Frost mages


How are they as of 5.4?

Seems like they should be doing a ton of damage since Ice Lance's base dmg was buffed so much. Also water ele was buffed and I believe frostbolt as well.

Strictly talking about 24 because of FoF procs.
Wasn't asking for f2p qq, thanks though.

but hes right, all classes at 24 are decent-overpowered as hell, even the "up" specs with the new 5.4 enchants..
24s frostmages can kill a non stam stacking f2p dude in one shatter, but its still not as op as huntards/rogues and your text makes you look like you wanna play a godclass.. so no mage
with ice lance buff i'd say frost mages are almost are bar with shadowpriests damage wise.
i've manage to crit around 1150 ice lances with FoF , power torrent proc and berzerker buff . i guess i could have hit for a lot more if it was on a efc with debuff stacks on.

the only downside of playing a frost mage with a glass cannon setup is the low health, if you don't manage to kill your opponent in a shatter or don't have a healer your pretty much fucked. most of the time it's worth the sarcifice as a lot of people seem to underestimate the damagefrost mages can do and just charge in total tunnel vision thinking easy kill, then a shatter later their looking through their combat logs thinking wtf just happend.

over all a glass cannon frost mage can be a lot of fun to play, but there's also the games where you just wana bite off your lip due lack of healers or faceing 7 hunters.

best of luck with it!
Rofl, I am not a free to play. See my above post.

Okay, well I just assumed because it seems like only f2p's comment about how OP 24s are when they really aren't THAT far ahead because of bracket scaling.

Thanks for the info guys, hitting 1150 with zerker buff soo like 900ish without it? seems pretty damn good to me. Fighting hunters would still be a pain in the ass I'm sure.
I'm also playing frostmage and I can only agree with what the others said. It's kinda like WotlK/Cataclysm arcane mage. If you are left alone you destroy people but you are quite the glasscannon. Especially in 1v2 situations even tho mage control is pretty powerful if rogues/warriors just get a couple seconds of uptime you are dead and with hunters on you it's basicly impossible to cast so pretty frustrating sometimes.

Good news, hotfixed from yesterday:
Ice Lance's damage has been increased by 20%.
Waterbolt's damage has been increased by 10%.
I'm also playing frostmage and I can only agree with what the others said. It's kinda like WotlK/Cataclysm arcane mage. If you are left alone you destroy people but you are quite the glasscannon. Especially in 1v2 situations even tho mage control is pretty powerful if rogues/warriors just get a couple seconds of uptime you are dead and with hunters on you it's basicly impossible to cast so pretty frustrating sometimes.

Good news, hotfixed from yesterday:
Ice Lance's damage has been increased by 20%.
Waterbolt's damage has been increased by 10%.

There is a big difference though between that Arcane spec from Wotlk/Cata and Frost. Arcane Blast had no spell animation. You could sit behind a tree or in some bushes and just light people up.

Frost at level 24 everyone sees where your Icelance and other spells are being cast from and that is a huge gamebreaker. You lose a big part of the element of surprise.
Played some frost mage tonight, won a few bgs. Nothing has changed, you do a lot of damage if someone heals you, otherwise hunters just kill you off. Helped win a few bgs. Priest, Hunter, Hpally, ect is still better then frost mage.
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Played some frost mage tonight, won a few bgs. Nothing has changed, you do a lot of damage if someone heals you, otherwise hunters just kill you off. Helped win a few bgs. Priest, Hunter, Hpally, ect is still better then frost mage.

I saw a frost mage last night one shot a couple of my teammates, but I do agree that they are glass cannons.
whats that crying about 24's ?? all i c from f2p is prot pala and hunters anyway i would qq moar about p2p 20 then 24 tbh

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