Free to play Challenge Modes!


Today i started challenge modes just seeing how fast we could clear all the dungeons that are ava to us.

Below is the current speed run standings for ap and f2p in general. Get a group and finish list your time and i'll change the times with your team beside.

Deadmines: 7 minutes and 36 seconds

Ragefire chasm: 3 minutes and 55 seconds

wailing caverns: 15 minutes and 44 seconds

Shadowfang keep: 10 minutes and 36 seconds

bfd: 21 minutes and 04 seconds

stocks: 7 minutes and 11 seconds

Team lokah: one rogue, one warrior, two paladins and one shammy.

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Re: Time trials on ap!

this is a cool idea i dig this

could even make some vids out of it, get someone on each team who can fraps to record the run

time starts from first pull, time ends when last boss encounter ends (whether by dying or reaching a certain "guarantee win" stage.. i dunno if any of our dungeons have something liek that on the endboss)

it'll be like................ THE DRAGONSOUL CHALLENGE

Vodka vs Method: Dragon Soul Challenge - Speedrun for Charity ($25K gathered!) - YouTube
Re: Time trials on ap!

Would you have to do every boss? You can save alot of time on stocks and bfd if you skip bosses. It would also be tough to see a realm time unless using a video as someone can just start a stopwatch early. Would have to use the honor system kinda but I like the idea! Gives something new to try to do non pvp related
Re: Time trials on ap!

All bosses have to be downed is a must, aside from kresh in wailing caverns, since he doesn't attack you at all.

I've been thinking of some very strong comps,

Protection paladin (tank)

Resto druid (Healer/damage hybrid)

Feral druid (damage)

Sub rogue (damage)

Combat rogue (damage)
Re: Time trials on ap!

I actualy would suggest a Warrior tank they can AoE with thunderclap and have more mitigation.
Re: Time trials on ap!

I actualy would suggest a Warrior tank they can AoE with thunderclap and have more mitigation.

You know i was thinking about that too, but i keep thinking their healing and their speed from talents would be super with a druid healing so they can break ahead while the rest of the dps just kill off the remaining mobs.
Re: Time trials on ap!

Yeah that is a good idea, but I literally never have to stop moving on my Warrior while tanking with Charge and Thunderclap. It's whatever works Im not sure which is more viable.
i was thinking five balance druids actually
Guys keep in mind, that i'm pretty sure all classes are viable in this, but druids is def some to look into....
Re: Time trials on ap!

You know i was thinking about that too, but i keep thinking their healing and their speed from talents would be super with a druid healing so they can break ahead while the rest of the dps just kill off the remaining mobs.

Having healed as an Rdruid I agree. With the changes to mangle single target cat damage in resto is decent and on multi target an rdruid should be moonfiring everything between rejuves.

So in an average group a pally tank is better as they can self heal. Now if you were putting together a geared group I think it would be negligible.

BTW, pally has thunderclap now too.

Today, i'm going to be trying to set up a group. I'll be on couple hours before the fishing tournament starts!
Why not add Gnomer to the list? I've gone in there on my priest and killed a few elites, got bored and grabbed a parachute and left. So many misses it takes a bit to down them.
Why not add Gnomer to the list? I've gone in there on my priest and killed a few elites, got bored and grabbed a parachute and left. So many misses it takes a bit to down them.

I've been thinking about doing that but...the only problem is that's in alliance terrortory if i'm mistaken covered in 90 guards.

Also a good point was brought up last night for WC would it be viable for tank/healer to go one way and the 3 dps resto druid go the other way?
Prot pally tank, 2 rdruid healers (or just one if RFC or DM), possibly an arcane mage spamming arcane explosion with 6 stacks while following the pally, something with good aoe (warlock?)

IMO cata prot warrior would have been best for this. Equiping a 2h to use rend and then keeping that high dmg rend up with TC (using sword and board now) as you chain pull the whole dungeon with 4 healers on you...

WC would have a different comp with a tank and heals going up theone side and a tank and 2 offheals taking the other side.

Actually, each dungeon would have a different comp. Could prob wreck through RFC with 5 arms warriors.
Try the teleport from Grom'gol it's good.

Now for speed runs, i'd suggest 4 prot paladin + healer into SFK. I can predict times of around 7-8 min from first pull till all bosses dead. Of course you'd want some decent gear on the pallies.

I need your characters name and atleast two of the group members before updating.
Most of these won't need a healer at all if geared Hpally tanking with self heals, can thus stack 4 aoe oriented dps and chain pull.

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