Free to Play: 20 Twinking and You


With the modifications of trial accounts to never expire a new era of twinking has approached that will be known as "Free to Play" or F2P. Using a trial account and adjusting to their limitations (described below) the community will reside in the 20-24 XP Off bracket. Numerous twinks are popping up and games are starting to form as well!

Please understand that there will be four variations of players mentioned in this guide:

EU and US players

Trial and Live account players

All four should be interested in the general welfare of the bracket and follow the gear/enchant guidelines F2P users have. Live users will have to stop experience at level twenty just like a regular twink would. Also, because active EU players have agreed to play on the US servers I will not include instructions for US players to play on EU realms.


  • Trial accounts never expire.
  • Burning Crusade is enabled, allowing the creation of Draenei & Blood Elves.
  • Both EU and US players can participate (instructions to follow).
  • PvP burst is limited by the lack of higher end enchants and Auction House gear.
  • Realm of choice for BOTH factions and EU/US is Aerie Peak - US.
  • Because of the limits on trade skills, you MUST craft your own gear/enchants/consumables which includes farming them yourself.
  • EU players playing on Aerie Peak - US will experience a slight increase in latency due to overseas connections.
  • Gear is limited to quest rewards, dungeon drops, and BoAs earned through PvP
  • I will reiterate, that the realm of choice for ALL EU players is Aerie Peak on the US server


  • A level cap of 20.
  • A maximum of 10 gold.
  • Trade skills are capped at 100 ranks.
  • Unable to trade via the Auction House, mailbox, or player-to-player.
  • In-game access to public chat channels unavailable. Players are limited to communicating using only say, party, or whisper.
  • Characters will be unable to create or join guilds.
  • Characters are not able to send whispers to other characters unless they have been added to the characters' friends lists or have received a whisper from a character first.
  • Characters will not be able to invite other players into a party.
  • Characters will not be able to join parties with other characters above level 20.
  • Voice chat disabled on Starter Edition accounts.
  • Realms experiencing login queues will prioritize players who have full, paid accounts.
  • Starter Edition accounts are not eligible for character transfers
  • RealID features are disabled on all Starter Edition Accounts.

Making an Account: From Scratch

If you wish to play in the US F2P community, click here! to create a new account & Starter Edition account

  1. Fill in your account information
  2. Next, check to see if the region is set to Americas/Oceania, if it isn't click below where it says "What's my region?" - Image
  3. Now, select the appropriate region from the list (Americas/Oceania for F2Pers) - Image
  4. Finally, click the button that says "Play It Free" once all your information is entered - Image
  5. Congrats! You have successfully created a new and Starter Edition account; you may now log in with your new account or if you are EU see below for logging onto the US servers

Making an Account: Existing Account

If you have an existing account please log into that account here!

Also, please note that the maximum number of accounts per account is five

Only one starter edition account per region is permitted

  1. Once logged in click the Account Summary tab at the top
  2. If you are using an existing US account, skip to step 5
  3. If you are using an existing EU account, hit the button in the bottom right corner with your Region and Language - Image
  4. Next, choose your corresponding Region (Americas for F2P) and Language of choice - Image
  5. Once you have set your region, you should notice a non highlighted box under the accounts panel with the new region in it, hit the Play For Free button within it - Image
  6. Congrats! You have successfully created a new Starter Edition account; you may now log in with your new account or if you are EU see below for logging onto the US servers

EU: How to Play

Step by Step Video Tutorial on Changing Your Realmlist

Click! - Warcraftnick​

Step by Step Photo Tutorial on Changing Your Realmlist

Click! - Invictusa​

The first step is to locate your World of Warcraft folder: for most of you this will be located as such - My Computer, C:\ Drive - Image, Program Files - Image, World of Warcraft

  1. From there, click the folder called Data
  2. Then, click the folder called enUS (or your respective en?? folder)
  3. Find the file called realmlist and open it with Notepad - Image
  4. Replace everything with the following lines of text and save - Image,

    set realmlist

    set patchlist

    set realmlistbn ""

    set portal us
  5. Exit Notepad after you have saved and you are officially playing on the US servers with your US account!

I'm F2P. How do I talk/meet others like me?

If you are on the Aerie Peak - US servers the best way to meet people is through the public channel f2ptwink. You can join by typing /join f2ptwink and then /chatlist f2ptwink. From here you have to add them and wait for them to add you back.

Free to Play Accounts are limited to:





In order to whisper someone you must have each other added. Along with ventrilo and limited in game chat we also have a thread dedicated to listed F2P twinks. It has been brought up that general meeting areas such as outside Undercity and Ironforge be designated. Also, it deserves to be mentioned that Shattrath hearthstones provide excellent transportation to and from cities with the ability to duel/meet the opposite faciton.

You can always reach other F2Pers at the following mediums:

XFire Channel


Ventrilo (20 Man Capacity - Shared Ventrilo) - Purecraft


Port: 3788

Channel: Level 20 F2P Twinks

Channel Password: F2P​


Live and Starter Edition accounts are welcome provided you abide by the same gearing rules. As much as this bracket needs true F2P players we also need active live players to promote activity and an in game community. General meeting areas as mentioned above would allow duels, friend adding, parties, and the like.

Most players reside on the Aerie Peak - US realm. It is HIGHLY encouraged that EU players play on US servers to consolidate this bracket. You can contact us through the Twink Info forums, through PMs and our subforum. It would be a good to idea to ask people in battlegrounds to add each other. Also, remember only active accounts can initiate party groups. On an ending note, this bracket shows great promise and I hope this thread provides enough information for newcomers world wide.

Congratulations and can't wait to see you all in game,

Aerie Peak

Opiniøn, Horde

Opiniøns, Alliance
Err, one thing:

I might want to try this out, but I somehow missed it how I can add a US F2P Account on my EU-based BNet-Acc (have a SC2 and a Vanilla/TBC WoW Acc which they gifted to me on it, both EU).

Anyone has any clues in here? :C
Thanks! Lemme know of any problems, want it airtight as possible.

Uhm, try logging into the US based website with your EU account? I saw a screenshot in a previous thread which had someone with what you are trying to do.
Care to share? Might as well just lump it under the Existing Bnet paragraph.
Yeah, here you go:

As some of you might have noticed, adding another trial acc on another region if you already have some accounts on one region might be a bit tricky, so I decided to share how it is done.

Blame Blizzards for such a crappy UI.

First of all you should go to the Account Summary page, which can be found here and looks this way:

(On the top right, just besides the welcome XYZA)

Then click on the green 'Add a Game'-Button on the right, once you´re on your Account summary page:

This should lead you to the following page:

Now click on this button:

This, again, should lead you to this page:

Now click on this:

Then that´s what you should see:

Chose the region here where you want to have your new F2P account.

Now go to the beginning again, and you should be able to add your F2P account on your desired region. ;) You should then see smth like this - hooray!:

(Yeah, I had to go to Taiwan because everywhere else [US & EU, to be exact], I´ve already added my trial accounts. :D)
Will filter it into the guide and give you credit.

Procrastinators unite tomorrow.
Opinion, very nice job over all. If you could add a small section as to how to contact billing to have your previous trial accounts removed - with links etc. - It would be great. Once that's up, I'll sticky it.


Also add what information people will be required to have at hand in case they wish to call billing - or use the formula.

Best regards and thanks,

Twinkinfo staff.
This is great Opinion!

Me and Artholin are currently trying out the xfire chat (which you can also have ingame) so we can have smooth communication even at F2P accounts. This is better than quake net or something similar than that and we have already made the channel and just need more people to come.

We can maybe add it to this guide or make a thread about it.
How to change your realmlist quickly and easily explained with pictures.

Klick here.

US Realmlist

[I]set realmlist

set patchlist

set realmlistbn ""

set portal us[/I]

EU Realmlist

set realmlist

set patchlist

set realmlistbn ""

set portal eu

This works for boththe EU and U.S. players.
I just went on the official US wow forum and pressed "try for free" and I got it, you dont need to do it trough an existing account


Add US account to EU account

Blur Personal Info (even though its censored by Blizzard)

To Be Added:


Trial Account Removal


New Account From Scratch


RID features are disabled, says in the limitations

Found a faster EU to US method

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