They are 24's, of course they will be doing a ton of damage.
Wasn't asking for f2p qq, thanks though.
Wasn't asking for f2p qq, thanks though.
over all a glass cannon frost mage can be a lot of fun to play, but there's also the games where you just wana bite off your lip due lack of healers or faceing 7 hunters.
best of luck with it!
Rofl, I am not a free to play. See my above post.
I'm also playing frostmage and I can only agree with what the others said. It's kinda like WotlK/Cataclysm arcane mage. If you are left alone you destroy people but you are quite the glasscannon. Especially in 1v2 situations even tho mage control is pretty powerful if rogues/warriors just get a couple seconds of uptime you are dead and with hunters on you it's basicly impossible to cast so pretty frustrating sometimes.
Good news, hotfixed from yesterday:
Ice Lance's damage has been increased by 20%.
Waterbolt's damage has been increased by 10%.
HahahahahaOkay, well I just assumed because it seems like only f2p's comment about how OP 24s are when they really aren't THAT far ahead because of bracket scaling.
How can you say that with a straight face?
denial isn't just a river in egyptbrace yourself, backpaddling p2ps with twice your stats will insult you because they arent THAT far ahead HUEHEUHEHAHAHEHUA
Played some frost mage tonight, won a few bgs. Nothing has changed, you do a lot of damage if someone heals you, otherwise hunters just kill you off. Helped win a few bgs. Priest, Hunter, Hpally, ect is still better then frost mage.
Frost mages are insanely overpowered. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Just remember to bring a healer with you.![]()