
Hi there,

Last time I wrote about a destruction warlock, a class that is heavily underplayed and not in a very good spot right now.
This time I thought, let's take a look at a class that is played more, but a specialization that is not played a lot: Frost Mage.
So, everyone knows that Arcane Mage is top tier right now, therefore it's even more interesting to look at Frost instead of Arcane.

This post will be split in different sections found under the spoilers.

This character will also be made with RP in mind, therefore an Alliance race is chosen. All Alliance races are capable of being a Mage. In the following list you can find the racials of each race and my opinion on them.
  • Human
    Humans have two very interesting racials, the first one being The Human Spirit, this increase is very useful and can make quite a difference on a geared character.
    The second racial is Every Man for Himself, this racials is still very useful, especially in PvP, even though its cooldown is now shared with other effects.
  • Dwarf
    Dwarf have three racials that might prove to be useful; Frost Resistance, Might of the Mountain and Stoneform. The only class that is able to deal frost damage is a mage, so you will probably not notice any difference. Might of the Mountain can be very useful, but will depend on the stat priority that will be discussed later. Stoneform is great, especially when, for example a rogue, is about to jump on you and your defensive spell are on cooldown.
  • Night Elf
    Night elves have many racials, those being Nature Resistance, Quickness, Shadowmeld and Touch of Elune. Many classes are able to deal nature damage: Druids, Hunters, Monks and Shamans, so it might be useful. An increase in dodging and movementspeed is always nice to have, just like an increase in haste or critical strike. Shadowmeld is a good racial, but I doubt it would prove useful for a mage.
  • Gnome
    Gnomes have several racials that would fit a mage, they are Arcane Resistance, Escape Artist, Expansive Mind and Nimble Fingers. Several classes are able to deal arcane damage (also nice against Arcane Mage), those are Druid, Hunter and Mage. Escape Artist is a great racial, it's very useful when Blink is on cooldown. Expansive Mind can be useful, but I doubt you will ever run out of mana without it. Nimble Fingers can help your strength in battle, but it will depend on the stat priority.
  • Draenei
    Draenei have some racials, but in my opinion they are not that great: Gift of the Naaru, Heroic Presence and Shadow Resistance. The first racial is a heal, it will heal a very low amount, because as a mage you will not have much health. Heroic Presence will give you 3 (at level 20) or 4 (at level 29) intellect extra, which can make a minor difference. Priests (Shadow only), Rogues (Subtlety only) and Warlocks are able to deal Shadow damage, but you will probably not see a lot of them.
  • Worgen
    Worgen also have three racials that can prove to be useful, they are as follows: Aberration, Darkflight and Viciousness. Abberation combines the Night Elf and Draenei racial into one, which is slightly better, but still not great. Darkflight is awesome, especially in PvP. Viciousness will depend on the stat priority.
  • Pandaren
    Pandaren are the final Alliance race that can be a Mage. Their racials have no direct impact, but can be made very useful, I am talking about Epicurean and Quaking Palm. Epicurean will double your food bonusses, so that will net you some extra stats, but will not make a big difference. Quaking Palm can prove to be useful, but it does require melee range, so it might be not that great on a Mage.
Myself, I decided to go with a Human, also for Transmogrification purposes. Other races I would suggest are Night Elf and Gnome.
Stat priorities are always a difficult thing to talk about, mainly because it depends on many factors, and also because around level 20 it is very different in comparison to the maximum level.

What is known for sure, is that your primary stat, intellect for Mages, should be your first priority.
Then, there is the option between three secondary stats:
  • Versatility (Increased damage and healing done, decreased damage taken)
  • Haste (increased attack and cast time)
  • Critical Strike (Extra effectiveness on damage and healing)
There are many possibilities to order these, but first we should take a look at a Frost Mage passive: Shatter. What Shatter does is, when an enemy is frozen, your abilities will have an increased chance to critical strike. When making some calculations we will find that you can get this value to 100% when your critical strike is 33.34%. This will be an increase in your damage output.
In my opinion, for PvE, the stat priority should be crit(33.34%) > haste > vers, because the damage increase is not better than the faster casting and the decrease in damage is not needed (a lot) in PvE.

For PvP, it is very different. Versatility, especially at this level, is very strong. Therefore, I would suggest to focus primarily one versatility, then on getting your critical strike to 33.34% and then going for haste. So, you will need to get 33.34-5=28.34% critical strike from items (or other sources). I guess this would require about 55 critical strike. It is possible to reach this value, but it would require critical strike to be the primary focus.
For these reasons, it is not yet possible to state a stat priority for PvP and it would require some more discussion. This will be updated accordingly.
A talent can be picked at level 15, the choices a Frost Mage has are Bone Chilling, Lonely Winter and Ice Nova.
For PvE purposes, it seems that Bone Chilling is the talent to take. Picking Lonely Winter would decrease your damage instead of increasing it and Ice Nova would not help as much as Bone Chilling would do.
For PvP, on the other hand, Ice Nova is the talent to pick. Ice Nova enables you to output more CC (Crowd Control: slows, stuns, roots, etc) and zone more. Just like with PvE, Lonely Winter is not great. And because in Battlegrounds you will not be having an extended fight, Bone Chilling will not work like it should.
Because picking gear for a class requires one to know what the stat priority should be, this will be delayed until the stat priority is known. When this is known, this section will be updated accordingly.
I want to thank you for reading this post, please let me know what you think about it. It would also be nice to finish it with a stat priority and a gear section, so feel free to discuss it here.

Hey i wanted to add a fun fact about low lvl frost mages. Currently frostbolt damage scaling in duels is broken. Try duel a high lvl and hit them with frostbolt. On my 19 mage with a lot of int i manage to do insane hits on max lvls , sometimes 10%hp per frostbolt. The happened after a previous patch where they boosted frostbolts damage in pvp. I dont know if having a lot of int has any effect on the scaling bug. But i havent seen any info on this so i thought i share it with yall.
Hey i wanted to add a fun fact about low lvl frost mages. Currently frostbolt damage scaling in duels is broken. Try duel a high lvl and hit them with frostbolt. On my 19 mage with a lot of int i manage to do insane hits on max lvls , sometimes 10%hp per frostbolt. The happened after a previous patch where they boosted frostbolts damage in pvp. I dont know if having a lot of int has any effect on the scaling bug. But i havent seen any info on this so i thought i share it with yall.

Low lvl frost mage WPvP inc.
The gear required (and race required) will have alot to do with what the role of the class is in a BG. You seem to have an affinity for CC heavy classes that would find niche spots on premade teams. Which is awesome, and I commend you for that. But with that in mind, I'd suggest gearing your frost mage like you would your warlock. Heavy on survivability with some haste. Your role, after all, is frost/ice novas and polymorphs, not damage.

God speed, man. I love the enthusiasm.
The gear required (and race required) will have alot to do with what the role of the class is in a BG. You seem to have an affinity for CC heavy classes that would find niche spots on premade teams. Which is awesome, and I commend you for that. But with that in mind, I'd suggest gearing your frost mage like you would your warlock. Heavy on survivability with some haste. Your role, after all, is frost/ice novas and polymorphs, not damage.

God speed, man. I love the enthusiasm.
Thanks a lot, but my main issue is that I don't have an affinity for anything. I'm almost at the point where I played every class and specialization to max level with some gearing and battlegrounds. This will teach me what I can expect and how others think and play, but I never found something to stick with...
Right now I'm playing an Assassination Rogue (something entirely different) and don't think I'll keep playing either. I really need to find myself a main class, but I just can't make it happen...

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