugs, regarding coordination and communication. Obviously, being a noob, I don't have access to high end PvP guilds with their own vent servers, so to run battlegrounds, I just queue up for randoms. However, the vast majority of the time, text communication is useless. Even ignoring the time to type out a text message, most players don't respond to text. For example, in WSG, I could tell my teammates to stop fighting uselessly at midfield and go kill the EFC, but unless they're in the area, they'll usually just let the EFC blow right by them without significant interference. At best, I call incs at AB and hope that my teammates will respond, though being a twink, I generally try to take the fight to the enemy and play to win, rather than sit on my bases and playing not to lose. In any case, there's no way my pugs are going to be able to remotely compete with a premade group with external communication and coordination far beyond what I can do. Sure, it would be easy if I could make sure I have a healer sticking with me, at all times, but that's almost never going to happen without a premade group.

I think the best way to go is use more subtle ways of communication that players can see, in-game. For example, while running AB, I could secure a base with a few others and then move on to capture another base. I could text the group to go capture the next base, but that's pretty useless. However, if they see me heading over there, they tend to have a greater tendency to stick together and follow me. Another thing I try to do is set my focus target to the group's best healer. That way if I'm in trouble, I can see where they are and head towards them, hoping they'll see my predicament and be in a position to heal me. Yelling at them to heal me isn't very effective, and would probably incline them to not want to heal me. The best I think I can do is put myself in a position for my healer to be able to heal me and hope they notice I'm dying before it's too late.
I have a couple questions, as a twink running random pugs.

1) In Warsong Gulch, should I try to carry the flag or focus on helping to control midfield? Under ideal conditions, the obvious answer sounds like I should focus on the latter. After all, not everyone in the group is going to be a twink, so it would be a waste of my dps to carry the flag, instead. On the other hand, most pugs don't seem interested in capturing the flag. If I don't do it, no one else will. Heroic Leap is certainly extremely helpful in getting away from enemies, and I do have Free Action Potions, which I can't know if anyone else in the group is using. My main goal is to win the battleground. I'm not in it for honor farming.

2) In Arathi Basin, should I focus on defending bases or capturing new ones? This seems to have the same problem as before. It would be a waste of my dps to sit around defending, doing nothing. On the other hand, if I don't defend the base, no one else will, if only out of sheer boredom. Again, I'm more interested in winning the battleground, rather than indulging in pointless skirmishes.

Thanks for your help.
1) Be more patient. Pugs tend to want to "clear mid" before they push flag. It's not like a conscious strategy or anything. It's just that "theres a bad guy, kill bad guy. Theres another bad guy, kill bad guy. No more bad guys? Guess its flag time". Folks are gonna engage with whats immediately in front of them. And thats usually another player.

By trying to force objectives when the pug is rolling around in mid, you're just breaking up the team. The group has lost your DPS and you've lost their heals/distraction and now both you and them are more vulnerable. Stick with folks and recognize that this is INDEED a pug and you cant control it. Go with the flow.

When it comes time to grab the flag, if you're the only twink Im sorry to say its your job. The flag is a damage magnet and if you're best suited to take that damage its up to you to do so. Be patient running it back. Again, be aware that pugs are going to feel like engaging with the enemy is a must. They arent going to run straight for a cap. And you shouldnt expect them to. Separating from the team because "omg objectives" is just gonna frustrate everyone.

2) I've never figured out AB pugs. Ever. I think my AB win rate is like 30% lower than my WSG or EotS win rate. Its the most frustrating map to pug into and I've completely given up on trying to win objectives. Any time I try to engage in some sort of plan, some knucklehead in chat is like "take three and hold!" and then like 3 minutes later wants to know why the other team is zerging.

Any time I end up in AB (which i swear is 60% of the time) I take one of two routes. "Im gonna hold mine and have a beer" and just kinda quasi afk the whole match or if Im feeling like being more involved I decide "Im gonna follow this other twink and just see where the BG takes us".

If you figure out how to successfully pug AB, let me know. Because i've 100% given up on that map and it's increased my fun in those games by like 5000%
Yeah, good point about WSG. That does tend to be more so the case, with groups prioritizing kills over flags until we practically graveyard camp them.

Oddly enough, I've found AB to be much easier to win than WSG. I find that as long as we can rotate bases faster than they can, we can win. Sitting on a base is playing not to lose. Even if we secure 3 bases and sit on them, the enemy will figure it out sooner or later, and send everything to capture one base. It seems like I'm better off securing one base and moving onto another, just because the enemy is always going to capture something, so there's no point in defending, unless I'm already in the area.

As Alliance, my usual plan is to Goblin Glider to the mines, assault it, and then start heading towards the farm. If others are following me and the farm only has 1-2 guys guarding it, I'll keep going for it, since they're probably still focusing on securing either the blacksmith or lumber mill. Otherwise, I'll either head for the blacksmith or defend the mines until support arrives. Of course, if we lose 3 bases in the process, I can't do much about that.
As a warrior your main focus is mid and securing kills only fc if no one grabs it.

As for winning arathi...

Always get blacksmith most important base, then get another base and finally get thier spawn base and farm them, if you can 5 cap while controlling thier spawn base do it, if not keep farming and holding the bases you have.
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I'm noticing something very fishy in a few random pugs, recently. There's a Horde group, probably premade, that just absolutely annihilates any group I'm in, far faster than what I've usually seen. However, it's a lot more than just having better coordination and communication. They're 1-2 shotting full twinks before healers can even react. Plus, they seem to have some ability to deliver massive knockback that I've never seen before, at such low levels. I could accept another team just being better than mine, but this seems way beyond what I've seen before, in the past month. Do you have any idea what's going on here? It's not even worth playing against such power.
I'm noticing something very fishy in a few random pugs, recently. There's a Horde group, probably premade, that just absolutely annihilates any group I'm in, far faster than what I've usually seen. However, it's a lot more than just having better coordination and communication. They're 1-2 shotting full twinks before healers can even react. Plus, they seem to have some ability to deliver massive knockback that I've never seen before, at such low levels. I could accept another team just being better than mine, but this seems way beyond what I've seen before, in the past month. Do you have any idea what's going on here? It's not even worth playing against such power.

It can just be how much Arcane/Balance/MM Hunters they have... that shit is FULL ON TOXIC right now with the burst damage and any morons can abuse it. You are probably just noticing Bursting Shot I would imagine? Just more awesome Blizzard has shoved down the slobbering maw of Huntards.
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They're 1-2 shotting full twinks before healers can even react. Plus, they seem to have some ability to deliver massive knockback that I've never seen before, at such low levels.

1-2 shotting ppl : I took a hit for 900 dmg by 'incendiary-ammunition' none-crit on top of whatever his normal skill did -> pretty much 1 shot.

Knockback: Hunter & Shamans
1-2 shotting ppl : I took a hit for 900 dmg by 'incendiary-ammunition' none-crit on top of whatever his normal skill did -> pretty much 1 shot.

Knockback: Hunter & Shamans

Yeah well most of that is going away... or at least you will only take half of that in a few months.

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