Funny how the tides turn

I am a 24 hunter. I was called a bandwagoner, I was said to be only able to play with a faceroll class. truth is ive had a 29 and a 39 in vanilla bc and wotlk before they changed. then i had a 19 and 24. It used to be a common theme to see 4 or 5 hunters per bg. Last game I was one and only. I think that is the first time ever in an xp off bg that has happened. It is amazing how fast peoplle turn off them. Im jsut saying poeple gotta have some class loyalty or else the whole battle group will get []. I know I will never make a holy pally cuz it isnt my play style but a balance druid is awful tempting as ive always wanted to try one. All Im saying is people keep playing some hunters, it is rediculous when a class dies this quick.
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It's quite common after a game changing patch such as this one for people to try out new classes and or specs.
I understand that but you dont just drop your main twink. I guess I had it coming to me as my favorite class also happened to be the most OP so now im complaining but I am fine with an OP class jsut not to the point where f2ps can beat me. with liek 2 spells.
I am a 24 hunter. I was called a bandwagoner, I was said to be only able to play with a faceroll class. truth is ive had a 29 and a 39 in vanilla bc and wotlk before they changed. then i had a 19 and 24. It used to be a common theme to see 4 or 5 hunters per bg. Last game I was one and only. I think that is the first time ever in an xp off bg that has happened. It is amazing how fast peoplle turn off them. Im jsut saying poeple gotta have some class loyalty or else the whole battle group will get []. I know I will never make a holy pally cuz it isnt my play style but a balance druid is awful tempting as ive always wanted to try one. All Im saying is people keep playing some hunters, it is rediculous when a class dies this quick.

I'm basically the same as you for all but the lv 24 part and the twinking in previous xpacs.. I've only done 4 bgs in the last 3 days (probably the lowest in along time) but I have seen atleast 50 healers in those bgs (3 WSG 1 AB). out of those 50+ I'm guessing 15 were the persons main twink before MoP, 10 was a class the person had geared and enjoyed playing before MoP that has decided to play as a main toon now and 25 were new rerolls that have been made in the last 2 weeks. Think this bracket going from on avg 6-7 hunts in each wsg to 10-15 healers per bg describes how FoTM this bracket is and how much more OP healers are now then hunts were before thus interesting much more attention.

I have thought about rerolling a Hpal just to point out the bad new rerollers but then realized Id just be making a new toon for the exact same reason I made a hunt (to stop being farmed by bad 24 hunts) and would be incredibly overpowered vs any non-healer, much more so then I was as a hunt in cata.

If you enjoy hunters like you say then respec, as I assume you were probably SV, to BM or MM so you can atleast make some sort of impact in the healer flooded bgs and try to adapt to being one of the worst classes when you were the best class before. Won't be easy but atleast you will know that even though that new 5 day old Hpal just 2 shot you that you are the better player more then likely. /hunt love
I am a 24 hunter. I was called a bandwagoner, I was said to be only able to play with a faceroll class.

It is amazing how fast peoplle turn off them. Im jsut saying poeple gotta have some class loyalty.

I know I will never make a holy pally cuz it isnt my play style but a balance druid is awful tempting. All Im saying is people keep playing some hunters, it is rediculous when a class dies this quick.

You're a 24 hunter who will soon go Bal Druid, but want the other hunters to stay with their hunters?

We're not even a week into a major patch. Already Blizzard has started fixing some of the issues we see. I have faith they will fix holy shock soon. After that BGs will be playable again. Sure healing is still too good and druid mobility is just funny, but the game will be playable.
I was going to make a warrior but now pally has taken the lead..

off topic

Was TI gone for a few days or was i typing wrong lol
Hunters don't hit very hard at all anymore. I experimented in a few bg's in the 20-21 xp on range on holy paladin with mix matched gear and was unkillable. Only time i got close was when a warrior speced in throwdown would cc me long enough to get low but one flash of light which apparently is a free heal almost would crit for more than my hp pool. I'm Leary now about this bracket and may wait till end of xpac to twink when i'm bored like i did before with a few other toons. I know my 21 pally in crap gear is 10x more powerful then my 24 pally i had in bis gear at end of cata. Also solo'd SFK doing 220 dps on trash and 230-240 on bosses.
my paly is still prot! sucks to only have 160 mana. thats 3 flash heals if i need them. not very many flash heals if you ask me.

heal specs have 400% bonus to mana could be why some people are going holy. well that and the holy shock garbage , but whatever. if you dont like it, then dont play.

ps. while im not on my 24's im taking a huntard to either 80 or 85 to twink there. hearing about how hunters "got nurfed too much" made me curious about them again and decided to pewpew my way through bg's to level. no boas. unenchanted gear etc.hunter is so not underpowered....

heres my alt. just 60 gear no gems. not wasting time farming slot gear and gemming it for xp on games.
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tons of cc, speed boost after i disengage and i still get to pewpew while moving. if you're having trouble playing a hunter, then the problem is you. not the class. yes, even at 24.
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You're a 24 hunter who will soon go Bal Druid, but want the other hunters to stay with their hunters?

We're not even a week into a major patch. Already Blizzard has started fixing some of the issues we see. I have faith they will fix holy shock soon. After that BGs will be playable again. Sure healing is still too good and druid mobility is just funny, but the game will be playable.

I ended up staying with my hunter cuz i was too lazy to make a druid. So i am loyal lol. Mainly i put 35 days played on that hunter im not bout to reroll.
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Yep! Tales of the Otori!! Love that series, maybe my favorite books. Also one of my fave all-time football players is Takeo Spikes

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